Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Stand In It!

Now is the time to live in the moment. Now is the time to stand in your truth.

I've been reflecting all week on things from my past and I must say, some thing I wish I would have appreciated more. Whether it's staying longer at my junior and senior proms, down to ultimately enjoying the college life. As I look back, the only constant in all of my endeavors was time. Rushing time.

I was always focused on the next thing instead of what the present had for me. I'm a forward thinker and I can tell you from experience that it's an up-hill battle. Which is probably another reason people think I'm a great writer, because I can move on from the next thing like it never happened.

In saying all of this, I wish to inspire you all to live in your truth, in every moment. Don't rush it, just revel in it. The present isn't meant to be overlooked, it's just as important as your past and future.

Stand in it. Breathe it. Feel it. Smell it. These are instances you can't get back. The present is setting you up for your future. Enjoy the ride: good, bad & ugly. Don't miss out on opportunities, don't hold yourself back, just be great.

Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Who Are You Living For?

And I don't mean this in a bland or rhetorical way, really think about it...

I'm not saying your answer has to be deep and prophetic, but it does have to mean something or at least have purpose.

 So what is it exactly that gives your energy an extra boost every morning, or for the nocs, at night? Who is the underlying driving force within your heart? For me it's my passion, writing. I'm living to leave a legacy for my children's children. I'm living to leave my mark on this Earth that says I was here. I'm living to be legendary, but shouldn't we all be?

When asked this question, some people said they live for: their kids, family, spouse, or even pressing issues that mean something to them. There's nothing wrong with that, but where do you, yourself come into play? Who's living for you?

Some people live for everyone but themselves. They spend an entire lifetime making sure everybody is okay except themselves. Don't live a life of drab and turn around years later to live in regret. Take the opportunity now to change your life for the better. Start doing things that make you happy. Live for you, as selfish as that may sound.

 What are you gonna do today for yourself? Who are you gonna impress? Hopefully yourself. Living in the now, loving on you, focusing on you, being happy from you. Let your soul smile, be free. Be everything you were meant to be.

Monday, June 6, 2016

Comparison Is The Thief Of Joy

If you've wanted to know what your classmates have been up to, or how they're living, you'll know that social media is the devil. And I say that because it gives you a false positive. You see, most people on social media like to flex; so here you are all down and out because you feel you aren't living up to the standard of your fellow classmates, while most of them are frontin' and flexin' on the daily.

I used to beat myself up in college, because I graduated a year later than I was "projected" to. And when I sat down, I realized it only mattered to me, and everyone in my life that supported me was just happy that I was graduating at all.

Don't let someone else's perspective interfere with your own. Nobody's life is better than the next, no matter what you see on social media. Take the time to focus on your own growth, and just simply live.

The only competition you should be in is with yourself. Stop worrying about the next man and get with your best plan, at your future. This life is a one-shot opportunity, don't waste it consumed with the lives of others that ultimately have nothing to do with your personal growth and prosperity.

Keep your joy. Live your life. Compare your new self to your old self.

Friday, May 27, 2016

5 Reasons...

Why You Need To TRAP
(Take Risks And Prosper)

5. Legendary. When I think of uber greatness I think of brilliance. Who doesn't wanna make history and be talked about for centuries to come? Taking risks is all about doing what they said can't be done, proving a point, and living surpassing your wildest dreams. It's never too late to be legendary, everyone has greatness in them, they just have to tap into it.

4. You Are Custom-Made. No one is like you and that's powerful. No one can do what you do, so milk it for all you've got. Don't let people try to restrain you, if you wanna be a quadruple threat, by all means let your light shine. Use your uniqueness to separate you from all the rest.

3. Your Future's At Stake. Your future life depends on your current. If you set your sights low that's all you're gonna get. But if you dream of a better life and seek it with every fiber of your being, destiny's gonna set you up right where you belong.

2. Nothing To Lose. What do you seriously have to lose? Besides regret if you don't go for it. You have two choices: 1. Risk it all to gain it all or 2. Dwell on the shoulda-coulda-woulda's the rest of your life.

1. Major Key. Shout out to DJ Khaled! lol but seriously, if you wanna be successful, the only option is to jump out of your comfort zone. Yes it's gonna be scary but it's also gonna be well worth it, believe in yourself.

Tuesday, May 24, 2016


Do you sometimes wish you could be in two places at once? Do you get anxiety about missing things/events? Do you get jealous when your friends go out and you can't make it? Chances are you have a fear of missing out. You'd be surprised how many people have it, so many people want to create memories, and the thought of missing out on them can be overwhelming.

In college I struggled a lot with F.O.M.O. I'm a city girl so moving to a small town was a big adjustment. I remember looking at friends and cousin's Instagram hating that I couldn't make it to a club, dinner, or where ever because it was almost two hours away, and I had a paper due or school commitment the next day. I was in a rush to graduate because I was tired of missing out on the fun, or so I thought.

I'm here to tell you that, looking back, I didn't miss out on anything that wasn't destined for me to experience. Enjoy life. You aren't missing anything. You are exactly where you need to be, don't second guess it. And please know that things aren't always as they seem. Sure those pics on Insta look like people are having the time of their lives, when in reality that smile could fade just as quickly as the flash on their cameras.

I hate to keep mentioning J Cole but you've truly gotta Love Yourz. There's no such thing as a life that's better than yours. Stop comparing your life to peers, everyone's journey is different for a reason. Just enjoy life, don't force it. Everything that is meant for you will come, just have a little faith.

Friday, May 20, 2016

5 Reasons...

To Bet On You

5. You Are EVERYTHING. Don't you ever go second guessing yourself. You have what it takes to be great. Let go of whatever is holding you back and go for it. Your dreams are only as believable as you are.

4. You Are Dependable. If you can't depend on anyone else, who is that guaranteed support? That's right yourself. Like Beyonce said:"I know that I will never disappoint myself." Count on you and your dreams will come true!

3. You Are Worthy. You deserve to be happy. You deserve to shine. Bet on you and you'll never get left behind.

2. You Are Custom. There is no one like you in this world. Some may have similarities but you are a rare gem custom-made by God himself. Don't let anyone try to diminish your unique, you were born this way.

1. You Are Brilliant. Your ideas matter. Your gift matters. And it's only right that you showcase that to the world. Don't second guess yourself, you have it in you, all you've gotta do is use it.

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Tomorrow IS Promised

It boggles my mind when people say:"tomorrow isn't promised" when the reality of it is that tomorrow in fact IS promised. No matter what happens today, the sun will rise and shine tomorrow with or without you.

That may seem harsh, but reality is in most cases. As kids we're told to live every day to the fullest, but also prepare and focus for tomorrow. But if tomorrow isn't promised what exactly are we preparing for?

Stop making excuses, putting it off until tomorrow. Procrastinating and doing everything but what you need to be doing. Make today the first day that you start working towards your destiny. Now is all you have. Now is all you need.

When it comes to dreams either you're gonna risk it all and leap, or give up and sleep. No one is gonna hand you a dream; nor will you ever experience true fulfillment if you don't go after it. What exactly do you have to lose? And more importantly what do you have to gain if you actually go for it?

Save yourself some regret later on in life by just doing it. Set aside all the reasons you shouldn't and do it for you. Make yourself proud and lay the foundation to the beginning of your success. Now is all you need, time is of the essence and there's no time like the present.

Friday, May 13, 2016

5 Reasons...

Mistakes Are Okay

5. They Make You Great. Think of a mistake as a re-do. Everything you did wrong the first time should be all the ammo you need to create a masterpiece the second, third, or hundreth time.

4. They Inspire. They say "when you're down the only way is up" and what better way to get motivated than to gain inspiration off of your mistakes?

3. They Shape. Mistakes have a way of making you more persistent than ever. Mistakes ultimately shape you into the person you are destined to be.

2. They Humble. There's no better truth serum than a "no" or a missed opportunity. Humbling experiences create humility, don't be ashamed, everyone needs a dose of humble pie every once in a while.

1. They Teach. Above all, the mistakes teach you to give your all. They make you stronger, wiser, and ultimately better. Look at a mistake as a means of another direction, just a small detour to you destination; you'll still get there, just not as easily as you'd hope.

Monday, May 9, 2016

All Ladies Should B.Y.O.B

**Disclaimer: This will not be a post about alcohol lol. There's always a method to my madness, just ryd with me.

So what's B.Y.O.B? Believe in Your Own Beauty.

You is kind.
You is smart,
You is important.

In the words of the late great Dr. Seuss:
 "You are you, that is truer than true, there is no one alive that is youer than you"

Believe in yourself. You are a classic that can never be replaced. You bring substance, passion and brilliance. Sure there will always be somebody smarter, prettier, and appealing but they aren't you. What is something special about you that no one can take away? That's your gift, let it radiate.

Don't ever let somebody try to diminish your worth, your beauty, your being. You are everything you were meant to be. You possess the power to shine through trying times, and live like you haven't been through a thing.

Embrace your beauty. You are specially made for the right souls to appreciate. Harvest your greatness and only showcase it to the ones that will appreciate it the most. Go be great, you don't have a choice!

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Dreams Pick You

It's true. But it's fear, doubt, and lack of ambition that inevitably sabotages it all. We've all encountered something we love doing, something that makes life worthwhile, yet overlook or stray away from pursing it because it doesn't seem feasible.

You'll never know how far your dreams can take you until you tap into it. Believe in your gift, work towards mastering your craft, and live your dream. There are too many positives to let one negative set you back. It doesn't matter how long it takes you to accomplish your goal, just as long as you do it. It could take years to ultimately get where you want to be, but you'll thank yourself later.

Just think of how grand life could be if you set aside all the reasons you shouldn't do something, and finally decide to just go for it. I don't know about you but I'm ready to reap the benefits of my hard work and sacrifice. There's no reason you shouldn't go for it, the dream won't just magically go away because you're afraid of failure.

Dream big, and most importantly don't let yourself down. Go for it even if it seems impossible. You'll meet people along the way that will help you and can possibly become a mentor. If you want to be great it will radiate, and when people see how much you believe in yourself so will they. What are you waiting for? Take an inch towards your mile today!

Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Your Time's Comin, Just Wait On It

It's funny because I write these blog posts to inspire others, when in reality I'm simultaneously having a conversation with myself. I suppose there's nothing wrong with that, perhaps I'm simply killing two bird with one stone; but who throws rocks at birds anyway? lol

On to the blog. How many of you are or have been like: "when is my turn?", "when do I find the love of my life?", "when will I find something I'm passionate about?", "where and when will my next blessing come from?" I've thought all of these things at one point or another and the answer is you don't. You don't know, and you have to play the waiting game, but trust and believe everything will manifest in God's perfect timing.

Lately nearly all of my fb friends (not all I'm being dramatic) are getting engaged. which don't get me wrong, it's a beautiful thing; but I can't help but think "when will I be up next?" It's normal, it's human, and it's natural. My current mantra, and don't kill me for continuously shoutin' J Cole out, but "there's no such thing as a life that's better than yours".

And it couldn't be any more truthful. No matter how happy, in-love, successful, stress-free, or well put together someone looks doesn't mean that things are all peachy on their end. Everybody. and I mean EVERYBODY is going through something, don't be fooled by the IG facade.

One thing I've had to do was stop comparing my life to others. We are all born with different identities for a reason, and let's face it, if you knew when and where everything was gonna happen that would be quite a boring life to lead.

So my advise to you as well as myself, is to stick it out and just wait on it. Your season is coming and you better believe the wave of blessings you'll receive will be far greater than your wildest dreams. Don't wait around for your life to begin, start creating life now, the rest is just the juicy cherry on top!

Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Today: Come What May

Wake up with the attitude of champions. Nobody knows what each day will bring, but you've gotta be well equipped to face good or bad encounters with strength and tolerance. Have you ever felt like today is history and tomorrow is a mystery? Like you have no earthly idea what's coming at you next, but you pray to God you can handle it?

Don't let the obstacles that come your way deter you from your ultimate goal. Things may set you back, but don't let anything completely stop you. You've gotta have that Kanye mentality and drive with full force towards what it is you believe in; after all, no one will believe in you if you don't first believe in yourself.

It's okay to be a little scared or even unsure, but don't let fear be the reason you didn't go after your dreams. Start saying your mantra today: "Come What May, I will breathe success out of this day." Obstacles and trials will come, but allow yourself to live without holding on to the edge. Make everyday count for something, don't sit around waiting for the next incident to happen, you owe yourself more than that.

And dare not compare your life to others, there is no comparison when you are looking at good and great. It's as simple as silver and gold, hierarchy exists regardless. In the words of J Cole "Love Yourz"

No such thing as a life that's better than yours


Monday, April 18, 2016

Failure Is Simply A Restart

So you didn't exactly get that job you were hoping for, that car, or that grade... it's okay. You've gotta stop looking at failure as the finish line and reboot your butt back to the starting point.

If you want to be successful in anything, a word you have to become all too familiar with is "NO"; You'll hear it more than you would like to (in many different forms), but let that 'no' mean "try again". That's the beauty about life, if one route doesn't work, pick a new one; If one person says "we aren't interested", chances are, there will be someone who is.

Like J.Cole said: "We all got dreams and we got the right to chase them." There is ultimately no reason for you to stop chasing your dreams. The very minimum thing you can do is try, if it doesn't work out don't give up, your mistakes will only make you better.

Failure is simply a fork in the road, two options, one outcome. Try one route and if it doesn't work, trek like hell towards your destiny in the other direction. Perseverance is what separates the great from the good. So go ahead and make the most of this Monday, you've already got the restart of a new week to catapult you where you need to be!

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Do Is The Root Word Of Done

What have you said you'd do but haven't yet done? How long are you gonna wait and make excuses? Yours dreams won't escape, your passion won't dissipate.

Make today the day that you decide to make a change in your life. Take a baby step, no matter how scary it seems, believe in yourself. Focus on the prize at the end of the tunnel, after all your light won't stop shinning even once you've attained your ultimate goal.

I of all people know how scary it can be to chase a dream, which is why we have each other to keep uplifted and encouraged in our times of doubt, because doubt will creep back up, especially when you want to give up, but you can't; don't let your haters when, show them what you're made of!

I was told that "whatever area you're attacked in, is what you are good at". Let that be motivation for you to go even harder, never give up! Don't get complacent in minor success, there's much more to concur. Look at you just zoomin' through hump day like it's nothin', you've already made direct strides in the right direction as is, be proud of yourself!

Monday, April 11, 2016

I will LIVE!

Sometime you've gotta be your own cheerleader, not everyone you support will reciprocate. It's okay, as long as you have a goal and a vision nothing can ultimately stop you but YOU. You've gotta choose to live, in all of life's peaks and valleys, spirals and edges, you've gotta fight for what you believe.

Choose to live and chase your dreams, don't expect anyone to do it for you. Choose to be the exception instead of the rule; Live in your truth: your natural born gift, trust me you'll thank yourself later.

Don't let doubt, fear, naysayers, dream-killers or your opponents distract you from your ultimate goal. After all, you don't wanna regret not going for what it is that you love for the rest of your life. Give it your all, drive it through until you get where you want to be, everything will work out as it should.

You will never know the beauty that life has to offer if you give up. More importantly, you want to establish a legacy that will stand the test of time. Don't give up on yourself because I'm not giving up on you.

P.S. I love all of my Ryders, thanks so much for all of the love and continued support, you guys are literally EVERYTHING!

Monday, April 4, 2016

Back In It, Been A Minute

Wassup my Ryders! I'm Back! One thing I've learned throughout this year hiatus (yes it's been a little over a year, I can hardly believe it myself) is that I absolutely love and miss what this blog, and what all of you readers mean to me. In saying that, I cannot promise you a blog everyday but rest assure I'm back for good.

I feel like I should write this long drawn out open letter to you guys to update you, but nobody cares, just keep putting out content right? lol. Needless to say I've been doing some serious soul searching and in doing so it led me back here. Any-who I hope you all have been well, and more importantly I hope you all have grown tremendously.

With that being said, I hope you all have been inspired in some way or another during my hiatus. That's the beauty about life, there is always something to take from each journey. I hope that I can continue to bring creative content to you guys, and I intend to be inspired by you all, just as you all are inspired by me.

No matter what life throws at you, nothing can ultimately stop you from achieving your dreams but you. Even if you've taken a break, lost interest, or fell out of love with your dream don't give up because your dream didn't give up on you. Everything is attainable if you just believe.

OKAY that's enough hoopla for one post lol thanks for all of the love and continued support, and I will catch you all in the next post.