Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Step Back... And Let The Sun Shine On Ya !

That's right, soak up those rays... But not too much because Atlanta's on fire ! Lol which brings me to another theory I have... Atlanta + A Beach, could you imagine such a thing? That's really the only element that we're missing.

It's okay to take a break and breathe ! You have to create a balance in your life, it can't be all play but contrarily, it can't be all work either. You've gotta stimulate all aspects if your being to live a happy healthy life, it's time to start prioritizing. 

There's something so powerful with nature, a direct connection with God. Sometimes it's good to get out and be one with nature: take a walk, reflect by the lake, go for a swim, hike up a mountain... whatever bring you closer to your happy will work.

Try and make time each day or a few days a week to spend some time in silence. It gives you the ability to regroup and clear your mind. We're all destined to have amazing lives, let's make sure we can stay around long enough to really enjoy them.

1 comment:

  1. I love this post too. You can find so much peace in nature.
