Thursday, October 31, 2013

Adventures with Allen: Embracing change

This week with Allen has been a transition for all of us. It's his dad's week, and his new wife had already moved in and was there when we arrived after school. Initially I didn't know how he would take it because he doesn't adapt to change well. A few weeks ago we altered his daily schedule (I usually pick him up from the bus stop, he has a snack, we go walk, and then either watch TV, play games or find something to do). This particular week he had been having fits in school, crying and not listening, so his Mom wanted to get him off the bus to talk to him about his behavior and have me come after. He did not appreciate my absence and made it known by pulling a plant out of the ground and sitting in the grass until I arrived.

Thankfully he shocked us all and has been so welcoming to her and her pets (she has one dog that hates me lol, and two cats). He's had such a great week, and I think it's due to the excitement of something new that he is okay with. Although he hasn't quite grasped the fact that she lives there now, having asked me several times if she was going back home (he's used to going to visit her at her place on the weekends) he is okay with the adjustment.

This week has been one of his best in a while. Last week was very trying. Monday he had a great day, we did our usual routine, but he randomly decided to switch things up when we passed a drain on our walk, and threw his glasses in. With his condition he reacts first and realizes afterward; he knew what he had done was wrong and didn't want to go home in fear that he would get in trouble with his Mom.Tuesday he was upset with me because I said he'd have to take a shower after I left; He then went on to lick his tongue out at me, and call me a "stupid butt-ass sex!"; While I can laugh now, it wasn't funny at the time lol. Then the next day he literally ran away from me at the mall, and wouldn't get out of the car for twenty minutes when we got back to his house.

As I had stated in a recent post I admire his tenacity, but another things I admire is his ability to move on. He can be so upset one minute and then... poof! as he would say lol he's over it. He never holds grudges and he always lives in the present. Allen is also quite solipsistic lol, he is very in-tune with his feelings and wants your full attention at all times. To Allen, he is the Sun and everyone else are Moons, and we better act accordingly lol. I've learned so much about myself since taking this job, I've grown more patient, understanding and appreciative of simple things. God always finds a way to send a message my way, but he's so unpredictable and slick with the way he chooses to convey them lol.

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Judgement is apart of life

How many times have you missed out on opportunities because of other people? How many times have someones opinion altered your decisions? How many times have you wanted to do the unusual thing, step outside of yourself and be free, but didn't in fear of judgment from others? If your answer to any of these questions is more than once... we have a problem.

Stop living for other people that aren't living for you. You could spend your whole life pleasing others and they will still have an opinion about what you did. People will always have something to say about you... good, bad or indifferent, it's a catch-22. There is only one person you should live for and that is yourself. And the only judgement that counts is the one with the almighty power.

Don't let fear hold you from your full potential. Hiding who you truly are is not living. Free yourself of judgement from others... so what that's your best friend, someone you want to be your friend, a coworker or even your parents. You are doing them no good by trying to live up to their standards. And you definitely aren't helping yourself.

Be yourself, it's priceless and original. Nobody likes a carbon copy so you really have no choice but to embrace all of who you are. And the amazing thing about being true to you is that it will reflect, and strangers will appreciate what you have to offer. Live for you, do what you want, be free ! Never let someone else have the power of effecting anything you do, take control of your destiny and go wherever this life takes you. And let them talk because they will regardless, just make sure you give them something to talk about !

I've provided you guys a little Wednesday humor below to get you through your day, Enjoy !

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Instances in Life

The spontaneity of life never seizes to amaze me. No matter how you plan out your life and envision it to be, there will always be an instance that alters your life in some way; it could be minute or drastic, a message or an experience... and most important of all you will never know when it's coming. That instance could come out of nowhere and change your entire viewpoint on life.

You could witness a tragic addict that alters the way you value things in your life. You could randomly meet your soul mate today. You could get a callback from that job you applied for months ago and hadn't heard from. Life is unpredictable, and the only one certain of the outcome is God. Follow his path he won't lead you astray.

I had a life altering instance July 3, 2008 at approximately 6 am. I woke up to a missed call from my cousin, which was weird because it was summer & he's never up that early. Long story short, my mother and I were alerted and shocked to find out that my Aunt had been robbed and shot in the head at her job by an ex employee and was being airlifted to Atlanta Medical. She was in a coma for 2 long weeks and my mother never left her side. Doctors said she wouldn't make it, but when she did wake up they said she would be a vegetable, then when she spoke and was cursing out nurses & trying to be in control like her usual feisty self, they said nothing. God has the final say, and that was when my belief of God grew stronger. Prior to that incident my mom and I were struggling and worrying about bills, and I would pray and pray and it seemed as if nothing would happen, and I began to lose faith. That incident with my Aunt restored my faith and gave me hope. Present day, my Aunt can do everything on her own: walk, talk, cook... well use the microwave lol etc. That ex employee tried to take her life, but God showed up and protected his child. No man can stand a chance against the power of God !

I say all of this to say, pay attention to life's unexpected instances. They are God's reality checks. Each instance is designed to make you think differently, and ultimately become a better person. Keep your eyes open, you could have a life altering instance heading your way as we speak !

Monday, October 28, 2013

Why dwell when you can revel ?

How long are you going to live in the past, hold grudges, and think "what if"? Dwelling on the past will only stifle you in the long run. You will never live up to your full potential if you allow your past to define your future. Stop letting failed relationships, jobs, and experiences consume you; Let it go and move on, everything happen for a reason, and what's meant to be will be, no matter the circumstance... what's rightfully yours will always prevail.

Just take a moment and think how peaceful life could be if you just let things go. Isn't that an amazing space to be in? You can have that serenity, it's yours for the taking ! Stop holding on to dead weight and hopeless "could have been's". Free yourself and you will open up possibilities you've never imagined before.

Whatever is holding you back or deterring you, reverse that energy. Let those obstacles fuel your drive to get to your goal. Give those nonbelievers something to talk about; First they will ask why you are doing it, but later they'll ask how you did it.

Revel in your uniqueness, embrace your flaws, and love yourself; There is no better love than self-love, you have to know your worth so that others will acknowledge it. This goes for jobs, relationships and life in general, no one will appreciate what you have to offer unless you believe in it first.

Today I challenge you to release those demons that stifle you from living in the present, and revel in the moment... be the best you, you can be and everything else will fall into place. Don't focus on the things you don't have and redirect your focus on the bigger picture. Make today be the fresh start you've been running from. After all, the new year is fast approaching and what better way to welcome it by eliminating all things that keep you from growing.

Friday, October 25, 2013

5 reasons...

Why I want a Pen Pal

5. It's classic. While the world is constantly rushing and impatient with texts, emails, and social medial, I want to practice patience by enjoying an oldy but goody... postage mail. I want the entire process: college ruled paper, ink pen, envelopes and stamps. I want to hold on to this vintage idea as long as I can, because it's a scary thought, but my children and definitely my grandchildren won't ever know what a letter from "snail mail" actually is smh lol.

4. Mail ! I may be the only person on the planet that loves to get mail, especially letters lol. How amazing it would be to have a letter to look forward to on a regular basis. I want that old childhood feeling back.

3. Different Perspective. I would love to have a pen pal in another country. Ideally this person would know how to write detailed and eloquently so that I could essentially be in two places at once. It would be great to know how life is in another country, and compare and contrast lifestyles.

2. Reminds me of my childhood. I was the child that loved to receive mail, I'd get letters from my dad, cards from my mom's boyfriend, and although I would see her every weekend, my cousin and I would write each other every week. It started as letters, but blossomed into stories that were quite amazing if I do say so myself.

1. It's personal. People don't enjoy the simple things in life like a handwritten letter. You can see if a person is left handed or right, how beautiful or awful they write lol, and all of the imperfections that makes it intimate and a keepsake. I don't want a typed letter, I want to see how great of a speller you are without the help of a machine lol.

*Disclaimer: These aren't my photographs, I picked them because they portrayed my message perfectly.

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Words only have value if you allow them to

Words are only as powerful as you make them. The impact of your reaction relates directly to the substance of a word. And more often than not, the most hurtful words come from the people you care about the most.

It may have been said out of anger, envy, jokingly, or desperation, but that old saying is wrong, words do hurt but it's up to you to decide if you will let those words live. And when I say live, I mean impact your life so drastically that you start to believe the negativity.

I had someone belittle me with hateful words at the worst possible time ever; A time where my body was changing and I was already unsure of myself...the gruesome teenage years. This person was very close to me, someone I thought genuinely loved & cared about me. He would call me "fat" "ugly" "stupid" "dumb" and over time I started to believe it even though none of it was true. I started to distance myself from people and I became a loner, always quiet and trying to stay out of people's way. I can remember him saying hurtful things to me and I'd run to my room and cry, and he'd bring it up later and say: "Aight don't make me hurt your feelings so you can go in your room and cry again", those were some of the darkest days of my life, to this day I can never understand how another human being could hurt someone and enjoy it.

It took me years to get over the verbal abuse I received for entirely too long. I realized that he was so unhappy with his life & he saw that my life had so much potential that he tried to break my spirit, and although it worked temporarily, God took over and permanently restored me for life. Don't allow words to determine who you are or who you could be. Ward off demons with positivity even in your darkest hour, the bet revenge is to succeed when all of the odds are against you.

If you know anyone who has been a victim of child, domestic or verbal abuse please call 1-800-799-SAFE (7233) or log onto The National Domestic Violence Hotline if you'd rather chat online and save a life. You never know when people are on their last ounce of hope.

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

How sweet life would be if we could erase memory

Just take a moment and think how awesome life would be if the Neuralyzer could help everyday folks forget negative memories. I've been thinking about this for some time, and there are several people and instances I would love to erase from my memory's museum. 

When was the last time something awful happened that you would like to permanently forget about? It could be a breakup, death of someone close to you, bullying, robbery, rape etc. The mind holds so much memory good and bad, and if neuralyzers really existed, it could help victims that have to relive awful memories daily.

Initially I wanted to zap away memories of all the people that had been evil or malicious towards me, but then I thought about the depth that it gave me as a writer, and more importantly as a woman. All of the people that didn't have my best interest made me stronger and wiser. Although I am guarded because of it, I think it's a good thing because the people that really want to be apart of my life have to work to prove their allegiance to me and gain my trust.

This is one of  many random thoughts of my utopia. I'm always thinking of different elements or ideas that could make the world a better place. And although I know it isn't possible, I wish there was a way to eliminate negativity and malice. If it were up to me, no one would experience pain of any kind, everyone would genuinely be happy and feed off of one another positive contribution to society. The depth of each person would come from ones inner strengths that would shine through naturally as opposed to a negative instance that altered ones vision.

So Ryders, until we can get these neuralyzers up and running at an affordable rate for average people, lets continue to find the good in bad situations. No matter the circumstances find the light at the end of the tunnel and continue to be as great a person as you can. Don't let one instance in life determine you future ! You are only as great as you allow yourself to be

Monday, October 21, 2013

Let go & let GOD !

There will be many instances in life that we won't understand at the time, but it is the perfect opportunity to trust God and talk to him; He is the only one that can solve all of your problems no matter what it may be. You may have suffered a loss at work, school, or from someone close to you; or maybe you are confused about a situation and don't know what to do...Pray ! Everything happens for a reason !

God will lead you in the right direction and support you along the way. He will never leave you or mistreat you. In a previous post I said: "The only constant in life is change" I'd like to reword that and say: "The only constant in life is GOD".

Believe in your talent and never let anyone deter you or stop you from believing in yourself. You were placed on this earth to showcase your talent and shine the way God intended. Don't allow minor setbacks to determine your future. Let those setbacks be the motivation you need to go even harder at your craft.

It's up to you to take control of your life because time doesn't go back it goes forward. Can't run from the pain go towards it. Be so great at what you do that the people that didn't believe regret ever doubting you. The best revenge is doing what someone said you couldn't !

"Story of a champion, sorry I'm a champion"- Chrisette Michele

*It's only fitting that I share with you guys my favorite Jay-Z song. It's called Lost One & it's about knowing your worth and moving on in life even if it hurts. He eloquently describes 3 situations of letting go: 1. His ex best friend/business partner Damon Dash 2. His then girlfriend Beyonce 3. His nephew Colleek.

Friday, October 18, 2013

5 reasons...

Why I can't have a kid yet

5. It ain't time. Yeah I said ain't! lol I get so tired of people asking me "when are you gonna have a child?" When it's time for me to ! lol Just because you had your baby at twelve doesn't mean I was supposed to follow suite lol. I want to enjoy living for me right now so that I can give my child 100% when that time comes; it's too many unfit parents that only give their kids 40% while their man gets 60%.

4. I need to be solid. I haven't laid my foundation yet, I'm just now coming into myself; ideally I would like to be established by the time I have a kid... you know, have a couple books under my belt and on New York Times Best Seller's list.

3. I'm only 24. I want to travel the world, ride a camel... and live before I have to be responsible for someone else's life. My eggs are still young and able, I have time people lol.

2. Love of sleep. I don't know about you, but when I get the chance to sleep-in, I revel in it ! There's nothing like deep uninterrupted sleep lol.

1. Dating sucks. The way my dating life is set up... lol. But seriously, it's like I go from one extreme to the next with guys. I have yet to meet a decent guy I could be in a relationship with...let alone consider marriage or babies with.

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Adventures with Allen

*Disclaimer: The name has been change by request of the person discussed below for confidentiality.

Allen is a 16-year-old boy with Prader-Willi Syndrome that I "babysit" during the week; This is not a well-known syndrome, and I had no knowledge of it prior to meeting him. Although I do have to protect him and make sure he is safe, my primary job is to be a friend and accompany him with things he enjoys such as: walking, playing iSpy on the computer, going to the mall or his favorite...Petco.

I've taken so much from Allen since I initially started almost two months ago. He's so appreciate of the simple things in life like nature, and it's helped me to realize how ungrateful I've been, being so consumed with thoughts of what I don't have. He's so different from the average teenager, but one thing he has in common with most his age is his unpredictability lol you never know what you're gonna get.

 Most days he's a fun-loving kid that enjoys the company of myself or one of his parents; but like any teenager, he sometimes likes to rebel and have fits when things don't go his way. One thing I can say that I admire the most about him is his tenacity; he is always right even if he's wrong, and it's essentially Allen's world, so you'd better act accordingly lol.

I invite you all to embrace a new weekly segment to my blog. My hope is to share the experiences I have with him and others and maybe you can take something positive and noteworthy from someone else's story. Everyone has a story and one instance can change your life forever.

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Why is good enough never GOOD ENOUGH?

Whether you want to admit it or not, chances are you have felt imperfect or not good enough at some point in your life. It could have been when you were a child, teenager, transitioning into adulthood, or right now. This is nothing to be ashamed of, we all have felt good enough wasn't good enough on more than one occasion. It could be self-esteem related, job related, or relationship related. No matter the circumstance one thing remains the same...when you are feeling unappreciated, unworthy, or depressed the only person that can get you out of that funk is you.

Society plays a major role in this disorder. Magazines, television, and movies portray people that appear to be perfect. They paint a picture of how they believe everyone should look or aspire to be; But just think how boring and regular the world would be if everyone looked the same. We were all made different to bring diversity to life. Everyone has a special talent, skill or idea to present to the world, and if we all had the same thing there would be no purpose.

Everyone has flaws and imperfections. It could be physical, mental or both. You have two choices when it comes to things you don't like about yourself: 1. Change 2. Embrace. Either you change the things you don't like (it could be your attitude, weight, personality) or embrace those things and find a positive. God wired us all different for a reason, we are reflections of him... different shapes, ideas, and outlooks, try and be the best reflection of his as you can.

Whatever is making you feel less than or imperfect go directly to the source. Maybe there is someone bullying you at school about the way that you look, that person could secretly envy you and have their own insecurities that they aren't facing. Or your boss keeps badgering you about the smallest things, have a talk and see what the real issue is, your boss may see your potential and is pushing you to be all you can be. And maybe you haven't been feeling appreciated in a relationship, you may like or love someone more than they do you; and you feel that you aren't good enough or have too many flaws...embrace all that you are and if someone can't appreciate you for you keep it moving; you will eventually meet someone that loves everything about you and can't stand to go a day without talking to you or seeing you. You are good are MORE than good enough !

Below is a music selection from one of my favorite rappers J. Cole. Here's his latest video to the song Crooked Smile, which talks about embracing one's imperfections. Always a creative mind, he takes a different approach on the concept of the song.  Enjoy !

"No need to fix what God already put his paintbrush on"- J.Cole

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Don't believe the facade... everyone is struggling

When someone hears "struggling" they automatically think of monetary value. I believe a struggle comes in 3 forms: Mental, Monetary, or Physical. No one is exempt... not even the richest people in the world. No one is immune from having one of the three; chances are if you have money, you have some type of mental or emotional struggle that you are dealing with; and if you are free of mental or physical struggle, you lack monetarily. In most cases, some people struggle from more than one form, consider yourself lucky if you only have one, because one is already too much.

Don't believe the fake facades that people portray online or in person. No matter how great someones life may seem on the outside, there is always something deeper than meets the eye. No one has a perfect life, no one is free of stress or worries, everyone has something going on. We look at people like Paris Hilton or Kim Kardashian and think they are living the life because they have fancy cars, nice shoes and clothes and a mansion. Sure they have all of these things, but everything comes with a price, especially fame. Imagine not being able to step outside of your house without 20 + photographers trying to snap your picture; or worse, fearing for your life because of paparazzi following you, or death threats. Everything that glitters isn't gold, for each advancement in life comes a sacrifice.

We idolize celebrities and wealthy people because it seems as though they have everything at their discretion. We envision what that may be like, and dream of living that lifetime. And we want all of that for what? Would you still want that lifestyle if it came with chaos and insanity? Would you still want to be rich if it meant selling your soul? I can definitely do without it. There is so much more to life than material things and although money may help, it does not fix all problems... just look at all of the deaths of wealthy people due to suicides, drug overdose or insanity. They sure didn't die because they could buy whatever they wanted.

My message to you is to embrace your struggle, whatever it may be. Maybe your money isn't as much as you would like or you can't afford to support yourself, but work diligently and smart to make a difference the right way. Or maybe you have deep-rooted issue from your past or childhood, channel that energy and work towards becoming a better you. And if you are struggling from any physical ailments, don't let that stop you from being the best you, you can be. Make you restrictions work as a motivating force to help you reach your goals and inspire others along the way. Don't believe the facade... everyone is struggling, but it's up to you to face that struggle and work against it so that it doesn't defeat you.

Monday, October 14, 2013

All things have expiration dates...even people

I've been exploring this idea of expiration dates for some time now. People in particular. It is true that all things have dates, even people, but unlike things such as food or medicine, the exact timing is not obvious. We all know that one day our time will be up, and we will transition on or whatever your beliefs see fit once the body is no longer operatable, but what if you did know?

If you knew the exact expiration date for a person, would that alter anything? would you treat them differently? would you pity them? or make their last days memorable? I think of this often because there's a saying that people are in your life for one of the three purposes: 1. A reason 2. A season 3. A lifetime. If you're like me, it can be hard deciphering what category certain people fill. In most cases we would like people to be in our lives for a lifetime, but that isn't the way life works, unfortunately.

I often wonder if it's better to know how long someone will be around versus not, especially in relationships. On one hand I would like to know so that when the time comes I'll be prepared, but on the other, maybe I wouldn't give my all because I know it won't last. And the same in friendships, it wouldn't be as devastatingly surprising if I already know the person won't be around long, but I could never fully be a great friend because I know.

Two months ago, I had my first encounter with expiration dates with people, something I had longed for, but not in the way I had expected. My then 72 year old grandfather, whom we affectionately called "Pa Pa" had been in ICU for well over two weeks before he was transferred to the hospice section, after being diagnosed with lung cancer. His somewhat regular stints in the hospital weren't unusual to us, every few months he would stop eating or act unusual and would be admitted into the hospital; and he would be doing smoking or drinking; and would pick up weight and look like his usual happy self by the time he was released by doctor's, who couldn't find anything wrong with him. This time was different... we were told that it was too late to do treatments because the cancer had spread so drastically, and because he'd lost so much weight he wouldn't be able to withstand it all. They gave us a round-about time frame for his life expectancy (which wasn't very long, a week or two at best), and we watched as he spent his last days in a hospital bed hooked up to a breathing machine.

August 22, 2013 I lost the only consistent father figure I've ever known. He was not only my Pa Pa, he was the only male I could depend on. When my dad wasn't there for birthdays, graduations, and holidays he was. When I needed clothes, shoes, or Christmas presents, he was always there to pick up the slack and help my mom so that I, or any of my cousin's wouldn't feel the impact of not having two parents. I am at peace with his death because I know that he knew how much I loved and appreciated him, and I know that he lived an amazing life.

If you are ever so lucky as to meet such a selfless person as my Pa Pa was, cherish it. People like that are rare, especially in this day and age. I encourage you to appreciate all that you have even if it isn't much; Focus on the things that matter in life, like family and self happiness. And make sure people know the impact they've had in your life while they can still hear it, you never know when their expiration date will be.

" If you admire somebody you should go ahead and tell em', people never get the flowers while they can still smell em' "- Kanye West

Friday, October 11, 2013

1 Month Check up !

Today marks exactly one months since I created R.Y.D. and started blogging. As some of you may know, this is something I've wanted to do for some time but constantly put it off, in fear that no one would read (because let's face it, people hate reading lol) or receive what I had to offer; Boy was I wrong ! The overwhelming love and support I've received thus far is just confirmation that I'm doing what I'm supposed to. 
Below are some of the latest stats for my blog so far:

As you can see, I have 800 + page views, when I didn't even expect to get half as much; and I have international support ! When I started this blog I only hoped to reach as many people as possible, but had no idea that it would happen so quickly, and outside of my country ! This is all still so amazingly bizarre and surreal to me.

This post is dedicated to anyone that was told they couldn't do something or be something. Here is a prime example that if you work hard and put in the dedication, God will provide and support you along the way. Nothing is impossible if you put your mind to it, and the sky isn't the limit...the opportunities are limitless !

I just want to take the time to thank all of my supporters all around the world: 
United States, United Kingdom, South Korea, Malaysia, Russia, 
Spain, Indonesia, France, and Germany !
I love you all for reading and hopefully enjoying what I have to offer. I appreciate your dedication and I look forward to continuing this journey with all of you as we build this empire together !

1 month down... 1 million + to go !

Thursday, October 10, 2013

5 reasons...

Why I Love Autumn !

5.Prelude to Winter. If you're like me you enjoy the fall because it's the perfect blind of temperatures. It's not too hot or cold. Unfortunately, it's the calm before the storm... winter ! I despise winter so much I wish I could hibernate until spring lol.

4.Temporary high. Yes although Fall is amazing ! It also seems to be the shortest season, or at least it does to me. As are all other short lived wonderful things in life lol. But what would life be without temporary highs such as fall? Nothing ! lol

3. Life's just better. How can you possibly have a horrible day in the season of fall? Ok, I know it's possible lol I had one the other day lol, but is it just me, or does fall just put you in an amazing mood.

2. Perfect Weather. In the words of Yeezy (Kanye) "And the weather's so breezy, damn why can't life always be this easy?!". That's how I feel everyday of fall; Autumn leaves, a cool breeze...don't get no betta! lol. It's essentially the transition of life.

1. It's so romantical. I am definitely a hopeless romantic, but it's something about fall that just intensifies that element lol. This is the perfect weather for a nice walk at the park and even a picnic; It's pretty much the perfect opportunity to do outdoor activities without worrying about passing out in the hot sun, freezing in the winter, or dieing from pollen inhalation in the spring lol. I live for this type of weather, it makes me feel so alive and appreciative of nature.

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Transitions to Fall

Palm trees to autumn leaves
Muggy days to a cool breeze
I long for you

Long days to long nights
Sun rays to dim lights
I welcome you

Warm sky's to amber hues
Brisk walks to a midnight cruise
I embrace you

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Embrace the unpredictability of Life

There is only one constant in life...change. No matter how set in your ways or familiar you would like things to remain, the fact of the matter is, some things are beyond your control. I know this may be a hard thing to grasp for most control freaks, but life is the most unpredictable thing in the world. You can plan your entire life out exactly how you want it, follow those steps, and expect those outcomes, but when life happens regardless.

This is a message to people like myself that are sometimes hesitant to go with the flow. Like I've said previously... "those that don't think God has a sense of humor do not know my life". I say that because I envisioned what I wanted my future to look like, planned it, and went for it, but when God has other plans for your life you have to obey and go with the flow. At 24, I've learned so much about life and myself this year than I ever have. God has been speaking to me, and while I ignored majority of it, I am finally listening and letting things manifest naturally.

I've learned that in some cases, it's best to let things play out and go from there. Take it from me, it's so stressful trying to essentially "play God" and work out the kinks before they happen. I pride myself on being a forward thinker, I have never thought in a mediocre manner, and I'm always thinking of the next step; However, because I'm a forward thinker I tend to over think a lot of things, and attempt to envision how a scenario will play out before it happens. But with life, there are no a split second your entire world could change. I'm learning to embrace the unpredictability of life and enjoy it all...the good, bad and ugly.

Don't stress over things beyond your control. Do the best you can and God will provide the protection and support you need. This life is not guaranteed, don't spend it worrying about everything, enjoy the spontaneity of it all. Embrace the inevitable changes in life and go with the flow, set yourself free !

Monday, October 7, 2013

Just keep swimming

When life knocks you down... Just keep swimming. I know I'm not the only Finding Nemo fanatic here guys lol (anticipating part 2, Finding Dory, coming in 2016!). I've come to the conclusion that the best lesson's in life come from kids movies.

Look at The Lion King; first we're taught that we can't trust everybody... not even family (when Scar kills Mufasa...his own brother!), then we go through the struggle with Simba as he finds himself, next he becomes stronger and realizes his purpose, he understands that Hakuna Matata means no worries... for the rest of your dayyyyyyysssssssssss ! It's our problem-freeeeeeeeeeeee phylosophyyyyyyyyyyyy !
Oh sorry... I'm back now lol & finally rises to the occasion to be King to continue his father's legacy.

And the same with Finding Nemo. This is a story of a kid embracing his flaws (one small fin) and finding his way back home in more ways than one. And for Marlin, his dad, he is taught to trust again through Dory, after losing his wife Coral and several kids through a traumatic experience with a barracuda. Although air-headed and quirky... Dory brings him back to life & he becomes less uptight and overprotective and more of an easy going clown-fish, with decent jokes by the end.

If you're ever in need of inspiration just pop in one of those classic Disney movies, it sure makes a difference for me. No matter what life throws at you just keep swimming through the storm until you see the light. And when stress begins to take over, remember the problem-free philosophy... Hakuna Matata !

Friday, October 4, 2013

5 reasons...

Why I can't be the DD
(Designated Driver)

5.  That's what cabs are for. I know you want me to be the DD because it's free, but let's face it... nothing in life is free. You would come out better paying a sober (hopefully lol) professional that transports drunks for a living, than relying on me lol.

4.  I'm the get-away driver. I would be a better asset to you as a get-away driver because of the thrill. The adrenaline of it all would provide me a temporary high to distract me from the fact that I'm doing a good dead for free lol.

3. I'm not getting paid. Give me an incentive at least lol. I'm not gonna take that risk and only receive the satisfaction of getting everyone home safely, I accept cash, PayPal and credit.

2. Your life is not in my hands. I don't want to be responsible for your life. I don't need that burden, I am responsible for me and only me so either call a cab or drink responsibly.

1. I'm going to enjoy myself. I refuse to go out and watch everyone else have a good time, if I'm going out I'm going to have restrictions lol.

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Be the change you seek

"It's time for us as a people to start making some changes...let's change the way we eat, let's change the way we live, let's change the way we treat each other! You see the old way wasn't working so it's on us to do what we gotta survive"- 2pac

It starts with you ! If you want things to change you have to be the change you seek. The world is in an unsure state, now is the time to come together and make a difference in the world. Society has changed so much over the years, people don't speak to each other, and helping others is such an uncommon thing. Why are we so closed off and selfish? Our ancestor's were always giving even when they didn't have it.

I can remember back to great grandparents and my grandparents that gave until the couldn't give anymore. These days people only want to help themselves, which is the reason they won't ever get far in life. I was raised to support everyone and give a lending hand as much as possible.

This generation wants success and they want it fast. No one wants to do the ground work and build a solid foundation, they just want the home. Everything is rushed... marriage,babies,jobs etc. I am guilty of wanting things instantly, but I know that hard work pays off. I come from school teachers, truck drivers, nurses, MARTA bus drivers, custodians...hard workers that never expected a hand out and worked hard for everything they have. Because I have such amazing people to draw from, past or present, I know that the change I seek starts with me.

If there is anything that you don't like: bullying, murders, current job, living circumstances... it is up to you to make a difference. Take it a step at a time, a little goes a long way. Sure, people will laugh and question why you are doing something, but one thing is for sure, they will ask you how you did it once you reach your goal. Don't let obstacles and set backs stop you from accomplishing anything you want out of life. If you want to go for a better paying job go for it ! If you want to live in a better neighborhood work for it ! Never give up, you will reap the benefits of your labor, and appreciate it so much more.

*Today's post was inspired by the late great poet/rapper/philanthropist Tupac Shakur, below is the video to his song "Changes". It's sad that these same problems are still prevalent today...we have to change ourselves before we change the world!*

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

When you are out of inspiration...create your own

I woke up today with no obvious idea as to what I would write today. Most days, I am blessed with inspiration from so many different perspectives, and while they may still be there, it isn't as prevalent today. This goes to show that no one is immune from a blockage of inspiration or creativity, but with any setback you have to keep pushing. After all, I wouldn't be doing my job if I didn't give you all a post today; nobody cares about your personal life when you have a job to do, just get it out and get it done! lol

There is so much power in inspiring, so why not be that motivating force for yourself? You have to inspire yourself to keep going. It is up to you to believe in your craft or no one else will. You have to embody everything you want to represent so that it will reflect upon others. Don't be afraid of criticism, people will talk about you for the rest of your life, whether it's good or bad so you might as well give them something to talk about.

The most amazing thing about inspiration is it's spontaneity; you never know when or where you will receive it, it's kind of like crying or most cases it's unexpected. When you are out of inspiration there are several things you can do to get those creative juices flowing. You can read a book, watch a movie, drive, people watch, paint, or listen to music.

When you are lacking inspiration it's always best to get up and do things to take your mind off of it. Try new things that you normally wouldn't, go places you've never been. Another rewarding form of inspiration is going to help others... this could be a simple gesture of helping a senior citizen put groceries into the car, feeding the hungry, or volunteering at your local church, school or library. There are no limits to inspiration so get out there and start to absorb the positivity that the world has to offer. You never know... someones story could change your life !

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Make TODAY count !


The year is almost over. What are you going to do to ensure your future is better than your present? Take the time today and create a dream board or list of things you wish to have accomplished or worked towards by this time next year; Dedicate time to whatever it may be and watch it manifest.

Today is as good as any to have a fresh start at life, there is no better time like the present. Think of what makes your heart smile, what drives you, and what makes you want to wake up in the morning... and go for it! Give it your all and shoot for the moon so that even if you fall you will land amongst the stars. Learn to embrace derogatory will more than likely hear no a million times before you hear yes. It is up to you to be resilient and persevere by making the nonbelievers realize your worth. Don't be afraid...let your light shine bright !

You will only be as great as you allow yourself to be, don't let fear or doubt hinder you from sharing with the world your amazing gift. God gives every one the gift of a talent, and your gift to him is to use it. Once you start doing something you love it will show in everything you do, and everything will naturally align. Imagine doing something you love for the rest of your life; it won't feel like work and the money will just be an added incentive.

Think of something that you would do for free and still get fulfillment from. Now think of doing that very same things but getting paid for it... that is the life! There is no blueprint to life or a career, if you can't find a way make a way! But there's only one way to acquire it... run towards you dream without reservation and see how God blesses you !

"Life isn't about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself!"- Unknown