Monday, June 30, 2014

Hold On Tight, You're On The Ride Of Your Life !

It doesn't matter what stage of life you're at right now, these are the moments that matter the most because they will prepare and propel you where you want to be. You may not know where that place is just yet, and that's the beauty of it... you have to find your way; You've gotta fail, experience rejection, feel lost and discouraged, and try different things until you stumble upon something you absolutely love.

I say this often, maybe too often lol, but NOTHING is in vain. Embrace your struggle and watch it bring out the best in you. Just think, if you had everything you desired right now would you be able to fully appreciate it? I don't think so. Use this precious time now to experiment and find something that makes your soul smile.

There will be hard times, adversity, and a million 'no's' before one yes, but keep going. Don't let fear be the reason why you didn't reach your full potential; And definitely don't listen to others, especially those that never went after their dreams; No one has the power to write your story but you, and luckily you have the opportunity to create the life you truly desire.

Don't waste another day making someone else a millionaire, it's time to start working towards your own. Devote as much time and energy as possible towards creating a brand of integrity and solidarity. Your product or whatever you have to offer should speak for itself, and should represent you in the highest light. Anything given the proper amount of love and attention while flourish, go ahead... there's no time like the present.

Thursday, June 26, 2014

Gratitude Is The Secret Weapon To Success

You'd be surprised at far you can get in life by having good manners and gratitude. People can appreciate a genuine hardworking person, they'll even invest in you.

So many doors have opened for me because of those two traits, and they can for you. It's all about the aura you portray, if it comes off as good spirited and honest, people will gravitate to you. 

And if you choose not to take the route of  appreciation, God will see fit that you will learn to. Have you seen someone that had everything have it abruptly taken away? That's because they didn't appreciate it enough, so God took it away so that they would. There's nothing like the higher power to knock you off of your pedestal and sense of entitlement, directly to the ground of reality. You can't expect blessings to keep rolling in if you don't acknowledge what you already have. The secret weapon to greatness is gratitude, you can't survive without both.

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Step Back... And Let The Sun Shine On Ya !

That's right, soak up those rays... But not too much because Atlanta's on fire ! Lol which brings me to another theory I have... Atlanta + A Beach, could you imagine such a thing? That's really the only element that we're missing.

It's okay to take a break and breathe ! You have to create a balance in your life, it can't be all play but contrarily, it can't be all work either. You've gotta stimulate all aspects if your being to live a happy healthy life, it's time to start prioritizing. 

There's something so powerful with nature, a direct connection with God. Sometimes it's good to get out and be one with nature: take a walk, reflect by the lake, go for a swim, hike up a mountain... whatever bring you closer to your happy will work.

Try and make time each day or a few days a week to spend some time in silence. It gives you the ability to regroup and clear your mind. We're all destined to have amazing lives, let's make sure we can stay around long enough to really enjoy them.

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Stop Sabotaging Your Blessings By Sharing Them With EVERYBODY !

Your blessings are just that, YOURS ! Everyone's blessings are distinctly for them, so why are you blocking yours? I'm not saying don't be a blessing to others, but when God give you something it's for a reason. And while other's may have similar timing/experiences as you, each blessing is handcrafted for that particular person.

My Mom is the epitome of the saying: "Blessed to be a Blessing". She will give and give and give until there's nothing left, then she'll look for another outlet to give some more. I often tell her she overexerts herself, because while she's wonderful and selfless to people (even strangers), yet she seldomly get's the reciprocation I believe she deserves. She always says she's doing it from her heart and doesn't expect anything from anyone, and even if people are ungrateful or unappreciative, God see's her work and in the end that's all that matters. She's a rare gem, and I love and admire her for that... but I I will not be following down that path lol.

I'm a believer of equality, fairness, and the boomerang effect. If I'm sending positive vibes into the universe I expect it back, and let's take it old school... if I'm "treating someone the way I want to be treated", I'm gonna want that returned; But unfortunately this world isn't built in such a manner, and it often seems like the good finish last. I believe that certain blessings are only for you, and when you try to include people whom it wasn't intended for, you diminish the value, and cheat yourself. I'm not saying don't share or bless people through your blessings, I'm saying it's okay to be selfish sometimes, because let's face it, no one will look out for you like YOU !

Whatever blessings you've received or have yet to see manifest should be cherished and sacred. Trust me, God makes no mistakes, so if he gives you something revel in it, it's yours ! Enjoy the fruits of your labor, and share them with appreciative people; the last thing you want to do (well let me speak for myself), the last thing I want to do is celebrate with a naysayers that's secretly praying for the demise. All I'm saying is be selective with whom you choose to share your blessings with, it ain't for EVERYBODY !

Monday, June 23, 2014

'Too Late' Is Obsolete If You Really Want It

As usual, these 'messages from God' never seize to resonate. Have you ever wanted something so bad but felt it was too late to pursue it, because you're already in too deep with something else? There's no such thing as too late if it's something that's a high priority.

As kid's, we're told to do whatever our hearts desires, and that we can be anything we want to be; but somewhere along the line, reality warps your vision and redirects your focus. It's ultimately up to you to decide to continue to chase your dreams despite every obstacle that WILL arise.

The greatest test of ones passion is when faced with adversity. If you'll give up after the first no (which definitely won't be the last) then you never really wanted it. If you'll listen to other's opinions of what they feel you should be doing, instead of listening to your heart, you never really wanted it.

Finding your path, for most, won't be an easy route. You will fail, you will stumble, and you will go left before your right path presents itself. Don't give up or feel discouraged, this is all about of your success story. There is no straight path, the zigs and zags are what keep people intrigued, so embrace it. Don't waste anymore time putting off today what can be now, after all... It's never too late to be great !

Friday, June 20, 2014

5 reasons...

To Have A Girls Night !

Dinner & A Movie. There are so many great movies coming out for the summer, which makes it the perfect time to round up your posse for a night of fun. Don't feel like waiting at restaurants in fear of risking missing the movie? Luckily there are so many places like Movie Tavern & Fork & Screen that offer food and drinks (alcoholic as well) at theaters, talk about 2-in-1 deals lol. I saw 'The Fault In Our Stars' two weeks ago with my bestie and definitely recommend it, and tonight I'll be watching 'Think Like A Man Too' with my Mom & Cousin's !


Sip & Stroke. Painting and Wine what more could you ask for? I've yet to get to one, but I'll make it my business to experience it before the end of summer. Best of all they're super affordable ($10-$15, and may be cheaper with a group rate) not to mention you get to BYOB !


Cosmic Bowling. There's nothing like fun in the dark to rid your inhibitions, and unleash your inner goof ball. What's better than drinks, loud music, neon lights, and your friends? This is a simple and cost effective activity that's sure to make memories that you can tell your grand kids: "I remember when [insert name] fell in between the gutters and got stuck, they had to call the fire department to get her out." lol now who wants to miss out on that kinda fun? But make sure your outfit is on point so that you'll look cute on the gurney ! lol.

Bar Hop (with a twist). What do bars and brides have in common? Nothing, until you get into character and act like it's your last night as a single woman lol. Get all of your gal pals together for a night of parental advisory fun; Buy brides maid paraphernalia for everyone (shirts, hats, etc) and take turns going into bars getting the VIP treatment. And if you get free drinks or meet someone cool, don't forget to thank me later lol.


Old Fashioned Sleepover. On a budget? Who says sleepovers are only for kids? Gather all of your girls together and get creative ! Have a potluck, get some wine or have everyone chip in for margaritas, crank up Pandora and dance the night away. You can play drinking games, confession sessions, and a night isn't complete without an allotted time of male bashing ! lol feel free to add your own twist to a girls night, the possibilities are limitless !

Thursday, June 19, 2014

Why is The Art of Appreciation Often Neglected?

Why do we crave what we don't have but ignore what we do? Why is enough never ENOUGH? Why is there always a greater standard to strive to attain?

These are questions I need answers to, feel free to chime in. I'm grown sick of seeing endless posts of complaints on social media, from people whose lives aren't as bad as they may think. No you don't have a 2014 car, but you have A CAR. No you don't have your own place, but you have A PLACE TO STAY. No you don't have the job of your dreams, but you have A JOB.

Learn to appreciate what you have or God will take it away. He gives you things in small increments to see how you will receive them. Why would he continue to give if you can't appreciate what he's already done? Although he will bless and protect the blind and ungrateful, there comes a time when you have to say thank you.

Stop looking for pity parties and do something to better your life. Everything you want out of this life is attainable through hard work and dedication. Want a better paying job, place, car, or mate? Work your ass off to get it ! Don't expect anybody to give it to you; and more importantly, don't expect everyone to see the vision behind your dreams, it's not theirs so they won't !

Take the necessary steps to better yourself now, so that the foundation is set for a promising future. Living out your dream is like the gift that keeps on giving; everyone has one, but not everyone unwraps it and uses it !

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Be So Confident It Scares Them

You've gotta have that Kanye confidence ! You've gotta be so sure of yourself that no one can break you down. Too much confidence is often correlated to arrogance, but when you know your talent and believe in yourself there's nobody that can stop you but YOU.

There's great power in knowing your worth and what you have to offer. It sets a standards and forces you never to settle. There's something to be said about a person that revels in their accomplishments and holds themselves to a higher esteem.

Don't be afraid to show off your talents, that's what it's there for. Be proud of your accomplishments and challenge those around you to propel to their full potential. 

Create a product so authentic that no one can emulated it. Now is the time to build your brand along with your confidence. No one will believe what you're selling until you do. Put the work in now so you can shine later.

Friday, June 13, 2014

5 reasons...

To Go It Alone

5. Learn You. You'd be surprised at the number of women that have lost themselves in relationships, jobs and motherhood. Taking care of your responsibilities is applaudable, but not taking care of yourself can be detrimental to your life. Make time to learn what you do and don't like. Incorporate adventurous outings into the mellow ones. Be spontaneous, challenge yourself and have FUN !

4.Time Alone. Everyone needs "me time" to regroup and function. Doing things alone is a great way to think clearly, recharge your batteries, and most importantly enjoy yourself. You might be surprised at how interesting and amazing it is to spend time with yourself.

3. Ice Breaker. You are more approachable when you're alone than with a group of people. Often times guys are intimidated by women in large crowds and won't speak even if they're interested. Chances are if you're alone someone will break the ice by introducing themselves, and who knows, you could unexpectedly meet your soul mate on a random solo outing.

2. Cost Effective. Everyone's got at least one friend that never has money or a ride lol. So most times it's more expensive to go out because you have to foot your bill as well as theirs. Going out alone will cut your expenses in half literally lol, try going solo at least once and see how happy you and your wallet are afterward.

1. Liberating. I've always thought that people that went to restaurants alone were so confident and bold. There's an unspoken empowerment that's displayed by sitting alone; it had also been one of my new years resolutions for years that I'd never been brave enough to concur. However, I tried it at one of my favorite sushi restaurants a few months ago and trust, it won't be my last !

Thursday, June 12, 2014

Would You Choose Love over Success?

If you had to pick between the two which would it be? Go with your first mind but choose wisely, considering you can't choose both. So... what did you go with?

I choose love 1st, last & forever. Some people may be surprised by my choice, especially those that know my strong desire to become a professional writer; but before I tell you why I chose love, be mindful that my choice should not deflect or alter yours. Instances in life will change the way you think, so always keep an open mind.

Love is my choice because I have a fear of being alone... forever, there I said it. Nothing can amount to love, no amount of money or accolade can equate to the high true love gives you. If I had to choose, I'd choose to have a successful love than a successful career. That's not to say that I would drop my aspirations for my true love, it just means I'd know how to prioritize.

Success, while enticing, can allot a plethora of opportunities that could lead to higher accomplishments, but what's success if you have no one to share it with? Success won't hold you at night, listen when you need to vent, or offer encouraging words when you're being your worst critic. 

You may not agree with everything I've said, but the fact still stands that no one wants to grow old alone. And no one wants a meaningful career without the love and support of at least one person you trust. I want to leave a legacy of love, not only through my words but through my actions. A legacy that effortlessly speaks for itself, and represents peace and positivity... ultimately love would be my success.

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Your Pain Will Be Apart of Your Prize

That deep rooted secret that you keep hidden inside is not in vain. It haunts you. It angers you. It saddens you. But despite all of that, it should drive you. When things are falling apart and you feel there is no way out, think of your darkest hour. Think of how you thought you'd never come out of it, and somehow you did. The struggle in each day is finding the positive in every negative situation.

Our pain is not intended to bring us down. While a lot of people do succumb to depression, it was never God's intention to make his children suffer. The true test of life is your position after the storm. Are you standing, kneeling or hiding? It makes all the difference of what your tomorrow will look like. To get to the rainbow you've gotta deal with the rain.

Your prize, whatever that may, be doesn't come easy or without sacrifice. What are you will to lose to gain what you've always wanted? If your answer is nothing, you never really wanted the prize in the first place. There is no sacrifice too big to attain the prize of your dreams.

When you've done all you can, and you've found yourself in an unfamiliar place, i.e. closer to your dreams, you'll appreciate what you went through to get there. Your pain will be the driving force behind your mere existence. Everything that you become will be partly because of what you've gone through. Pain stems you, but only in the direction you allow it to. Make the decision to find the positive and never look back, that's the only beneficial option.

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

If Actions Speak Louder Than Words, Why Do We Still Need To Hear Them?

This is a question I've been asking myself, after having a talk with my best friend the other day. It made me think about upbringing, and how differently people are raised to express love, emotion and feelings. If it is not somewhat equivalent to the way you express, is it still adequate? or is it then obsolete because you don't connect with their way of showing love and appreciation?
I had that problem with the last guy I dated. He would show he cared in little ways, yet I still needed to hear it, which was like pulling teeth for him. Being of a different ethnicity, he was taught to show rather than tell how much you care for someone, while I was raised to both show and tell. It made things difficult, especially when I wanted to define the relationship. He'd say he just wanted to be friends, but would act in a way that confused me.

If someone doesn't say it, they don't care right? Wrong. Pay attention to non-verbal cues, most of our communication is based in part by gestures that don't include speech anyway. Everything you need to know is right in front of you, you can get answers without directly asking them. Want to know if he/she cares? Ask him/her to do or go somewhere he/she hates for you, or create a scenario that would show you how he/she feels. The response will allow you to fill in the question marks.

I even challenge you to show how you feel without uttering a word, and see if it translates. It doesn't have to be a boyfriend/girlfriend, it could be a friend or family member. Just test it out, and see how powerful non-verbal communication is. Just because someone doesn't say it, doesn't mean they don't feel it. Everyone expresses in their own way, be open to all aspects, you might even grow to like it.

Monday, June 9, 2014

Everyone Needs Encourgement, Even Me


This was my message from God today, I've talked about it previously in a post, and they still seem to be spot on with my life. These little gems are the inspiration I need when I feel down or more importantly...alone. I'm sure I'm not the only one that goes through these spells of loneliness, and I definitely won't be the last.

There are times when I am literally in a room full of people and I feel distant and disconnected. Partly because I haven't met anyone that fully understands me (aside from my Mom). I long for a friendship that's a connection beyond what I've experienced thus far. Don't get me wrong, I love my family and small circle of friends, but I crave a deeper connection with someone, one that I can only attain through the realm of a significant other.

Dating, for me, is discouraging. Guys don't want to get to know you, or court you; The focus is 'how can I add her to my body count?', and I know this isn't true for all guys, but I've yet to come across the ones that are actually into what my mental magnitude has to offer. It makes marriage and kids seem like an unattainable feat.

Needless to say, today was one of those days, and that hug... although there was no physical contact, was much needed. These messages make me feel as if words I've yet to utter have been heard. It also gives me hope that, although right now things aren't what or where I want them to be, in due time everything will fall into place and make sense. It's things like this that can transition my day for the better, and for that I'm grateful. If you're ever in need of a pick-me-up, head over to Facebook and get the 'message from God' app, it's far better than a typical horoscope and could help you as much as it does for me. Happy Monday my friends, let's make this a week of groundbreaking excellence !

Friday, June 6, 2014

5 reasons...

I'm Addicted to Froyo !

5. Great Substitute. If you're trying to become more health conscience like myself, froyo is the way to go. It's fewer calories than ice cream and guiltless. Not to mention they have sorbet flavors; whenever I choose not to get cookies & cream, mango tango is my frozen dream lol.

4. Affordable. I've been to some spots where you can easily spend $7 or more on froyo and I'm sitting there like, is this real life or nah? Lol but my favorite place Five Spot is the Five Below of froyo (and that rhymed !). So basically if you wanna get crazy with the yogurt intake it doesn't  matter how high you pile it to the sky it'll be $5 plus tax, but if you're sensible (but who is?) it will be less. I'm gonna let you be the guess of how much mine costs lol.

3. It's Healthy? Yes the question mark was intentional because after I'm done with it, the health factor is questionable lol. The yogurt itself starts off healthy until I add an overly-generous amount of toppings to it lol. Does snicker and Oreo pieces, caramel, and cheesecake bites count as healthy if they're under a layer of fruit? I think so ! Lol

2. Blank Canvas. The artist in me likes the creative freedom I have when creating my masterpiece. Lol I know it's food but presentation is EVERYTHING ! If it's not gonna be 5 star quality then why eat it?

1. It's Crack. I don't know what they put in that frozen yogurt but it keeps me coming back; so much so that I was about to get a free froyo Tuesday thanks to their app that gives credit for each one you buy, and once you reach 12 purchases the next one is free99 !

*** PSA: On a more unhealthy note lol, today is Free Doughnut Friday ! It's actually National Doughnut Day but I couldn't resist lol. Stop by your local Krispy Kreme for a free ridiculously delicious doughnut of your choice, no purchase necessary !

Thursday, June 5, 2014

Don't Think Just Do

There are a million reasons not to do something, but you only need one to succeed. Over thinking and analyzing every aspect of what could negatively happen can shatter your dreams. Don't be the reason you didn't live up to your full potential... Give it all you've got !

If there is something you love don't let anything hold you back. Stop thinking and do what makes you happy. Damn the critics, naysayers, haters, and the non-supporters ! Believe me they'll still be there when you get to the top. Focus on pleasing yourself and disregard anything that comes in the way of that.

Everything starts and ends with you, primarily your mind. If you believe you will fail, you will fail... miserably. But if you believe you can make it, you will fail along the way, but you will achieve that goal because of your initial mind frame. The key to success is remembering why you started, without that what's the point?

Don't get overwhelmed by how long something will take, the time will pass regardless; besides, anything worth having will take time so you'd better start growing some patience lol. Now is as good as any to get started on your career... can't wait to meet you at the top !

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

You'll Find Results When You Stop Looking

You know when people say: "that came out of nowhere"? It didn't come out of nowhere, it was unexpected to you, but nothing comes as a surprise to God. He strategically throws curve balls in your life to see how you react to change, which inevitably determines if you're ready for what he really has for you, or if he should keep it longer.

I am a true believe that nothing is in vain. Everything that you've endured without your lifetime has happened only to make you the person you are destined to be. You could be far away from being that person, halfway, or there right now; and if you are right now chances are you're appreciative because of the things you went through.

One of the most common aspects of humanity is out desire to know. We want to see it, touch it and feel it. It's hard to walk by faith when sight is so essential to our validation process. But at that very moment that you stop looking, seeking and searching... Then is when all things will fall into place. Relax and let God do his job, you're in good hands (better than State Farm lol #noshade)

Whatever it is you desire will be yours at the right time. Even if you feel like it will never happen, hold at least a small ounce of faith and it shall be done. It's okay to have moments of discouragement... let it out, just as long as you pick back up recharged and focused. Your time is coming, just be ready for the ride.

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Win or Learn, Never Lose

Every loss isn't a loss when you take something  from it, it is only when you feed the negativity that you lose in more ways than one. I challenge myself daily to find the positive in all things, and it's especially trying on bad days, but who can appreciate summer without winter?

You may an endured more losses than wins, but that doesn't make you a loser; if you're still going for what it is you wish to obtain you've already won. So many people quit at the first sign of adversity, triumph, or difficulty... but without pressure coal couldn't turn into a diamond. In other words... keep trekking you are destined to shine !

With each setback comes a wealth of knowledge. Don't cheat yourself by avoiding facing your failures; Maybe it didn't work out because you didn't want it enough, or it wasn't meant for you... there is always something to take from every experience. And just because you think you know whats best for you doesn't mean it will flow melodically, God has already planned out your purpose.

Whenever you feel like giving up after losing at something remember why you started; That will be the extra push you need to keep going when you don't feel like it. Think of the story you're creating for yourself, no one wants to read a 'perfect' book, so take the loss with ease, it's only making you better. And you'll appreciate all that you know and have gone through when you get where you want to be. Learn something today to better your tomorrow.

Monday, June 2, 2014

Be Selective With Whom You Choose To Create History With

This pertains to all aspects of your life: business, personal, and everything in-between. It's essential that you treat your future like your baby, a protect the brand you are initiating. You can't just make history with every and any one, so choose wisely... this is after all your imprint for eternity.

While it may seem like a good idea to go in business with friends or collaborate with others, really think it out. Don't make temporary decisions that will deflect the bigger picture you seek for your future. Every move you make should be strategic, because ultimately, every move counts.

Contrarily, have you ever just though of the concept of family? Like how you pick (in most cases) who you want to build a life with and create a life with. That decision alters your life in a direction, opposite of what could be, say with another person. You really are literally writing the chapter of your life when you make life choices that change you forever. I don't know about you, but I don't take that kind of power lightly.

When engraving your mark into the universe, make sure that you are making the necessary steps to create history like never before; make something that is authentically you. Tests will arise to distract you and see how bad you really want to reach your goal, stay focused and maneuver around the madness. Temporary things come easily and quick, Permanent things come gradually... but hold on, it'll be well worth it. I read this quote the other day that said: Everyone is gifted, but most people never open their package. Don't be one of millions that choose to keep their gift wrapped, open it and use the hell out of it... it's your destiny !