Monday, March 30, 2015

Are you Buffering or BS-ing?

You know the saying 'fake it til you make it'? On one hand, you are pursuing your dreams, but on the other hand you technically aren't living in the now. Needless to say I prefer the realistic approach as it pertains to all things. I say pick a lane and commit to it. You won't fully invest toward anything without a definite commitment.

If you aren't afraid, analyze yourself for a moment. What is it that you want out of this life? Why do you want it? And lastly, how do you intend to get it? If you can answer these three questions elaborately then you're on your way.

There comes a time (some much sooner than later) when you have to stop making excuses and execute a plan. And when that time comes, there lies an inevitable question: Are you Buffering or BS-ing? While the two can be misconstrued as equals, there is a great divide; It's okay to buffer, when you're in buffer mode things are getting done, slower than others, but getting done none the less; It's kinda the equivalent of "slow money is better than no money." Oh but when you BS to the best of them lol nothing is getting done, all talk no action.

I challenge you to throw away anything that is holding your greatness captive; Excuses, fear, doubt, or whatever it may be let it go. Get rid of all negative energy telling you you can't do something and hone in on that inner voice that is dying to be released. Take control of your life and buffer like hell if need be. Make a plan, create a vision board, feed off of inspiration, consult with a friend or mentor. The only thing stopping you from attaining your dreams and goals is you, take a leap of faith and try. Try and if you fail at least you know you've given it your all.

P.S. Hey my beautiful Ryders! I've missed you all so much, and I'm so grateful to be back. This time I'm back for real and for good! I will be writing 2-3 posts a week to get my feet wet again. Until next time or next post, be safe and blessed!