Friday, October 31, 2014

5 Reasons...

I took a Hiatus  
5. Butterfly Effect. Within the time-span of 3 months my wings have been expanding and are almost ready for lift-off. I have been transitioning and becoming the Candis I've always desired to be. With that being said, I had to let go of my caterpillar ways so that I could break out of my cocoon to soar at my highest potential the way God intended.
4. Questionable Mentions. One of the primary reasons I had to step back from blogging was the uncertainty of readers. I would give everything and an extra 10% in all of my work and felt like nobody was receiving it. This is solely because I seldom received feedback; I've found that people are either shy, indifferent or oblivious to the comments section under my posts lol. But it's all good, if y'all love it and receive it that's all that matters to me, because I'm out to make a difference.
3. Battery Recharge. I can't remember the last time I took time for myself to really just relax and do nothing. I have spent my entire life being productive: working, educating myself and writing. This is the time I have the time (and grateful I am) to chill and recharge my batteries. I put so much focus on this empire I've envisioned, but Rome wasn't built in a day right?
2. Altered Perspective. I knew I had to step back from writing once I began to do it for the money. I was so hungry for instant gratification that I would over-extend myself and spend money I didn't have "investing in myself." I had to come to realize that the money will come, I just have to sow my seed and watch it flourish.
1. Life. As the saying goes "shit happens" and completely knocked me off my rocker. Got me down to my knees and I had no other choice at that point but to stay in position and pray. I had to cut some things out of my life, and more importantly people; It's all in preparation for what's to come in the future, and I can't have anything holding me back for the 99 and the 2000 ! lol

I'll neva let ya down Imma shine on sight !

Saturday, October 11, 2014

Loser Takes All !

Yes I wrote that correctly, but re-read if you must. Loser or Los-er is only what you make it. If it means nothing to you when someone says it you won't care, but oh contraire...

Ultimately you are what you eat and believe. There's only power in things you accept as true, otherwise why would you get in your feelings about it?

Let's reflect... How many times have you gotten mad at someone for saying something you disagreed with? Not being able to accept criticism is a form of immaturity. Learn to listen for understanding instead of hearing to respond.

Friday, October 10, 2014

5 easonsRay...

I wanna hear a Pig Latin song 

5. OveLay. How many ways can I spell the words ? How many trees can be filled with birds?

4. RilliantBay. Do you see what I see? What a beautiful reflection starring back at me !

3. EarlessFay. If you don't want me then don't talk to me go ahead and ____ yourself.

2. NtertainingEay. L-O-N-G ickDay

1. Ilarioushay. Try saying your name in Pig Latin 5 times fast, then imagine it over a dope song. AndisCay x 5, here's the song in my head lol.

And here's a lil sum for those that never have heard a pig Latin song, can you make one better?

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Daer A Koob

This ones for the talkers. The ones that have everything to say but nothing to offer. An opinion about everything but a lack of motivation to accomplish anything.

Stop the self loathing, pity parties and "woe is me" hoopla. You are what you believe, simple and plan. Read a book.

An ignorant mind is a waste of time. And ignorance only means not knowing. Get some learning and showcase it to the world. Stop being so scary and broaden your horizon, you've got it in you... tap into it and never let go !

I don't care what it is: a Bible, Rosetta Stone, Self-help book, an Autobiography, Journal, hell even a coloring book. Open it up and dive in ! And don't hesitate to share that info with a friend, just like that... THE END !

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Even Nothing Is Something

My escape from everything, please say you'll be nothin'
And I will give you everything, man you are really somethin'... else- Jhene Aiko

Warning ! This ones for the ladies ! lol okay y'all ready? Here we go !

Raise your hand if you've ever been in a Questionship? Yes I said questionship, it's my word I created it and highlighted it for your convenience lol. What is a questionship you ask? A questionship is a relationship, though there is no title; it's often confused and categorically typecast as nothing; although unidentifiable, it's inevitably something.

It's the kind of relationship that crosses barriers of predetermined relationships, yet no titles allow room to blow caution to the wind towards standards and commitments. It's also the setup to all types of crazy; Psychotic levels of crazy. Barriers are created for a reason, don't straddle the fence when it comes to your relationships because it will cause constant confusion and drama. Define the relationship and stick to it. Wanna be just friends? Be just that, but never give a friend the same privileges you would a boyfriend, and especially not a husband.

Ladies we are the standard and because we are, the stakes have to be high. There has to be a trial run, probation, whatever you wanna call it. Make these men work for you, or if you wanna go Olivia Pope style earn you, stop selling yourself short. You deserve everything you expect from a man, never let anyone tell you your standards are too high. If your standards are high it's because you match them, and everyone deserves their equal.

Don't settle for mediocre when you can have exceptional. Ladies, Ryders, Loves... we are powerful, strong and beautiful; We have to lead by example, so if you expect a man to treat you with respect guess who it starts with... YOU !

The quality isn't the best but it directly correlates to today's message so I had to share !

Monday, October 6, 2014

Release The Chains Within Your Brain

We all have mental chains that stunt our growth. It comes in many forms: fear, doubt, disbelieve, faithlessness and laziness. Which category do you belong to? Yes... you do fall under one, let's not be mistaken lol, nobody's perfect.

Whatever category you fall under there is one similar trait that they all possess: hindrance. Hindrance is present in anything that is stopping you from elevating at your highest potential. A person, maybe somebody extremely close to you can be a hindrance. A job, one you took for financial reason could also stifle you from focusing on your dreams. And most importantly, a belief can be the ultimate hindrance of all; If you have even an ounce of pessimism in you, you're are doomed before you even begin. Just as the saying goes faith as small as a mustard seed, a poppy seed of faithlessness is equally powerful.

Once you release everything that says you can't with one thing that says you can, your life will change forever. You've gotta find a purpose, a drive and something to work towards, otherwise why are you living? Find a mentor, life coach, or guidance counselor to help direct you into an endless line of positivity and fulfillment. Create a vision board, blueprint, outline... whatever you wanna call it, to jump start you progression.

Stop throwing endless pity parties for yourself and get out there and make something of yourself. Ask for help... ASK ! Put your pride aside and go after your dreams. One of my Instagram followers said something so powerful to me the other day DREAMS DON'T DIE. That had to go into hall of fame of memories museum because it's so factual, dreams never die, the desire to acquire a dream never fades, and that dream won't quit nagging whether you achieve it or give up. Don't give up my loves, you've got generations to inspire !

And here's a musical selection to get you through the day, disregard the title and listen to the message, ENJOY !

Wednesday, October 1, 2014


After you've done all you can... you just STAND !

When you are completely out of ideas, options, plans and alternatives, there's nothing left to do but stop. Eventually you'll have to go back to the drawing board, but in the meantime you've gotta stand still and wait for God to give you answers. The answers you seek will come when he feels you're ready to receive him, so never sweat his technique lol.
I had to take a break, as I have to do sporadically to regroup and refocus. Life can get you down in the dumps so bad that you reevaluate everything and every aspect of it. This is what I've been doing, sitting back and gradually putting the pieces back together.
Ever felt like you had you entire life planned out, and thought you were on the right path? Then suddenly life happens, an unexpected instance comes and throws salt water on your perfectly drawn out blueprint. That's me in it's entirety right now but I refuse to be moved or discouraged, this too shall pass !

In times of detriment you've gotta keep goin' even when it feels like you have nothing left to go for. Never let a setback knock you down; a setback is only a setup for what's to come. These tests in life are only building you for what you asked for. Wanna be successful? You gotta go through some shit to get there, don't expect it to come overnight.

I'll leave you with this gem, how do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time. Got that from bible study last night, think about that and enjoy your day my loves !