Thursday, November 6, 2014

All IN or All GONE

Nobody likes second-best, nor does anybody remember; Name one monumental person that came in 2nd place... I'll wait. You won't make your mark in history by playing second to the greats, either you are or you aren't.

You have it in you to operate at your maximum potential, but the key is wanting it. How much do you want to make a difference? How bad do you want to attain your dreams? It all starts and ends with these two questions.

In life I've learned that you've gotta be all in or completely out. You can't do something half-ass and expect exceptional results. You can't have a billionaire's mindset with pennies... okay you can, but you get what I'm trying to say lol. Bottom line, if you want something, ANYTHING, you've gotta go for the gold.. the pure 24k gold, not the imitation kind; the only time imitation is acceptable is in the form of flattery, and even then you're treading a thin line lol.

There's no middle man when it comes to passion. There's no in-between, no escape plan, it's all or nothing. You have to choose when it comes to your dreams, do you half-way want it or do you whole-way need it. The choice is yours, have a good one my loves ! :)

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Shambles are Setups for Surprises

Raise your hand if your life feels like you're in the middle of a hurricane. Keep them raised if you have no idea what the future holds. Clap your hands if you know giving up will only set you back further than what you already are.

You are not alone, you are NEVER alone. Everyone is experiences some type of storm currently, and the only option is to whether it. When the clouds clear, the sun shall shine brighter than ever before, and I don't know about you, but I'm more than ready for brighter days.

Try finding the positive in the hardest of times. Not working? Had to sit out a semester? Everything's falling apart at work? Too much stress for one person at school? Things could always be worse, so be grateful for everything you are blessed with, it could all be taken away in a second.

These shambles as I like to call them are only for the betterment of your future. Don't ask God for something and expect him not to set you up for it. All the pain, sacrifice and sorrow will be understood once you realize why you were born; and that moment comes once God feels you're ready to receive the life he has in store for you. Don't fight change, the surprise comes after the storm when the sun decides to rise.

Friday, October 31, 2014

5 Reasons...

I took a Hiatus  
5. Butterfly Effect. Within the time-span of 3 months my wings have been expanding and are almost ready for lift-off. I have been transitioning and becoming the Candis I've always desired to be. With that being said, I had to let go of my caterpillar ways so that I could break out of my cocoon to soar at my highest potential the way God intended.
4. Questionable Mentions. One of the primary reasons I had to step back from blogging was the uncertainty of readers. I would give everything and an extra 10% in all of my work and felt like nobody was receiving it. This is solely because I seldom received feedback; I've found that people are either shy, indifferent or oblivious to the comments section under my posts lol. But it's all good, if y'all love it and receive it that's all that matters to me, because I'm out to make a difference.
3. Battery Recharge. I can't remember the last time I took time for myself to really just relax and do nothing. I have spent my entire life being productive: working, educating myself and writing. This is the time I have the time (and grateful I am) to chill and recharge my batteries. I put so much focus on this empire I've envisioned, but Rome wasn't built in a day right?
2. Altered Perspective. I knew I had to step back from writing once I began to do it for the money. I was so hungry for instant gratification that I would over-extend myself and spend money I didn't have "investing in myself." I had to come to realize that the money will come, I just have to sow my seed and watch it flourish.
1. Life. As the saying goes "shit happens" and completely knocked me off my rocker. Got me down to my knees and I had no other choice at that point but to stay in position and pray. I had to cut some things out of my life, and more importantly people; It's all in preparation for what's to come in the future, and I can't have anything holding me back for the 99 and the 2000 ! lol

I'll neva let ya down Imma shine on sight !

Saturday, October 11, 2014

Loser Takes All !

Yes I wrote that correctly, but re-read if you must. Loser or Los-er is only what you make it. If it means nothing to you when someone says it you won't care, but oh contraire...

Ultimately you are what you eat and believe. There's only power in things you accept as true, otherwise why would you get in your feelings about it?

Let's reflect... How many times have you gotten mad at someone for saying something you disagreed with? Not being able to accept criticism is a form of immaturity. Learn to listen for understanding instead of hearing to respond.

Friday, October 10, 2014

5 easonsRay...

I wanna hear a Pig Latin song 

5. OveLay. How many ways can I spell the words ? How many trees can be filled with birds?

4. RilliantBay. Do you see what I see? What a beautiful reflection starring back at me !

3. EarlessFay. If you don't want me then don't talk to me go ahead and ____ yourself.

2. NtertainingEay. L-O-N-G ickDay

1. Ilarioushay. Try saying your name in Pig Latin 5 times fast, then imagine it over a dope song. AndisCay x 5, here's the song in my head lol.

And here's a lil sum for those that never have heard a pig Latin song, can you make one better?

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Daer A Koob

This ones for the talkers. The ones that have everything to say but nothing to offer. An opinion about everything but a lack of motivation to accomplish anything.

Stop the self loathing, pity parties and "woe is me" hoopla. You are what you believe, simple and plan. Read a book.

An ignorant mind is a waste of time. And ignorance only means not knowing. Get some learning and showcase it to the world. Stop being so scary and broaden your horizon, you've got it in you... tap into it and never let go !

I don't care what it is: a Bible, Rosetta Stone, Self-help book, an Autobiography, Journal, hell even a coloring book. Open it up and dive in ! And don't hesitate to share that info with a friend, just like that... THE END !

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Even Nothing Is Something

My escape from everything, please say you'll be nothin'
And I will give you everything, man you are really somethin'... else- Jhene Aiko

Warning ! This ones for the ladies ! lol okay y'all ready? Here we go !

Raise your hand if you've ever been in a Questionship? Yes I said questionship, it's my word I created it and highlighted it for your convenience lol. What is a questionship you ask? A questionship is a relationship, though there is no title; it's often confused and categorically typecast as nothing; although unidentifiable, it's inevitably something.

It's the kind of relationship that crosses barriers of predetermined relationships, yet no titles allow room to blow caution to the wind towards standards and commitments. It's also the setup to all types of crazy; Psychotic levels of crazy. Barriers are created for a reason, don't straddle the fence when it comes to your relationships because it will cause constant confusion and drama. Define the relationship and stick to it. Wanna be just friends? Be just that, but never give a friend the same privileges you would a boyfriend, and especially not a husband.

Ladies we are the standard and because we are, the stakes have to be high. There has to be a trial run, probation, whatever you wanna call it. Make these men work for you, or if you wanna go Olivia Pope style earn you, stop selling yourself short. You deserve everything you expect from a man, never let anyone tell you your standards are too high. If your standards are high it's because you match them, and everyone deserves their equal.

Don't settle for mediocre when you can have exceptional. Ladies, Ryders, Loves... we are powerful, strong and beautiful; We have to lead by example, so if you expect a man to treat you with respect guess who it starts with... YOU !

The quality isn't the best but it directly correlates to today's message so I had to share !

Monday, October 6, 2014

Release The Chains Within Your Brain

We all have mental chains that stunt our growth. It comes in many forms: fear, doubt, disbelieve, faithlessness and laziness. Which category do you belong to? Yes... you do fall under one, let's not be mistaken lol, nobody's perfect.

Whatever category you fall under there is one similar trait that they all possess: hindrance. Hindrance is present in anything that is stopping you from elevating at your highest potential. A person, maybe somebody extremely close to you can be a hindrance. A job, one you took for financial reason could also stifle you from focusing on your dreams. And most importantly, a belief can be the ultimate hindrance of all; If you have even an ounce of pessimism in you, you're are doomed before you even begin. Just as the saying goes faith as small as a mustard seed, a poppy seed of faithlessness is equally powerful.

Once you release everything that says you can't with one thing that says you can, your life will change forever. You've gotta find a purpose, a drive and something to work towards, otherwise why are you living? Find a mentor, life coach, or guidance counselor to help direct you into an endless line of positivity and fulfillment. Create a vision board, blueprint, outline... whatever you wanna call it, to jump start you progression.

Stop throwing endless pity parties for yourself and get out there and make something of yourself. Ask for help... ASK ! Put your pride aside and go after your dreams. One of my Instagram followers said something so powerful to me the other day DREAMS DON'T DIE. That had to go into hall of fame of memories museum because it's so factual, dreams never die, the desire to acquire a dream never fades, and that dream won't quit nagging whether you achieve it or give up. Don't give up my loves, you've got generations to inspire !

And here's a musical selection to get you through the day, disregard the title and listen to the message, ENJOY !

Wednesday, October 1, 2014


After you've done all you can... you just STAND !

When you are completely out of ideas, options, plans and alternatives, there's nothing left to do but stop. Eventually you'll have to go back to the drawing board, but in the meantime you've gotta stand still and wait for God to give you answers. The answers you seek will come when he feels you're ready to receive him, so never sweat his technique lol.
I had to take a break, as I have to do sporadically to regroup and refocus. Life can get you down in the dumps so bad that you reevaluate everything and every aspect of it. This is what I've been doing, sitting back and gradually putting the pieces back together.
Ever felt like you had you entire life planned out, and thought you were on the right path? Then suddenly life happens, an unexpected instance comes and throws salt water on your perfectly drawn out blueprint. That's me in it's entirety right now but I refuse to be moved or discouraged, this too shall pass !

In times of detriment you've gotta keep goin' even when it feels like you have nothing left to go for. Never let a setback knock you down; a setback is only a setup for what's to come. These tests in life are only building you for what you asked for. Wanna be successful? You gotta go through some shit to get there, don't expect it to come overnight.

I'll leave you with this gem, how do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time. Got that from bible study last night, think about that and enjoy your day my loves !

Friday, September 19, 2014

Lose Yourself Then Find Yourself And Hold On Tight

It's so easy to conform and lose yourself in a relationship. Especially when the connection is strong, you inevitably wanna be everything they desire; don't think you have to be anything less than what you are, trust and believe the right one will move mountains to be with you.

Needless to say this year has been an awakening for me and the liberation of it all has created a greater me, I like to affectionately call her Candis 2.0 lol. Here's a letter I wrote to myself, as a reminder to always put myself first and love everything that I am, flaws and all.

I think it'd be cool for everybody to write a letter to themselves. It could be about things you want to change, things you want to keep the same, or both; No matter what you write down... Good, bad, ugly or indifferent end on a positive note. Find the good in all things, and you'll find that your energy will reciprocate what's exerted into the universe.

Thursday, September 18, 2014

If It Ain't Good You Gotta Jugg !

I heard this quote from Scrappy and I must say it's the realest shit I've heard in a min. It's never not nothin' if it ain't good, but that's just my personal opinion lol. I mean seriously, what good is good if it doesn't exist? I'm like TIP I don't want no mediocre NOPE ! Lol

Imma let that marinate...

Lol back to the topic at hand, why stay if you can't play? Why settle when you can meddle... Wait let me rethink that one lol, sounds quite stalker-ish and I'z don't promote such things on diz hea site massa ! Lol

Digressing... One should always be searching for good, hell better than good at all times. If not you need to be juggin' to the next because better is always within reach, you just gotta stretch that mental capacity to newer heights.

For those that missed the entire message, here it goes... YOU MISSED IT ! Lmao good day young lads please do have a marvelous day of countless pleasantries !

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Do You Prefer Frisbee's or Boomerang's?

Yes Frisbee's or Boomerang's. There's no middle or in-between you've gotta pick one. If you aren't sure, come and take a walk with me.

Frisbee's are the people that come into your life, take a lot but give a little, use and abuse, and never appreciate you. You release them to the world and they never return. You categorize them as Frisbee's or lessons because they weren't destined to be in your life forever, even if you really want them to.

Boomerang's are the people that know your worth but don't feel deserving of your presence. This has nothing to do with you, and everything to do with them. They love and appreciate you but have so much going on within themselves they run away because they can't make sense of it. But what makes them different from Frisbee's, is that a Boomerang will return. A Boomerang will come back with more passion, knowledge and unconditional love for you because they see the gold in your soul.

In saying that, be cautious because Frisbee's and Boomerang's can appear to be either or; It's up to you to decipher the two. Just as beautiful people can be ugly inside, and ugly people can be beautiful inside... it's all the same. Listen, observe, and think logically. Your life is yours, you get to decide who you want in it and who should go away. But take it from me, negative people will only stifle you even if you find the positive in them. Keep positive people around you and you will receive the best gift ever known to man-kind... PEACE !

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Dreams Don't Come True... They're Made

There's such naivety in the thought that dreams can come true, sure than can but you have to make them. Here's some truth serum for that ass, there is no magic carpet unless you make it, and there sure as hell ain't no magic genie unless you're acting as one for Halloween ! Lol

Get that cloud bubble of fiction out of your head and start livin', your dreams don't create themselves you do. Love yourself, love others & love what you do. Never second guess your talent and if you do, make sure you have some real "no-men" around you to keep you in check. And by no-men I mean the people that will call you out on your shit in a heartbeat, that's what real love is.

So to all you that think that football player is gonna "save" you and change your life forever, or to those men that think they can manipulate every walking female to get what they want for some sense of fulfillment, guess again. When you do things will malicious intent it comes back tenfold... it's called karma or what I like to call a thorn covered boomerang lol.

Until next time my loves, keep on pushin' onward and upward ! :)

Monday, September 15, 2014

I Don't Want You But I Need You...

Ever felt like you couldn't live without someone? That can't eat, can't sleep, reach  for the stars over the fence world series kinda love? Like you wanted to go to every extreme to be with that one person, at all costs.

I've been there, more recent than you think, and here's a truth fact... it's not the end of the world; life goes on whether you want to or not. No person is worth losing time, money, or your sanity over. If they don't want you keep it movin' it's their loss because you're exceptional ! Don't force it or entertain confusion it'll literally drive you crazy, take it from me.

Please do not drive me crazy, crazy... unless ya gonna go with me - Jhene' Aiko

Never think you need someone more than you need yourself... and more importantly God. Give no man/woman power to control your life, as Captain Planet says the power is yours ! Do with it as you please and live life abundantly, you've only got one shot. Stop wasting time on people and things that don't or won't matter a year from now. Focus on your goals and ambition, open the window of opportunity, try something new, do something you've always wanted to do. You deserve it, now go ahead and get started !

And if you haven't guessed it just yet, you WILL love Jhene' by the time I'm done with you lol, enjoy !

Friday, September 12, 2014

5 Reasons...

Souled Out Is The Shit !

5. Confidence. She's the sexy hippie that intoxicates the world with her wit and W.A.Y.S. Every song exudes a sense of knowing and entitlement, something all women should possess. Tryna tell ya, when that self love is at an all-time high, lows don't exist.

4. Lyrics. A dope song has two important ingredients: 1. Dope lyrics & 2. A dope beat. And by dope I mean thought provoking with a gravitational pull.  Without the two a song can't be a hit. Brave is currently my favorite song on the album right now, and this line... this line right chea gives me ample amounts of life ! Please don't take my hand if you don't plan to take a stand and be a man who understands that I'm no walk in the park all these scars on my heart.

3. Brain-wave. It's safe to say she's mastered the art of double entendres. Blue Dream and The Pressure are prime examples. It's like Sail Out and Sailing Souls 2.0, she takes it back to her essence all while adding new flavor to her now matured and distinctive sound.

2. Relatability. I've loved Jhene' since back when she would get one song at the end of B2K's album, so to see her win I feel like I've won as well. She is my Pisces twin, and this album is speaking to my soul right now. She's 26. She's a Mom. She's spiritual. She's flawed. She's just like everybody else.

1. The Artistry. Some people say Jhene's the modern day Sade, but I say she's the modern day Jhene', only because she's completely herself and shouldn't be compared, although to her I'm sure it's an honor, when you think of creating your legacy you ultimately wanna be remembered for being you.

Here's a little 5 Reasons Friday treat, enjoy !

Please do not drive me crazy, crazy unless ya gonna go... with me

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Excitement is stress...?

Or so I was told the other day at the doctor's office. It was the most bizarre thing I'd heard in a while, and my Mom and I just stared at each other like burr. What's funny to me is people, doctor's in particular try to make sense of things they don't necessarily understand by prescribing a pill to make it fade away all together.

I was telling her that before I was admitted into the hospital I was excited because I'd found a job that was perfect for me, and when I say perfect I met all of the requirements and qualifications. I still feel like that job is mine, I've already claimed it and I'm just waiting for God to bless me. Any who, to her my excitement about the job could have been what triggered everything. Uh no ma'am you have no idea of the storm I've just come out of, have several seats please and thanky ! lol

So my question is, if excitement is a form of stress and sadness and depression is a form of stress, where does that leave me if you were to diagnose me? In the middle I presume, and in the middle is where I've never been, because I'm too exceptional. The cure would be a pill that subdues me so I have no real emotion or life whatsoever. I can't go anywhere because I'm drowsy all day, can't cry because the meds has me robot like, can't be happy because God forbid I laugh and spike my blood pressure lol.

I'll end by saying this, if excitement, happiness, love, and laughter is stress I wanna be stressed for the rest of my life. Throw it on me so that I'm so stressed I can't contain myself. I'm no label, statistic or lab rat, I'm only and will forever be nothing less than God's Child, and if ya don't know now ya know !

*** P.S. Today is the 1 year anniversary of our baby/blog ! Can't believe time flown as fast as it did ! I truly appreciate the unconditional love, loyalty and support that all of my Ryders have provided. Here's to a million billion trillion more ! : ) ) ) )

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Greatness is a PROCESS not a STATE OF BEING

Greatness is what we all strive to attain in life, well at least us Ryders do lol. It's a desire that doesn't go away, a yearning that calls you to be your very best.

I don't believe greatness is a state of being because we don't always make GREAT decisions everyday of the week. We fall short, we stumble, we lose our way... we're HUMAN. It's a PROCESS, a learning that process that never ends, even in adulthood. If you aren't growing and learning daily, you're essentially already dead. What exactly do you have to offer the world if you know nothing? Just that... absolutely NOTHING !

This life is one of many obstacles and lessons to prepare you for the very thing you've always wanted, GREATNESS. If you aren't changing your perspective and taking strides towards the betterment of your future now, you're setting yourself up for failure. You've gotta have a plan, things may not unfold the way you want them to, but they will be perfect for you.

Don't second guess your greatness, your gift and your strength. God has awarded you already, you just have to believe you deserve it and receive it. Until next time Ryders, have a good one !

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Say No And Let It Go !

Have you ever loved somebody so much it makes you cry? I don't know why I just started with that, but it felt good, and when it feels good you can't deny it ! lol Back to the topic at hand, Have you ever met someone or are the person that's so nice that you just can't muster up enough courage to say no?

It's funny that a word so simple can be so hard to articulate but it's true, especially when your heart is in it. My Mom is a prime example, she's got a heart of pure 24k gold, will give her last to anyone and wants to ultimately save the world; because of that we affectionately nicknamed her "Wanda Woman". Now I'm not saying her generosity is a bad thing, I'm just saying she needs to establish a relationship with the wonderful word NO, my relationship with it is flourishing because of the power I know it possesses lol.

I used to be meek and afraid to hurt people's feelings even if they hurt mine, but all that did was build-up stress and tension inside of me. Take it from me, if you don't want to do something make it known, SAY IT ! But make sure your reasonings are legit. You don't have to do anything you don't want to do, especially if you feel it's not enriching your life and making you better.

I'm tryna tell ya, once you start to say no you will feel liberated in every way. When you say no it means you're assertive and know what you want. It shocks people because you know your worth and will stand up for yourself and what you believe in. Don't wanna do anything today? Don't. Don't like the way someone is talking to you? Tell them how you really feel. Simple as that.

Monday, September 8, 2014

Cause & Effect 2.0

Yes EVERYTHING is 2.0 round these parts cause mind elevation is and always will be key for me. And because y'all been rockin with me for almost a year I'd assume Ryders feel the same way. :)

There's so much beauty in solutions, it makes confusion, fear and any other form of negativity obsolete. It frees you of the situation and gives you peace, and for me peace is all I need to survive.

Some people love playing the victim so much they can't realize when they're the villain. These are the same people wondering why bad things keep happening to them, ever thought you brought it on yourself? Maybe it's your energy, likeness to drama, or your entire aura... it all plays a part in every aspect of your life.

Sure bad things happen to good people too, but it's only to make them stronger, storms are designed to see how durable your faith is to whomever you believe it, without it the storm could feel like an eternity. Listen to that little voice in your ear that's always probing you to do the right thing, it's real... He's real and will never lead you astray.

Cause and effect is no different than a proposition and a reaction. You are presented something (money,love,jewelry) and the choice is solely yours whether or not you will accept it. There's power in everything you do, be mindful of that, because you are what you attract !

Friday, September 5, 2014

5 reasons...

No One Can Erase What's Already Written In Cursive For You

... I used to ride the bench but it was written in cursive for this King to exist- Rick Ross

5. Happiness is mandatory. Have you ever noticed how fulfilling it is to do something you love? How effortless it is to get you to get up and go after it? That's not in vain, you are driven towards it for a reason, and your happiness depends on it. Happiness is an option but choose to make it a priority, you deserve it !

4. You are of Something. No matter what religion or higher power you believe in, you are of the same caliber with which you worship. Channel that, and even if you don't believe in anything, work towards being the best you, you can possibly be.

3. The deal is already inked. The ink dried on your contract of life the day your were born, it's called your birth certificate lol. Don't drive yourself crazy trying to make sense of everything at once, just go for it. Everyone has a talent, it's up to you to decide whether you will excel in it or avoid it at all costs.

2. God has the final say. It's funny how everyone floats about life thinking they are in control, which you are to a certain extent, you choose to make good and bad decisions... but ultimately, if you follow the correct path God has the final decision. Don't be afraid of following your heart, your passion is embedded there for a reason.

1. It's Yours. No one can take what's already destined for you, they may try with all of their might, but when it's all said and done, what's yours is and will forever be YOURS !

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Learn To Separate Necessity From Accessory

Within the span of three weeks I've come to know two things: 1. Church is the best therapy (for me) 2. The gems dropped on Sunday's at church resonate through the entire week (for me). I want to reiterate "for me" because I never want people to think  I'm pushing religion on them; by all means you are free to believe in what you may, but around here... specifically on this blog you're inevitably  gonna hear about God's glory lol.

So unknowingly, I'd been battling with the concept of necessity vs. accessory for some time now, and  Sunday the Bishop was spot on, and I felt like he was talking directly to me. He used an analogy about a belt being an accessory although he didn't need it because his pants were already tailored to fit him (necessity). He went on to use it perspective with people we feel we need, "Yeah it may look good and add to it, but you don't need it".

I've said this many a times, but I can't resists:"Those that don't think God has a sense of humor don't know the relationship him and I share". And if you don't believe that just take me as a prime example; I am sarcastic, witty, silly and compassionate, where do you think I get it from? 

I say all of that to say, don't hang on to what doesn't want to be there or belong. What's meant for you will be yours no matter how you play the hand; Trust that you deserve only the best, that you are worthy, and most importantly need yourself. Spend some time with yourself, you might find that you don't like being alone, but quite contrarily you may find that you enjoy your own company.

A fun activity to do would be to make a list of necessities on one side of the paper and accessories on the other. You don't have to of course, but I'd be interested to know which outweighed the other. Any who, until next time Ryders, have a good one ! :)

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Whose Pet Are You?

Sunday I returned to the church I'd been led to two weeks prior for two reasons; 1. To apologize and 2. To gain clarity. I'm elated to say both of my tasks were accomplished and I felt such a weight lifted off me afterward.

For those that don't know, I had a negative reaction to prednisone that made me completely out of character, I won't go into details because it would spoil the book I intend to write, but it was no easy road to get through. There's no humanly possible way for me to go through EVERYTHING I went through and not seek God with every fiber of my being afterward, NO WAY !

The Bishop spoke on the phrase "teacher's pet" that resonated with me because I'd always been labeled exactly that, for majority of my educational career. Teacher's would gravitate towards me, always encouraging and inspiring me to operate at my full potential. Although the phrase often has a negative connotation to it, there's nothing negative about it. When you're someone's "pet" you are treated with the utmost respect; and as the Bishop said: "most animals are treated better than humans".

There's nothing negative about taking to someone and bettering yourself. So once I graduated from college, my "teacher's pet" days ended, but what I didn't realize was that I had been God's pet all along. Everyday he keeps showing me favor, and keeps giving me something to believe in. I don't know about you but I'll be his pet for eternity if it means I'll keep gettin' these perks and benefits.

So I wanna end by asking you, whose pet are you? And if you don't believe you are, explain your reasoning's. Until next time Ryders, have a good 1 !

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Love WILL Pay The Bills

Statistics have shown... who am I kidding? Lol my observations (which are for the most part dead on) have shown that happy people, particularly people in love excell more than those that aren't.

One-dimensional people may think that I'm talking about love from a boyfriend/mate/spouse but those that really get it understand that love comes from all relationship. Your family, friends, acquaintances and even strangers can provide sufficient love and support to motivate you to be the best you, you can possibly be.

Ever noticed that "poor" people essentially live in hell? Relationships are tarnished, constant drama and the struggle never ends. Always living in fear, stressing and worrying about how those limited finances will stretch.

By the way poor is a state of mind. You can live in the hood (which I did for the 1st 15 years of my life) and be wealthy. Wealthy in love, support and laughter. That's what wealth is to me anyway, I'm not happy unless everyone around me is as well.

So I know a lot of you Ryders are skeptical to comment but I'd like to start generating discussions underneath posts. Using only 3 words, describe what love or wealth is to you.

Monday, September 1, 2014

Some Days You Want To Relive Forever, But What If Life Get's Greater Each Day?

They say without storms one wouldn't know how to appreciate the sunlight. But without sunlight can one appreciate the storm? I've been asking myself this question, as I've experienced and endured the biggest storm of my life. So much confusion, and questions arose as to why it happened to me, why I was the chosen one; But today I say why not? why not me? why not get through the storm, come out stronger and prepared for my blessings?

True enough I wouldn't want to relive these past two weeks again, but at the same time I'm grateful because it freed me;catch-22 the hard way lol. I released all of my demons that were holding me down, and now feel like nothing can stop me because God's got me.

There's nothing like the security that God provides. Knowing that no matter what obstacles arise, and they will, He'll be right by your side every step of the way. That kind of love is what I've been desiring my entire life, sure I've had my Mom provide it exceptionally well, but a Father... I thought I'd been overlooked until now.

So now I am looking forward to the future, no need to look back because I've already been through that. There's only happiness and prosperity on the roads I'll travel from here on. God has witnessed my struggle and now has blessed me anew, and I couldn't be more grateful. I'm ready to live an infinite amount of happy days, loving God and my family, and bettering myself with each passing day.

Happy Labor Day Ryders, I Love You All Tremendously !

Friday, August 29, 2014

5 Reasons...

Not To Sell Yourself Short

Yes YOU. You hidin'. You runnin'. You settling. Stop creating problems for yourself that will only stifle your growth. This process through life should be filled with knowledge and affirmations daily, if you aren't receiving that... you're living wrong, at least in Jesus' eyes.

You see, he wants us to live lavish lives but only if we really want it. We've gotta walk with him every step of the way, listen and be obedient. This isn't the only way to receive blessings (because he will cover the oblivious, lost and blind), but it's definitely the right path to travel. He will never lead you astray, remember that.

5. You've Got Talent. Your talents are just that, YOURS. It's up to you to decide whether or not you want to use them or lose them; Don't let them slip away. Ultimately you have two choices: 1. Use them and live in paradise or 2. Avoid them and live poor (in every aspect: mentally, physically, and emotionally).

4. You Owe It To Yourself. Everyone has a special discernment as to what it is they're destined to do. Listen to it, hone in on it, and never let it go. Go after your destiny and you'll be rewarded daily for shinning the way God intended.

3. You Is Kind. You Is Smart. You Is Important. Lol yes I took it there, but I had to. When it comes to Jesus you are The Help, when you're appointed you've gotta show up and show out for Him as he did for you when he died on the cross. And don't you ever forget it !

2. You Are Worthy. And worth more than your most wildest dreams. You deserve to have genuine peace and prosperity. You are worthy of all the things you desire, just believe.

1. Jesus Loves You. Unconditionally for eternity, now who loves like that? And if you said a parent, mate, friend or acquaintance, where do you think they got it from?

Thursday, August 28, 2014

Forgive Before It Kills You

Although it may not seem like it at the time, holding grudges is the equivalent of a tumor or cancer. Harping on what somebody did to you will only hurt you. Address it directly with the person, release it, and let it go. It's not worth your health, and definitely not your life. You deserve to be at peace, take the first step.

I can tell you this because I know 1st hand how detrimental not forgiving can be. No matter what somebody did to you, no matter how much they betrayed you, forgive them. It may take a year or if you're like me years, but it's gotta be done. Don't be afraid, this will only help you heal and move on.

If you don't it'll start coming out in almost everything you do. For me I was depressed, isolated myself from almost everybody, and began to gain a lot of weight by taking to food as comfort instead of talking to someone about my problems. Take it from me, if you can avoid all of these negative side effects, make a genuine effort to do so.

You owe it to yourself to forgive, it's often misconstrued that if you forgive wrongdoing you're essentially telling the person what they did is okay; this couldn't be more false. When you forgive it's solely for you. It's so you won't carry the burden and dead weight of your problems, and so you can free yourself.

Believe that you are worthy of peace and seek it. Confront whoever offended, abused or mistreated you. Be confident, let them know how you feel, and move on. Don't accumulate years of stress, mistrust and worrying because of one person, I know it's easier said than done, but the best revenge is success. You don't have to prove anything, just dedicate each day towards the betterment of your life, and you'll be just fine.

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

It Ain't For EVERYBODY 2.0 !

I used to say: Why can't everyone get blessings at the same time? in all aspects of life: love and relationships, careers, revenue etc. But what I didn't realize is that it ain't for everybody !

Everybody ain't went through what you went through to get where you at. Everybody ain't sacrificed what you have. Everybody ain't went in, and created a brand like you have, so why should they reap the benefits? Of course they will if you're generous, but everyone's gotta grind hard for the blessings to keep coming down for them.

The only people that get blessed without work are babies and old people. Babies because they are pure and innocent and inevitably oblivious, and old folks because they've already put in the work (if they're working for God).

Stop being meek about your success and be proud of all you've accomplished. It could change someones life by motivating them to get their ish together. Your life is a reflection of God, make him proud !

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Being Money Hungry Won't Get You Any Closer To Your Dreams

I've seen too many people have this big dreams (yes they are attainable if you're willing to work and sacrifice for it) yet no real drive to dedicate themselves to it wholeheartedly. It's like working part time expecting full time pay and benefits. Sorry to break it to ya, but...
You've gotta wanna reach that dream/dreams like it's your only option. Yeah you have other talents that can bring in revenue, but focus... really focus on what you want your future to look like. Do you want to be struggling and unhappy at a sucky job, or do you want to live life abundantly with a career that doesn't feel like work at all? I don't know about you but I'm choosin' option #2 right now, in my sleep, 12 years from now, and forever ! lol

Everything starts and ends with you. You've got the power to determine who you want to be in your life, how they enrich your life, and whether or not they are toxic. The tongue is powerful, it took me a while to come to know this simple fact, but it's amazing how you can speak things into fruition. That's why it's imperative that you always find positivity in every situation, good. bad. ugly or indifferent.

Make today the day you decide to spoil yourself by diving into your craft head first ! Throw away those inhibitions and run towards your destiny with everything you've got. The money will come, just be ready to laugh to the bank when it starts rollin' in.

Happy Monday Ryders, if you're having a "Case of the Monday's" make it the best one yet ! : )

Monday, August 25, 2014

Gettin' To God

Within the past two weeks my entire life has changed tremendously ! I've had quite a few trials and tribulations, but the constant in it all was God. You can't go through what I went through about not have faith and a desire to walk with God for eternity. He's the only one that could see me through all of my experiences. And I say experiences but there's no such thing as a failed anything if you learned something from it.

And learn I did, now I'm eager and ready for more. There's nothing like being on fire for God, and declaring that unconditional love the way he does every second and every minute of each day. My life has been no Picasso or Van Gogh, but it's enriched with lessons in life that have molded me into the person I am today.

In church yesterday, might I add I gave my life to Christ, found a church home and will be getting baptized in two weeks ! Hallelujah ! Okay back to the word at hand lol, as I was saying... in church yesterday the Pastor said something that resonated deep in my spirit: God uses season's to develop us in addition to There is a time for every purpose.

Today I challenge you to have a talk with God, no matter how brief or extended, large or minute he will listen and answer every prayer. Be it prayer in silence, tears, happiness, verbally, physically or moments of confusion and frustration. Talk with him and watch your life change forever. Eventually we all come to walk with Jesus, so if not today, get ready because it's inevitable BABY BAY-BEH... UH ! lol

Friday, August 22, 2014

5 reasons...

These 2 Apps Saved My Life

                                                                         My Fitness Pal

5. Results Driven. If you can stay within your caloric goals (and it's fine if you go over at times, let's face it, that's life) and walk for at least 15-20 minutes a day, you will see results. Add some cardio like a Zumba class or the elliptical and watch those pounds melt away ! Go ahead, you've got haters to make jealous ! ; )

4. Empowering. If you're anything like me, your confidence will go through the roof before, during and after the process. It's a journey towards the healthy life you want to live, and you should enjoy every asap of your transition. Don't take it for granted, if you're watchful you'll only be the weight you despise for temporary.

3. Motivating. Once you start to see the positive results of eating healthy and exercising you will want to continue the path you're on. There's nothin' like steppin' on the scale and seeing those numbers diminish each week.

2. Simple. Both apps are easy to figure, and when I say easy I mean E-ZAY ! lol Bottom line, if my Mom can maneuver throughout both apps without a problem, ANYBODY can ! lol

1. Free. My Fitness Pal is like Weight Watchers but free, and who doesn't like free? I know I do ! lol And the Walkmeter does all the work for you, calculates your mileage amongst other things with the push of a button.

Monday, August 11, 2014

Hell No, Heaven Yes !

What do you want your legacy to be? What are you doing at this very moment to make it possible? What will people have to say about you at your funeral... or more importantly, to your face?

You've gotta start living the life you've always envisioned now. There is nothing stopping you but you. Take a risk and give it all you've got ! God is watching and ready to see you flourish the way you are destined to.

Heaven is inevitable, Hell is optional. EVERYONE, even demons, are welcomed in Heaven, but Hell has a gate, at which you enter at your own discretion. And why would you want to do that?

Start mapping out your future now, you've got nothing but time and opportunity, and that dream isn't going anywhere. It's gonna keep nudging at you until you go for it, might as well start today !

Make a vision board, write out your dreams and aspirations. Find different/interesting things to experience and see if it inspires you. This life is yours for the taking, make the most out of it, and when I say the most... I mean the UTMOST !

Until tomorrow my loves, stay blessed and prosperous.

Yours Always,

Friday, August 8, 2014

5 reasons...

If at 1st you don't succeed... pick yourself up & THRIFT again !

*** Here are my finds at my local Salvation Army. Both are brand new, the fuchsia is Banana Republic and  the other is just vintage awesomeness. Got both for a whopping $8 plus tax, can't beat that !

5. Hidden Treasures. If you are like I was previously, then you could have potentially missed out on so many great finds already. Don't let one bad thrift store/experience stop you from trying, it's worth it trust me !

4. Variety. I'm a huge fan of all things unusual and unorthodox, and Thrifting seems to match my being quite precisely. You can find countless vintage pieces from all eras, that are gonna inevitably come back in style sooner or later. But don't fret, there's a lil somethin in there for you plane Jane's as well (no shade) lol.

3. High Fashion. Not always, but if you're lucky you could stumble upon a designer Burberry bag for $10 or less if it's the discounted color; but before you go running to the register check the inside and make sure it's authentic, they almost caught me slippin mayne ! Lol

2. Deals. On top of the already dirt cheap prices on new or gently used products, there are certain colors on specific days that can save you some serious change. Just recently found out Wednesdays are half off all clothing, they done messed up nah ! lol

1. Steals. As you can see above, Thrifting is essentially the #hotspot to get more bang for your buck. I've never stepped foot in a Banana Republic, but I know for a fact that handbag wasn't anywhere near the $4 I paid; And the black bag is in such good shape, not to mention high quality leather. Overall my 2nd experience trumped my 1st, and with the quality of what I paid, I'd suggest you jump on board ! lol

Have a wonderfully safe weekend Ryders, missed you much ! : )

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Brief Intermission

Hi Ryders,

Just wanted to write you to let you know I will be taking a brief break from blogging, only for this week. I currently have a ruptured eardrum due to a beach trip last weekend, and need to take care of that matter amongst other things. I can say I have felt quite incomplete not being able to connect with you guys, but I'll be back refreshed and equipped with plenty ammo Monday (08/11/14) ! Until then loves... stay safe, blessed and prosperous !

Yours Always,

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Leave Room For The Unknown

Stop trying to plan out every detail, every hour, minute and second of the day and LIVE ! Leave room for life's unexpected wonders; those magical moments that surprise you and fill your heart with unspeakable happiness; those moments you want to relive forever or at least once more.

Spontaneity, the gateway to bliss (if you ask me) is something one should become accustomed to at one point in time. It's what separates the mediocre from the greats; it's what taking a chance, and winging it is all about. Don't resist the urge to go with the flow, it's okay... you'll be glad you did afterward.  

When you let go of your inhibitions, there's an open field for opportunities that wouldn't normally be accessible to you. Don't be afraid to expand and explore, you only have this life once, make it count !

There's no room for fear, worry or doubt in the land of the unknown. Venture out on faith and see how far it takes you. Who's to say who you might meet on your journey, what connections can be made, and the benefits that could follow. When you live, truly live... there's no room for error, only lessons and liberation. So get out there and do something out of your comfort zone, you never know, your big break could be closer than you think!

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Trust Your Transitional Phases

Ever felt like a change was a comin'? Okay... I don't know why I had that in my spirit to type that way but I had to release it lol. Any who, I've been feeling that a transition is headed my direction lately. And honestly, I can't wait to see what's in store for me.

I've never understood how some people are so afraid of change that they resist for as long as they can... even if it's beneficial to them. Like, how do you not want better for your self? I look at it as a form of ungratefulness, here's a grand opportunity God has placed in your path, and you'd rather stand still as oppose to elevate. Crazy at it's finest.

When you understand the process of transitions, you welcome it with open arms. And when you realize that the only constant in life is change, you grasp a better understanding of life. Everything in life is meant to change which essentially equals growth. Simply put, If you're not going you're dying.

I say all of this to say, learn to accept the transitions that will inevitably happen. It may not be what you wanted, but God knows exactly what you need. And as the song says: He may not come when you want him, but he'll be there right on time! Trust him with your life and you'll live abundantly even in the afterlife.

Thursday, July 24, 2014

Control Your Environment Before It Control's You

I'm sure every one has heard at least one person in their lifetime say: "I'm a product of my environment" and my response is bullshit ! If you choose to let your environment control and dictate your life that's on you, but a leader knows that ones current circumstance doesn't predict their potential or future.

I grew up in the hood the first 15 years of my life. I was exposed to violence, drugs, and poverty. Fortunately for me I had a solid foundation at home, and our community watched all of the kids. Having witnessed so much at a young age, it made me diverse and observant. I never indulged in any of the things I saw, but it made me strong and resilient.

You have the power to choose the life you want to live. If you are around negative people, get away... FAST ! If you are in a drug infest/ crime ridden place save up and go ! We are not products of our environments, we are products of what we feel we deserve.

If you believe you deserve better you will strive to do better. Your height can only be attained if you feel as though you deserve it, otherwise you won't appreciate it.

Make today the initial start of a new chapter in life. Create a vision board, brainstorm, speak it into existence. You are not denied by your environment, you are whatever you want to be. Keep going and never give up, changing one thing daily will eventually plummet you to where you want to be. Have faith and remain optimistic, you deserve the best !

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

If Tomorrow Isn't Promised, Why Waste Today?

Today is a GIFT, that's why it's called the PRESENT- CM

We all know death is inevitable, and time is precious, yet we don't treat it as so. Often times we put off things naively thinking tomorrow will come, when it can be done today. But one thing is for sure, there's nothing like a death to put life into perspective.

Last Monday a classmate (whom I've known since elementary) lost her 7-year-old daughter. It was so unexpected and sudden, and it propels you to reevaluate life. Today is the funeral, unfortunately I won't be able to make it, but my heart hurts for her knowing that today will be the hardest day of her life.

We never know when our time will expire, and because of that we should live as if there's no tomorrow. Don't put off tomorrow what can be done today. Want a new career? Do it ! Tired of your current environment? Change it ! Want to acquire your dream? Seek it... with full force !

Don't waste another day wondering about the life you could have had. Each day make strides towards your goals, and don't stop until you attain them. You are the gatekeeper of your own heights in life. Go ahead Ryders make the most of this day, I believe in you !

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Your Drive Will Attract Like-minded Individuals

This post is for those looking to find friends and/or relationship-worthy people that they're compatible with. I happen to be one of them searching for the same thing, and there's really a simple to solution to get exactly what you're looking for. Focus.

Yes, focus. When you focus on the things that matter such as pursuing your dreams, you are destined to meet people that share or admire the same things. Why do you think celebrities marry other celebrities? They share the same dreams in one way or another, and understand the hustle, sacrifice, and busy workload that comes with it.

You may not meet someone that has identical aspirations, but you could meet someone that can appreciate and have a love for what every it is you are going after. You'll know because they will support, encourage and motivate you. These type of people are rare, so when you find one hold on tight.

Dreams are driven by support, whether it's from only you or others; without support the dream isn't allowed to expand and because something far greater than you imagined. Focus on your craft and let everything fall into place. Everything you desire is destined to be, but you have to first believe it and you will receive it ! Happy Tuesday Ryders !

Monday, July 21, 2014

Now Is All You Need

Forget everything and focus on the now. They say the past cannot dictate your future, but your future doesn't dictate your present either. Whatever you desire comes with change, and that change needs to happen now.

The only thing separating you from being an inch closer to your dreams is how you use your 24 hours. You've gotta be willing to make major sacrifice to focus on the prize; without dedicating the necessary attention, nothing has the potential to grow.

These stages in life (past, present, future) have the ability to change you, either for the better or worse. And you are the only one that gets to decided which path you choose. There is no goal too high, and no dream unattainable. Mind over matter, everything starts with you.

Go against the grain and risk it all, put yourself out there and see what you get in return. You may stumble, you may fail completely, but there's always that unpredictable chance that you could change your life completely by going out on a whim. Don't let the fear of falling keep you from flying, enjoy the adrenaline rush. What are you waiting for? Get up and squeeze the hell outta those 24 hrs everyday, your future is depending on it !

Friday, July 11, 2014

5 reasons...

I Thought Thrifting Would Be For Me
(Warning: You will be entertained lol)

* So I went Thrifting for the first time last Friday and was discouraged and dissatisfied with my experience. See how what could have been the beginning of something great, went left... FAST !

"Gently Worn". You gotta get that dirt off ya shoulder ! lol I don't know if it was the thrift store I went to, or if it was just me, but I felt dirty after leaving lol. There's this weird smell that all thrift stores have, and the clothes looked old and dusty. I know you can wash them but, I couldn't find anything worth buying because of the presentation; And in my world, presentation is EVERYTHING !

Unique Selection. Thrift stores are supposed to be the perfect place to find vintage yet trendy gear. This is where all of the "eclectics" come to piece together their latest ensemble... I am not one of them lol. The patterns and designs I saw weren't pleasing to the eye, at least not mine. I learned my lesson though... Thrifting ain't for everybody ! lol

Daily Specials/Coupons. Crazy to think Thrift stores offer discounts and coupons but it's true, they even have a VIP ! In fact, the only reason I went was because I had a coupon for half off my entire purchase, and somehow I left sad and empty handed it. But don't worry, I convinced myself that I was doing the right thing by saving money once I got in the car lol.

Dirt Cheap. Already low prices, half off color sticker days, and half off coupons... what more could you ask for right? I tried my hardest to pick through everything and find a gem, but there was nothing that seemed as if it had the potential to shine lol. 

  In The Bloodline. So I come from a long line of Thrifters, I'm talkin' from my late Grandma (whom I miss dearly :(), to Aunts,Cousin's, and even my Mom. So naturally, I'd assumed someone had passed down the baton to me, but I found my assumption to be wrong... dead wrong ! If they did, I certainly dropped it, and never looked back ! lol

***Disclaimer: I didn't write this to offend or deter people of the Thrifting world. This is my opinion and my experience only. I'm not saying I won't ever go back, but my first stab at it was a complete fail lol.

Thursday, July 10, 2014

Adventures With Allen: Unbreakable

Wow... It's been a while since I've written about Mr. Allen, a long while. So much has changed since then, and primarily for the better.

I reflect back on my life a year ago and can't help but give praise to God for all that he's blessed me with. This time last year I was jobless, broke & miserable; not to mention lost, and unsure of everything.

What a difference a year makes ! I'm employed, can take care of myself, and I'm under great energy. Allen is the source of most of those circumstances.

Allen is the one that showed me (unknowingly) how to appreciate the little things, accept what I cannot change, and  own my emotions. If no one knows how to own their emotions he does lol, when he is feeling any type of way you will never have to question that lol.

I'm more grateful than anything that God brought us together. He's now apart of my family, and even when God leads me to my next job, I'm sure our bond will remain unbreakable.

More than anything I'm just grateful for his unconditional love and genuineness (if that's even a word) lol. He's fearless and outgoing, one of the many things I admire about him. When he says he loves me I never have to second guess it; And If you've ever seen The Fault In Our Stars our "Always" is as follows:

Me: Friends til the end? 
Allen: No, in the beginning !
Us: *laugh hysterically in unison*

Well...until next time Ryders, have a good one !

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Let Them Underestimate, You Know You're Great

Two things are for sure in life: 1. People will hate & 2. People will underestimate. But all of the greats know that the underestimation is needed to motivate you to go harder. There's nothing like proving somebody wrong, and having them apologize for not believing in you.

J. Cole, one of my all time favorite rappers comes to mind. Wanted to drop the album in the summer but the label didn't think they could sell it, recouped the first week I think it ain't shit they can tell us. Here's a guy with more talent and creativity than a lil bit being second-guessed, yet numbers don't lie. In so many ways your success is essentially a middle finger to all your doubters.

I've always loved the under-dogs, the ones no one bets on or roots for. The unexpected successors, and ultimately the story tellers. When people aren't checking for you it brings out a determination that only betters your craft, embrace that shit !

So don't get upset when people don't support, don't believe or see your vision. All you really need is God and yourself to make it. And those same haters will become bandwagon fans once you get on. Pay attention to your destiny, if you focus on it, it will return the favor.

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Everyone Wants The Recognition But No One Wants To Work For It

How many rappers, actors, models, trainers, and producers do you know from Instagram alone? Notice I didn't say 'aspiring'? Lol let's be honest, everyone has an idea of what their claim to fame will be, although the path to get there is often uncertain.

Everyone wants instant gratification, but no one will work for free. Everyone wants the fame without going through the journey. How can you really appreciate something if you haven't properly studied it, devoted an excessive amount of time to it, and sacrificed to attain it? Without those key elements, I just can't see it happening.

All too often people expect everything to be handed to them. What good is recognition if you didn't put your blood, sweat & tears behind it? I don't know about you, but I'd rather go it alone than be coddled like a baby. It's not respected or appreciated when you aren't trying to help yourself, yet seeking credit you haven't earned.

Just think of all the glorified singers that haven't written one song...hell that's 95% of them, let's try another analogy lol. What about all of the dope writers that are behind the scene's putting in the hard work and dedication, that seldom get their just do; of course they get publishing but I never feel like they get the proper amount of recognition for creating timeless art. Ironically, those that actually do the work never expect handouts or boast about what they've done.

Moral of this post is, don't expect recognition when you haven't done anything. Stop with the woe-is-me and pity parties, you better get up, get out and get somethin !

Monday, July 7, 2014

You May Be DELAYED From Your Dreams, But Never DENIED

At times it may seem as if your dreams are too far within reach; Like the one thing you want the most isn't attainable, but never lose faith. You are destined to have everything that is meant for you in this life.

For some (like me), it may take a while to actually realize your dream. But once you have that down, it's half the battle. No matter how long it takes, never stop believing in yourself. Knowing your worth will separate you from the rest, and you'll never settle when you know what you have to offer.

I've known that I wanted to be a writer since I learned to read and write, but inevitably, the real world has a way of deterring you. Somehow those possible not so far fetched ambitions diminish with age. It makes you believe you can't make it and your dreams will only be just that... a dream. Don't feed the fear, face it directly.

You will only be denied of things you don't go after. Choose to chase tour dreams and you will never live in regret. You may fail, stumble & fall but trying is a hell of a lot better than giving up. It's yours if you want it bad enough. Put your comfortable shoes on and start trekking in the right direction of your destiny, opportunities are awaiting !

Happy Monday Ryders ! Love you much !

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

You're Still Here, What More Motivation Do You Need?

I hear and read people make excuses for themselves all the time. 'I'll start eating healthy tomorrow' or 'I'll work towards my goals soon'. What if it never comes? Tomorrow and soon aren't promised, you're alive and well right now, don't put it off any longer.

I've never been more sure of myself than I am now. There's nobody that can deter me from my goals, or attempt to discourage me. I believe in my talent 100% and I know that my gift is destined to be used.

It's amazing how time and experiences shape you for the better. There are a lot of things I've grown through to get where I am today; And there's still much more ground to cover. 

Have you ever just sat and reflected on how awesome God is? How incredible and selfless he is? There are instances where I thought I'd never make it, or situations that I felt I wasn't strong enough to endure... but I did. Through God's love and grace I've overcome several obstacles, and have continued to win despite the devil's countless attempts to stop me.

This blog is the gift that keeps on giving. And with each post, I'm validated that I'm doing what I am destined to. Each comment, epiphany and ounce of support is God's little nudge telling me that I'm on the right track. The beauty about this platform is that I have no earthly clue where this will take me, but I'm open to the possibilities ! Don't waste another day or look up 10 years from now with doubt, your dreams are literally in the palm of your hands if you just grasp them and hold on tight ! Happy Hump Day Ryders !

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Invest In Yourself

Don't expect anyone to see your vision, they won't because it isn't meant for them. Don't expect anyone to believe in your dreams. And more importantly, don't expect anyone to support you financially. I'm not saying anyone won't, but don't expect it; expectations are the quickest route to disappointments.

You have to invest in yourself before anyone else will. It quite simple: believe, build, and achieve. You've gotta believe in what you have to offer more than you believe in anything, because if you don't people will sense it and won't buy into it. Once you've begun to build it's smooth sailing (with a few bumps and wave crashes along the way) but smooth nonetheless. But building is only half the battle, it starts with you.

Don't get upset or discouraged when things don't work out or people don't give you the support that you give them or would like to receive. They'll come around, could be months or years... but they will catch up eventually.

You can't expect people with a day-to-day mentality to see the vision of the future through your eyes. Everyone is on different paths, and although they may cross, every one's finish line is within their perfect timing. Remember that, and you'll never compare yourself to other soul. Acquire that tunnel vision that will keep you focused and driven, each productive day is only inching you closer to your dreams !

Monday, June 30, 2014

Hold On Tight, You're On The Ride Of Your Life !

It doesn't matter what stage of life you're at right now, these are the moments that matter the most because they will prepare and propel you where you want to be. You may not know where that place is just yet, and that's the beauty of it... you have to find your way; You've gotta fail, experience rejection, feel lost and discouraged, and try different things until you stumble upon something you absolutely love.

I say this often, maybe too often lol, but NOTHING is in vain. Embrace your struggle and watch it bring out the best in you. Just think, if you had everything you desired right now would you be able to fully appreciate it? I don't think so. Use this precious time now to experiment and find something that makes your soul smile.

There will be hard times, adversity, and a million 'no's' before one yes, but keep going. Don't let fear be the reason why you didn't reach your full potential; And definitely don't listen to others, especially those that never went after their dreams; No one has the power to write your story but you, and luckily you have the opportunity to create the life you truly desire.

Don't waste another day making someone else a millionaire, it's time to start working towards your own. Devote as much time and energy as possible towards creating a brand of integrity and solidarity. Your product or whatever you have to offer should speak for itself, and should represent you in the highest light. Anything given the proper amount of love and attention while flourish, go ahead... there's no time like the present.

Thursday, June 26, 2014

Gratitude Is The Secret Weapon To Success

You'd be surprised at far you can get in life by having good manners and gratitude. People can appreciate a genuine hardworking person, they'll even invest in you.

So many doors have opened for me because of those two traits, and they can for you. It's all about the aura you portray, if it comes off as good spirited and honest, people will gravitate to you. 

And if you choose not to take the route of  appreciation, God will see fit that you will learn to. Have you seen someone that had everything have it abruptly taken away? That's because they didn't appreciate it enough, so God took it away so that they would. There's nothing like the higher power to knock you off of your pedestal and sense of entitlement, directly to the ground of reality. You can't expect blessings to keep rolling in if you don't acknowledge what you already have. The secret weapon to greatness is gratitude, you can't survive without both.

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Step Back... And Let The Sun Shine On Ya !

That's right, soak up those rays... But not too much because Atlanta's on fire ! Lol which brings me to another theory I have... Atlanta + A Beach, could you imagine such a thing? That's really the only element that we're missing.

It's okay to take a break and breathe ! You have to create a balance in your life, it can't be all play but contrarily, it can't be all work either. You've gotta stimulate all aspects if your being to live a happy healthy life, it's time to start prioritizing. 

There's something so powerful with nature, a direct connection with God. Sometimes it's good to get out and be one with nature: take a walk, reflect by the lake, go for a swim, hike up a mountain... whatever bring you closer to your happy will work.

Try and make time each day or a few days a week to spend some time in silence. It gives you the ability to regroup and clear your mind. We're all destined to have amazing lives, let's make sure we can stay around long enough to really enjoy them.

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Stop Sabotaging Your Blessings By Sharing Them With EVERYBODY !

Your blessings are just that, YOURS ! Everyone's blessings are distinctly for them, so why are you blocking yours? I'm not saying don't be a blessing to others, but when God give you something it's for a reason. And while other's may have similar timing/experiences as you, each blessing is handcrafted for that particular person.

My Mom is the epitome of the saying: "Blessed to be a Blessing". She will give and give and give until there's nothing left, then she'll look for another outlet to give some more. I often tell her she overexerts herself, because while she's wonderful and selfless to people (even strangers), yet she seldomly get's the reciprocation I believe she deserves. She always says she's doing it from her heart and doesn't expect anything from anyone, and even if people are ungrateful or unappreciative, God see's her work and in the end that's all that matters. She's a rare gem, and I love and admire her for that... but I I will not be following down that path lol.

I'm a believer of equality, fairness, and the boomerang effect. If I'm sending positive vibes into the universe I expect it back, and let's take it old school... if I'm "treating someone the way I want to be treated", I'm gonna want that returned; But unfortunately this world isn't built in such a manner, and it often seems like the good finish last. I believe that certain blessings are only for you, and when you try to include people whom it wasn't intended for, you diminish the value, and cheat yourself. I'm not saying don't share or bless people through your blessings, I'm saying it's okay to be selfish sometimes, because let's face it, no one will look out for you like YOU !

Whatever blessings you've received or have yet to see manifest should be cherished and sacred. Trust me, God makes no mistakes, so if he gives you something revel in it, it's yours ! Enjoy the fruits of your labor, and share them with appreciative people; the last thing you want to do (well let me speak for myself), the last thing I want to do is celebrate with a naysayers that's secretly praying for the demise. All I'm saying is be selective with whom you choose to share your blessings with, it ain't for EVERYBODY !

Monday, June 23, 2014

'Too Late' Is Obsolete If You Really Want It

As usual, these 'messages from God' never seize to resonate. Have you ever wanted something so bad but felt it was too late to pursue it, because you're already in too deep with something else? There's no such thing as too late if it's something that's a high priority.

As kid's, we're told to do whatever our hearts desires, and that we can be anything we want to be; but somewhere along the line, reality warps your vision and redirects your focus. It's ultimately up to you to decide to continue to chase your dreams despite every obstacle that WILL arise.

The greatest test of ones passion is when faced with adversity. If you'll give up after the first no (which definitely won't be the last) then you never really wanted it. If you'll listen to other's opinions of what they feel you should be doing, instead of listening to your heart, you never really wanted it.

Finding your path, for most, won't be an easy route. You will fail, you will stumble, and you will go left before your right path presents itself. Don't give up or feel discouraged, this is all about of your success story. There is no straight path, the zigs and zags are what keep people intrigued, so embrace it. Don't waste anymore time putting off today what can be now, after all... It's never too late to be great !

Friday, June 20, 2014

5 reasons...

To Have A Girls Night !

Dinner & A Movie. There are so many great movies coming out for the summer, which makes it the perfect time to round up your posse for a night of fun. Don't feel like waiting at restaurants in fear of risking missing the movie? Luckily there are so many places like Movie Tavern & Fork & Screen that offer food and drinks (alcoholic as well) at theaters, talk about 2-in-1 deals lol. I saw 'The Fault In Our Stars' two weeks ago with my bestie and definitely recommend it, and tonight I'll be watching 'Think Like A Man Too' with my Mom & Cousin's !


Sip & Stroke. Painting and Wine what more could you ask for? I've yet to get to one, but I'll make it my business to experience it before the end of summer. Best of all they're super affordable ($10-$15, and may be cheaper with a group rate) not to mention you get to BYOB !


Cosmic Bowling. There's nothing like fun in the dark to rid your inhibitions, and unleash your inner goof ball. What's better than drinks, loud music, neon lights, and your friends? This is a simple and cost effective activity that's sure to make memories that you can tell your grand kids: "I remember when [insert name] fell in between the gutters and got stuck, they had to call the fire department to get her out." lol now who wants to miss out on that kinda fun? But make sure your outfit is on point so that you'll look cute on the gurney ! lol.

Bar Hop (with a twist). What do bars and brides have in common? Nothing, until you get into character and act like it's your last night as a single woman lol. Get all of your gal pals together for a night of parental advisory fun; Buy brides maid paraphernalia for everyone (shirts, hats, etc) and take turns going into bars getting the VIP treatment. And if you get free drinks or meet someone cool, don't forget to thank me later lol.


Old Fashioned Sleepover. On a budget? Who says sleepovers are only for kids? Gather all of your girls together and get creative ! Have a potluck, get some wine or have everyone chip in for margaritas, crank up Pandora and dance the night away. You can play drinking games, confession sessions, and a night isn't complete without an allotted time of male bashing ! lol feel free to add your own twist to a girls night, the possibilities are limitless !