Thursday, September 4, 2014

Learn To Separate Necessity From Accessory

Within the span of three weeks I've come to know two things: 1. Church is the best therapy (for me) 2. The gems dropped on Sunday's at church resonate through the entire week (for me). I want to reiterate "for me" because I never want people to think  I'm pushing religion on them; by all means you are free to believe in what you may, but around here... specifically on this blog you're inevitably  gonna hear about God's glory lol.

So unknowingly, I'd been battling with the concept of necessity vs. accessory for some time now, and  Sunday the Bishop was spot on, and I felt like he was talking directly to me. He used an analogy about a belt being an accessory although he didn't need it because his pants were already tailored to fit him (necessity). He went on to use it perspective with people we feel we need, "Yeah it may look good and add to it, but you don't need it".

I've said this many a times, but I can't resists:"Those that don't think God has a sense of humor don't know the relationship him and I share". And if you don't believe that just take me as a prime example; I am sarcastic, witty, silly and compassionate, where do you think I get it from? 

I say all of that to say, don't hang on to what doesn't want to be there or belong. What's meant for you will be yours no matter how you play the hand; Trust that you deserve only the best, that you are worthy, and most importantly need yourself. Spend some time with yourself, you might find that you don't like being alone, but quite contrarily you may find that you enjoy your own company.

A fun activity to do would be to make a list of necessities on one side of the paper and accessories on the other. You don't have to of course, but I'd be interested to know which outweighed the other. Any who, until next time Ryders, have a good one ! :)

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