Friday, May 30, 2014

5 reasons...

To Carpe Diem 
(Seize the Day)

5. Days are Temporary.Once the day is over it's gone forever, and you can never get it back. Sure you have to be responsible and work to provide for yourself, but your spare time should be spent wisely; And what's wiser than being happy? Nothing ! lol Plan a trip if you have to, but once you get there blow caution to the wind and have a damn good time. Everyone deserves to be free of everyday burdens and stress, take a little time out of each day to relax and unwind in you own special way.

4. The Thrill. There's nothing like the high (yes natural lol) you get from an adventure. And I don't know if it's just me, but it seems as though the thrill is amplified when it's unexpected. Go out and do something you've never done, what's the worst that could happen? If it blows you'll have story to tell, but if it's mind-blowing you've have an even better story.

3. The Spontaneity. When you go against the grain and choose not to plan something, the window of opportunity is ginormous ! Not to mention, you never know who you'll meet. Some of my most prized memories arose from unpredictable instances. Life is already scheduled enough with long crappy work hours, meetings, and other annoyances, get off the clock and make your own rules for once !

2. Life is Uncertain. Tomorrow is not promised, and since we all know that, it should be more of an incentive to live each day like it's our last. I'm not talking about ruthless Project X parties and careless fun, more so fulfilling things that not only enriches your life, but others as well.

1. Only 1 Shot. You only have one life to live, actually LIVE and do things that make you feel alive. You don't want to look up 30 years later only to have a life of "shoulda coulda woulda's". Do it now, and live to talk about it tomorrow !

Thursday, May 29, 2014

In God's Game of Tag You're Always IT!


Ever felt like you were in a game of tag and no one made you 'it'? In the game it's a good thing not to be it, but in life not so much lol. And although it may not seem like it at this very moment you are it and God hasn't forgotten to tag you... He's just waiting for the perfect moment.

Periodically I go through these spells of what I call self pity. I don't down talk or depress myself, but I do question when it'll be my turn. It never fails that when it appears someone else is raining with blessings, yours seem to be that much smaller. I am appreciative for all that I have accomplished, but with so much ground to cover, what I've done this far seems so minute.

This is a prime example of why social media is the devil. If you're like me, it's hard not to compare your life to your peers. And although everything isn't as it seems, some things are as vividly accurate as a snapshot. For some reason it's easier to gloat on the things we don't have than to appreciate what we do... call it humanism. 

No matter how long it takes for you to acquire what you've been longing for, remember that through it all you are IT ! You are enough. You are worthy. You are deserving of all the things you desire. Keep your faith strong and your confidence stronger, your time is near my dear... you'd better get ready for the good life !

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Support Systems Don't Always Include Family

When you start doing something you love, I mean really enjoying it, you'll be surprised at the number of people that genuinely support you. A natural assumption would be that family would be your number one cheerleaders right? Wrong ! But it's not the end of the world... take a walk with me.

It can be a hard pill to swallow when the people that matter the most in your life don't support your passion. Even if they don't like it and it bores them to no end, support is expected..but not everyone sees your vision. Some may think it's pointless, some may support, while others will remain indifferent.Whatever the case may be for you, don't give up.

You will be stunned by the amount of love and support you receive from complete strangers. It's crazy to think someone you don't even know believes in you, but it's true... all of my Ryder's are a testament of that. There has actually been more outside support than from family, and I'm completely fine with that. I can't say that I was initially, given that I support everyone, but what can you do? Your best, nothing more nothing less.

Whomever your support system consists of, never take them for granted. God allots you a select few that understand what you are trying to accomplish, the rest of the world has to catch up in due time. Be patient with the non-believers, trust me they will come around. Don't feel the need to prove anything, just do you and everything else will fall through.

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Just Like Mouth's, Close Minds Don't Get Fed Either

The mind is the most power element of the body, it's like the motherboard on a computer, it controls everything. It's crazy when you think of things that happen naturally like blinking, breathing, knowing when you're sleepy, hungry, happy etc. The common denominator in all things in regards to the human body is directly correlated to the mind.

Now think of a mind that limits itself of knowledge, which in turn restricts them from an essential key to life, growth.That's why you'll see a lot of older people that behave like children, I say this all the time: Maturity is not defined by age. This is especially true for drug abusers, it is said that their mentality stays at the age they were when they started using. So take for instance my dad, he's been using since before I was born and I'm 25, so easily he has the mind frame of a teenager, or less if you ask me lol.

We're told as kids A mind is a terrible thing to waste, and know nothing of the meaning until we're tapping at 30's door. You have no real value on life or appreciation for it until then anyway. But what's also funny and interesting at the same time is all of the things you remember, like your brain is a person library, how crazy is that?! Don't waste the beautiful gift you were given at birth, open your mind so that opportunities will follow.

It's convenient to be quite, stubborn and strong willed, but I can tell you this... it won't get you far. If you want anything out of this life you have to go for it with confidence and a sense of entitlement. State your claim and don't stop until you get it. There's too much to offer, too much to attain, and too much to experience to let fear block your pathway to success. Read, Explore and Conquer the world, that's what it's made for. Enrich yourself with things that make you a better person. Feed you mind and your soul will live forever.

Monday, May 26, 2014

It's Never Too Late To Cut The Dead Weight

Dead weight could be a plethora of things: bad energy, negative people, clothes, hair, a job you hate, a failing relationship etc. Don't think of it as a bad thing, in most cases it's actually more beneficial; think of how brittle and weak your hair is when you're hanging on to split ends amongst other things. Sometimes letting go is essential for your growth.

Whatever is hindering you today, doesn't have to be present tomorrow. Rid yourself of all things that don't enrich your life some way or another. That happy and healthier life you wish to attain or maintain won't exist if you don't eliminate the baggage. And don't be afraid to let go, there's always something better in route that will appear when you least expect it.
 Cutting the dead weight is essentially taking a leap of faith. It is the belief that you will grow when all ties that hold you back are cut loose. Don't be afraid to grow, even if that means outgrowing people that you care about, it's one of life's hardest inevitables.

Make it a priority to put the betterment of your well being first. Stop sacrificing happiness so that others can be, you deserve it just as much as they do. If you aren't happy with your current circumstances, work towards changing them daily; each inch of a step is close to your goal than you think. As you transition through life remember one thing, there are many paths to choose but only one is destined for you; never question or second guess it, you are where you are supposed to be at this very moment... nothing is in vain.

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Some People Are So Miserable Even The Sun Irritates Them

It's crazy but some people are so unhappy they want everyone around them to feel it. I've got several names for those types (although it's not limited to women): Annoying Amy, Berating Brenda, Complaining Carly, Depressing Debra,Debbie Downer, Negative Nancy; the list goes on, but I think you get the point lol.

Miserable people always want an audience, and it's up to you whether you decide to join, ignore, or eliminate them. That old saying: 'Misery loves company' couldn't be more factual, because without  the attention there's not much to say. Don't fuel their negativity, there's already enough in the world.

Pessimists always have a negative approach to life, being that in their eyes, the glass is always halfway empty. There is no optimism, no hope, and definitely no faith. To me, people like that are walking devils, always finding/creating the bad in everything. Rid them of your life, they are stealing your happiness.

Listening to a pessimistic person gripe and complain is like feeding a lion, they will never be full. I see it all the time on social networks; when people don't comment or like a negative statement or remark the person deletes it, but when people join in by trying to remedy the situation or agreeing, they keep it going. Being around a miserable person can be so draining. I equate it to nonstop gloomy rainy days, even if the sun is out you can't really appreciate it because of the dark cloud around you. That's why it's best to rid yourself of any negativity, for the betterment of your life. Do it, and watch how quickly everything will positively change.

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Never Question What's Meant To Be

In the hands of God nothing is in vain. Everything has a purpose and is for a reason. And in knowing that, people still question him daily? You can't question the inevitable.

Have you ever just sat down and thought about your life? Like really take a tour through your memory's museum? Despite all of the hardships, setbacks, and misfortunes you're still here. And in the mist of the bad good has shown through consistently right? The mere fact that you're still alive is with purpose.

Although it may not seem like it at the time, God will never give you more than you can handle. He gives his greatest battle to his strongest soldiers, and when you survive (and you will), there lies your testimony. Be grateful that he chose you.

Life gives us the gift of a story. And what makes a good story? Depth, Suspense, Hardships, Love and Sacrifice. What good is a story without all of these elements? Fictional if you as me lol. So the next time you're complaining and asking 'why me', remember that instance is only a paragraph of your novel, you've got plenty of room to fill those pages.

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Nothing Great Happens Over Night

Stop trying to take the shortcuts and easy route to the top. There are no elevators to success, if you aren't prepared to climb through the trenches, don't expect to make it. You're only hurting yourself because shortcuts short you.

I've never seen anything great happen over night, not even overnight sensations. If you want to build a legacy that withstands, you can't have a temporary brand. Everything that comes without hard work won't sustain the test of time.

Sure it's more enticing to take the quick approach, but once that temporary product wears, you won't have anything to lean on. Put in the work now so that the future you will be grateful.

If you want to be great stop thinking temporary and start thinking legendary. You own it to yourself and future clientele to deliver the best that you have to offer. If you take nothing from this post, remember these two things: 1. No one likes rushed work 2. And definitely not low quality. Build your Rome, it doesn't happen in a day !

Monday, May 19, 2014

Live Without Limits

What if your limit blocked blessings? What if those blessings could provide you the ultimate fulfillment you've always desired? Don't give up now, there's more to discover.

I received this message today and so can you. You may have thought you've uncovered every layer of your being, but the awesome thing about life is that it's the gift that keeps on giving. Each year, month, day, hour, minute, and second that you have breath in your body is with purpose. Whether minute or groundbreaking, each experience has a little gem of knowledge attached.

You have the potential to expound on all of your talents. Don't just devote energy to one thing, experiment even if it's for fun... you never know what you'll get out of it.

Do something you've never done. Say something you've never said. Be the person you've always wanted to. Free yourself of limits that do more harm than help. Who cares about the opinions of others? You've got a legacy to create !

Take each day as it comes and make it your own. Write your memoir in the pits of the ocean, the grooves of the clouds, and the breeze from a perfect day. These gifts are priceless... just like you !

Thursday, May 15, 2014

It's Okay Not To Have All The Answers

Life can be so discouraging when you don't know what you want to get out of it. With all of the options and possibilities it can be hard to decipher your path from everyone else's. Life would be so easier if you were born knowing exactly what you're supposed to be doing, but it wouldn't be interesting.

Discovering yourself is one of the most amazing experiences you will ever endure. Going through countless misses to get one hit gives life color. It also gives you that extra push when you feel like giving up because you've already invested so much.

The funny thing about life is, you think that as you get older you come to know everything, but the trust is you don't. While age generally brings about a wealth of knowledge, certain things will inevitably remain obscure like abstract art; it can be interpreted  differently through ones perspective.

Do all you can in this life and don't stress about the unknown. Everything you are destined to know will manifest, everything else doesn't pertain to you... at least that's how I look at it. Focus on leaving your imprint on Earth like no one else can. Make whatever you have to offer so unique that it can be admired and imitated but impossible to duplicate. Set the standard of greatness bu raising the bar, go ahead I know you have it in you !

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Don't Let You Fears Be A Deal-breaker For Your Future

Everything you want in this life is within your reach. Every dream, every desire, every experience; But you have to believe it, to receive it. You are only as great as you allow yourself to be. When you let fears dictate your future, you jeopardize everything.

Just think of all the things you wanted to do or could have done in school that you didn't. Think of that girl/boy you never approached. Or think of that job you never applied for because you didn't think you were qualified.

Fear blocks your blessings. Fear makes you believe that you aren't worthy and the things you desire aren't attainable; But with every negative is a positive. That positive is hope, and hope reverses everything. Shake the fear and start living !

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Saving Grace

In a world of uncertainty you are my constant
Vibrant as ever
Glowing the way oceans do at night

In a world of uncertainty you are my constant
Withstanding it all
Mending the wrongs making them right

In a world of uncertainty you are my constant
Dependable you are
My sure thing I trust, lasts with you forever

In a world of uncertainty you are my constant
No shooting star
Luck is obsolete,without you I'm incomplete

In a world of uncertainty you are my constant
A rare gem
Infinite love, it was meant to be

In a world of uncertainty you are my constant
My saving grace
I was made for you, you were made for me

Monday, May 12, 2014

You've Gotta Have That 'If Not Me Then Who?' Attitude

Life is all about competition: who looks better, who dresses better, who's thinner, who's smarter... the list can continue forever; More than likely you've experienced one of these things, if not all, by the time you're 18... but what no one ever tells you is to be in competition with yourself.

Years will pass and those friends you once had in high school, the ones you thought would be there forever, will be a distance memory; Those people you disliked or envied in high school won't matter, and the best dressed will probably be a J (for the non-Atliens a 'J' is a bum or homeless person) lol. Moral of the story, the only constant in life is change, and the only thing you can be sure of is yourself.

In everything you do, you've gotta have that If not me then who? mentality. You should always perform or attempt to perform at you highest quality. When you're grown, you are no longer representing your parents... everything you do is a reflection of yourself. If you half-ass at work, school, and relationships it will show and people won't expect anything less from you. But if you go above and beyond for everything that has your name attached to it, you will gain respect and accreditation.

Being in competition with yourself has no negative side effects, it's actually the healthiest form of competition. It's a focus and drive to be great, and every year you can push yourself to be better than you were the year before. It's all about setting goals, pursuing them, and following through. No one has the exact same talent and ambition as you, set your mind to start thinking: If not me then who?

Friday, May 9, 2014

5 reasons...

You Should Cherish Your Mother

5. There's knowledge to gain. With every Mom there is a story to be told. She may not have done everything right, well no one does, but I can guarantee you she learned from every mistake. Listen and absorb all of the priceless advice and lessons she has to offer you; those are rare gems that will forever be embedded in your memory when she's gone.

4. She is a reflection of you. Whether your Mother was there for you or not, the woman/man you are or are becoming is because of her. You may be completely alike or polar opposites but your origins lie within her. And strangely the things that get on your nerves about her is directly related to you and something about yourself that you've yet to tap into.

3. She carried you. For 9 long months your Mom carried you in her womb, felt your kicks and listened to your heartbeat. Your mere existence is because of her... be grateful. There's no way I can you back, but my plan is to show you that I understand... you are appreciated.

2. Not everyone has that privilege. There are people that would love to have a Mom...some have died, some don't have a relationship with theirs, and some don't know what they have. If you are lucky enough to have a Mom, don't take it for granted.

1. You only get 1. You may have "motherly" figures in your life, but the fact still remains you only one biological mother. No matter the circumstance, love her and show her that you appreciate her. Mother's are the most powerful being on this Earth after God, who else can create a human being?

*** HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY ! Wishing all of the Mother's/Ryder's a beautiful weekend. You don't have to shell out a lot of money on gifts or an expensive dinner to show your Mom how much you care, just being there and spending time is enough. Take it old school and make something like a card, poem or painting, it's the thought that counts. And in the words of Kanye': " If you admire somebody you should go ahead and tell em' people never get the flowers while they can still smell em' "

Here's two of my favorite Mother's Day songs, 
couldn't choose just one because they're both so epic ! lol any who enjoy !

Thursday, May 8, 2014

Everyone Wants The Limited Edition, Might As Well Be You

Let's face it, our generation is all about temporary forevers; everything has to be rushed and instant. With everything easily attainable, people are in search of reasons to indulge in all things unorthodox, why not let it be you?

In school the "weird kids" are picked on because people don't get it; but in the real world weird is IN. From the likes of Andy Warhol, Andre 3000 & Aristotle... They all have made being different appealing in their own way. Coincidentally weird is what I look for in a friend or significant other, regular is so boring. There's something so attractive about someone that moves to the beat of their own bass-drum.
Being a limited edition comes with a lot of responsibility; not every is a limited edition, and everyone definitely don't understand it. It's what separates the bold from the bland. There's nothing wrong with being bland if you're watching your blood pressure of course lol, but the bold always mark their spot in history.

In everything you do make sure it's done with style and grace; make sure it's an accurate representation of you. And lastly, make sure it's exclusive. In the words of Jay-Z: " It ain't for EVERYBODY ! "

*** Here's a little music motivation from one unorthodox singer that's definitely a limited edition !

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Be Your Own Gateway Drug

I know some of you are like "what? She's talkin' about drugs now?" lol but as always there's a method to my madness. You know how one drug can open the door to a more intense drug? Why not have that mentality for your career?

Take each experience/ job and think of it as a temporary stepping stone to get you where you want to be. All too often people get complacent in a job they don't love, then acquire more responsibilities that inevitably leaves them stuck in that position. The problem is, they started off thinking temporary and lost track of the vision they initially set for themselves. Don't let that be you.

Sure the job you're at doesn't pay well, or maybe it pays well but you aren't getting enough hours, don't quit. You must attain the bottom to reach the top; stick with it if it will eventually get you where you want to be. Start as an intern or entry level and have the mindset to want to become CEO one day. Your success starts with your drive and determination, never think mediocre when you have the potential to be grand.

Set a goal and stick with it. And more importantly set reminders, don't get content; when you are content you aren't growing. Refuel your mindset every 3 weeks, that reminder will help you when the complacency tries to creep in. Go ahead and get started on your gateway to greatness !

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Are you Living or Living Vicariously?

With all of the reality shows, books, movies and sitcoms at our discretion it's easy to live vicariously through others; in fact at times it's a great escape from your own reality. There's nothing like looking at other people's issues to deflect your own lol, wrong but we've all done it on more than one occasion.
Contrarily, you can be so busy making a living that you forget or don't have time to make a life. The biggest challenge in life is finding the balance for things that matter. You may feel like you're juggling too much at one time, but if you don't pay attention something will fall. Make sure that your priorities are aligned so that nothing is left behind. And start doing things you love, if you don't you'll regret it.

Social media doesn't help either. I have a love hate relationship with social media lol. There are so many people that torture themselves daily comparing their lives to friends or strangers online; Comparing anything is destined for doom. Don't worry about anyone else's circumstances, focus on yourself and Just live.

If you have to choose between living vicariously through others or living, choose living. This may seem like a no-brainer to most, but a lot of people get caught up with facades and how things "appear" to be. As I said in a recent post, if you have to idolize someone choose yourself. Everything is not as it seems, live the best life you can and enjoy it, you don't want years to go by and you find you have nothing to show for it.

*** P.S. I apologize for not posting yesterday, especially on one of my favorite holidays :(; but unfortunately my Internet was out for majority of the day due to an outage in the area. Anyway I'm up and running again, hope you guys had a safe and fun Cinco de Mayo yesterday (if you celebrate it).

Friday, May 2, 2014

5 reasons...

You should go Wine Tasting !
(If you're 21+ of course)

5. It's an Experience. There's nothing like dressing up and getting cute, and wine tasting is a perfect excuse to do so. You can make it a girls night out, a romantic date night, or go solo and meet new people. Whatever the case, have fun ! That's what it's all about. Tasting wines from the likes of Italy, Spain, Germany and beyond will only make you want to travel and get some international stamps on that passport !

4. It's Something Different. Lately I've been all about doing different things; You never know who you'll meet when you do something out of the ordinary. Expand your palette by adding more colors, nothing wrong with changing your perspective of the world every now and then. Let this experience be the first of many new things you try this year.

3. It's Local. We only had to travel 30 minutes out to Alpharetta, but there are others all over. If you've been under a rock like me and thought you'd have to travel California to visit a vineyard, prepare to be stunned. At the wine tasting we met other "wine connoisseurs" that graciously told us about vineyards right here in Georgia. There are packages that include a hike and wine tasting after in Helen, Ga. I just have to find one where we can stomp some grapes with our bare feet next ! Lol

2. It's Affordable. Long gone are the days of wine tasting exclusively for the "elite". You can get a great wine tasting experience equipped with 16 different selections of wines ranging from the best whites, reds, and finest rose's from around the world; And we even had cheese, fruit, chocolate, mac & cheese, potato salad, cornbread & pulled pork. Not bad at all for only $10 !

1. It's WINE. Who doesn't like wine? And more importantly, who doesn't like an assortment of wines at their disposal? Lol  When I saw that deal on Living Social it was like God personally created it for me lol.

 *** Note: You can also look for wine tasting deals among others at: Deal Chicken, Groupon & Half off Depot.

Thursday, May 1, 2014

Stressing Is Like Praying For What You Don't Want To Happen

Stress is something we all can relate to, but there have been no positive effects in regards to it. We stress daily about food, traffic, work, school, and relationships. Some people exercise, drink, smoke, or fight... while others eat to release the tension. No matter what you do to cope, there's still one solid fact, worrying and stressing about things don't help your health, and is basically a waste of time because majority of the time it never happens.

Whenever you feel stressed step back and take a break... walk, count to10, or do something to take your mind off of it completely. Stress is essentially your worst enemy, kind of like that boss you can't stand, the monthly menstrual cycle (sorry guys) lol, or that competitive coworker that always keeps you on edge.

Find things to help you eliminate stress: take a exercise class, take a walk in the park, try something fun and new. You will lead a happier and healthier life when you stop letting stress consume you. Statistics have shown that the leading cause to depression is stress. You deserve to have a peace of mind. Make time to have a moment of clarity each day for a more balanced and fulfilling life. Don't worry about the coulda shoulda woulda's, what's meant to be will be. Let it go and LIVE !