Monday, September 30, 2013

N E V E R let the devil W I N !

I know y'all were probably wondering why I didn't post at my regular time today or even if I was going to. The reason I didn't is because the devil was trying to distract and deter me from inspiring others. He sees I'm doing something that could potentially change the mindset of people that constantly doubt and don't believe in themselves.

The devil came to me today in the form of several males. Although I won't go into detail (because that's what he would want) I will say that he partially succeeded. Yes he stopped me from posting at my regular time, but it's still here... late and all, and that's something he can't control.

I say all of this to say, never let the devil win ! He will try to deter you in many forms, but it's up to you to decide if you will allow him to have power in your life. Never let him believe that he is in control or deterring you from anything in life. Don't allow him to take your happiness, it is your most prized possession and should be treated as so.

This post is dedicated to everyone that had a crappy day and to those that will in the future.Use that negativity as a motivating force to make you do exactly what people are saying you can't do. There is no better revenge than succeeding when others didn't think or believe it was possible. Talk with God daily, and keep striving for your dreams; in the end you are solely responsible for your win or loss. Don't be good be great !

"Let go and let GOD"

Friday, September 27, 2013

5 reasons...

Why I can't Window Shop

5. If I feel it's already mine. If I see something I like and it fits perfect I have to have it ! I don't understand how people can just leave things that are calling their name...I have to answer that call every time ! It's mine and I want it now ! lol

4. I'm impatient. I can't wait for something to go on sale, or come back another time. And you can't expect me to look at something beautiful and not get it. That's just like when your parent's tell you not to do something, you have to do it anyway because they said not to.

3. If it's unique. I pride myself on being an unorthodox specimen so when I see shoes or pieces that are a reflection of my being I cannot allow them to suffer and remain unloved at the store; if it's different and cute, it's going home with me to get the attention it truly deserves lol.

2. It's retail therapy. There's no therapy if I don't obtain retail. I have to do this to keep my sanity lol. Research shows that shopping is a great way to burn calories; all the more reason to buy something to celebrate being healthy and active lol.

1. I'm TALL. Although I love being tall because it adds to my uniqueness, the worst part is that my size goes first. Message to designers... tall women are not a small commodity (pun intended lol) stop making two pair of tall jeans, and two sets of shoes, and giving all the short chicks endless options. We are your biggest cash cow, don't short yourself !

Thursday, September 26, 2013

You never know until you KNOW !

First, I just have to say that the power of God amazes me daily; he blesses me with inspiration from so many different perspectives. These motivational pieces just let's me know that I am finally on the right track, doing what I was sent here to do.

Today I finally read a script that a friend, whom I've known since 6th grade, sent me Monday. I'd been putting it off, consumed with work and my own things, but each day he was on me to read it lol. So I finally did...and it was amazing ! He wrote a play about bullying, mind you, prior to this I didn't even know he could write. The message was so impactful and inspiring and I was so impressed. It's crazy how you can know someone for so long but not really know them.

Since I have taken my leap of faith and started my trek on this journey of living and breathing being a writer, things are naturally falling into place. Writing daily is so natural and therapeutic for me; I am fulfilled doing something I love for free, so once I get my big break, the money will just be an added incentive. I may have never read my friend's play had I not stopped running from my dream, because of fear of failure. People are gradually gravitating towards my work, and I am inspiring people to do things they've put off for years. This is why I am doing this, to reach people and show them that anything is possible.

Don't put things off until tomorrow, it may never come. Make the most of each day, lay your foundation and build your empire. Don't let negativity deter you from your goals, let it motivate you and drive you to go even harder to complete that goal. Don't shut people out, you never know who you may need in the future, or why that person was brought into your life.You truly never know until you KNOW !

"Can't should never be in a man's vocabulary, cause' when you say can't you ain't a man"
                      - Quote from my favorite movie Love & Basketball

This quote is not only true for men but everyone, never allow your fear to sustain you from becoming great !

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

I wanna be...

I wanna be like the rain with no regard to any one's day
I wanna be fearless and triumphant in every way

I wanna impact the world one section at a time
I wanna run without pause to what I know is mine

I wanna complete my mission and be all I can be
I wanna reach the masses and travel the sea

I wanna inspire and uplift every second I get
I wanna show through my actions without saying it

I wanna exist and make an impactful imprint in this life
I wanna be pure and free from malice or strife

I wanna elevate from professional and personal growth
I wanna gravitate towards my destiny oblivious to loath

- CM

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Live in the moment

I had an epiphany today and it was a message that only God could send. I couldn't do anything but laugh because he always shakes me back to reality in some form. The message I received today was to live in the moment, enjoy life and the people I'm blessed to share it with.

I'm the type of person that likes to plan things and I expect things to happen in a particular order (career, marriage,world exploration, baby, happily ever after). If only life would obey I like structure and I like to know what's to come (which is why I would like a 5 minute glimpse into my future lol). Although I do enjoy the spontaneity of life, security is the most important thing to me.

 I've had several instances these past few months when God showed me he was in control, although he allowed  me to temporarily believe I was lol. The jobs I acquired after graduation were the most prominent examples. I obtained and quit three jobs over the span of six months oblivious to the reasons why they didn't work out. They didn't work out because they weren't for me; I was running from my destiny and applying for safe jobs, and God gave them to me to show me they weren't for me. It took a long time, but I'm finally on the path I should be. Anyone who doesn't think God has a sense of humor do not know my life lol. I love that he allows me to make mistakes to grow but continues to support and guide me along the way.

Presently there are instances in my personal and professional life that are altering my viewpoint and outlook. God told me to live in the moment... not just live but be ALIVE ! He wants me to experience my hearts desire, and live without fear. Today I will embrace the pure essence of now, live in it and enjoy it. Whatever the future may hold, I am ready for the ride because I know God is always by my side.

I know I may have come off as too "preachy" or "Godly" in this post, but I thought this message would help someone. No matter what religion you believe in, there is one common denominator... the higher power is the ruler and creator of all things. I encourage you to sit in silence and allow the messages to be received. We are often so caught up in technology and the minute material things in the world, that we forget what's most important. Be still and will change your life !

 " He's always looking out for me and I enjoy the comfort of that security "- CM

Monday, September 23, 2013

Let today's seed be the plant of your future

This is a quote I say often for motivation. I believe in speaking things into fruition. There is nothing in life that is unattainable unless I deter myself.

Start your day off positive and optimistic even if the odds are against you; There's one thing that the devil and unhappy people hate to see... Someone happy and finding the positive in any negative.

So maybe your boss is getting on your nerves, school is too overwhelming, you hate your job, the balancing act of being a parent and a professional is stressful... never give up ! Find one positive and think of a plan to change the things you don't like.

Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.
- Albert Einstein
Plant your seeds today and watch them grow over time; your future will only be as bright as you allow it to be, don't sell yourself short ! You were sent here to complete a task, give it your all and watch how God will bless you in abundance. Today is your day, it's never too late to be great !

Friday, September 20, 2013

5 reasons...

Why I suck at Dating

5. I have to DTR. I know y'all, guys especially, are thinking... is she crazy? it's dating ! No, I'm not crazy lol but if we're dating for a while, we have to define the relationship. I can't date you without knowing where it's going, we won't be friends with benefits, or non-titled, sorry I have to know.

4. I'm not gonna be a number. Yes once again it's dating, but I'm not gonna be a number in your starting line-up. When I date and really like someone I focus on that one person; That's how guys get caught up because they are too intertwined with so many girls. Pick one, focus, make the effort.

3. I'm not gonna beg for attention. I'm the type of girl that will make the effort if it's reciprocated, but if I feel like you're not putting in as much as I am, don't expect to hear from me. Don't pay attention to me, expect a "who is this" text the next time you decide to hit me up, I don't have time for the games.

2. I'm not coming to your house to chill. In this unfortunate generation, guys don't believe in dating, instead they think it's acceptable to invite you over to "chill", and we all know chilling ain't really thank you sir, we are strangers. I'm old fashioned, take me out on a date, show me chivalry isn't dead, be a gentleman, it goes far in my book.

1. I'm not having sex with you on the 1st date. Moment of silence...
Contrary to popular belief there are still respectable women in this world that have morals and values, and I happen to be the ring leader lol. There's no bigger deal breaker than an amazing date followed by a guy expecting to see your goodies after... it's happened to me before and let's just say, we never spoke again lol.


Or like Andre 3k said: 
"It's sad, but one day our kids will have to visit museums, to see what a lady looks like"

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Enjoy the journey

Today was a great peaceful day to reflect. I woke up, I didn't go without food & water, I have a job, I have oxygen. As simplistic as that is, we often take the blessings of things we feel entitled to for granted. Today I vow to appreciate the simple things in life more; Fresh air, the sun, a cool breeze, nature, animals... Life. We are so caught up in what we don't have in life that we miss out on all the amazing things we've already acquired.

When I graduated my main focus was to land any good paying job so that I could get a new car, my own place & do whatever I want. While these are still things I want to accomplish, I am learning to appreciate the things that I do have, & allow God to bless me with more when the time is right. 

I challenge you to step outside of this materialist world this week for at least an hour... No phone, no TV, no distractions; and just live in the moment, after all, this is time you can never get back. Take a walk, go to the park, reflect on life, or help someone.

Enjoy this journey, no you may not be where you want to be right now, or maybe you are... But every instance in life ultimately makes you, you; make those instances worth while. Try and look at life from a different perspective and see how it changes things. Enjoy the ride, you only get one .

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Layers of Life

 I woke up thinking of my childhood. It amazes me that children can be so aware of things adults think they are oblivious to, yet those realities never effect's that child's imagination. It's almost as if an imagination is a sanctuary. As a child you are so certain of what you want out of life and want to become. Whether it's a doctor, lawyer, teacher, or police...that dream, at that very moment, doesn't seem unattainable or unrealistic; All you see is this great life with great family and friends and your ultimate dream awaiting for your arrival. I look back on my own childhood, and I see a shy six year old girl inspired by the artistry of writing. She sees an outlet and opportunity to create stories, write letters, and even tell her own story. She is not afraid, she is not discouraged, she is hopeful and free. That's the state I'm working to get back to, the raw talent without all of the technical restrictions. I have to get back to my essence.

It's funny how you can envision something to go a specific way, and life takes you another. As a recent college graduated (Dec 12') I felt like the opportunities would be limitless when I graduated, which they are, it just isn't as easy as I had expected it to be. Prior to graduation I had several interviews with companies that wanted to hire me as an intern, and felt like once I was done with school those opportunities would still be there, boy was I wrong. So in January 13' I initiated my transition into the real world, and over the course of 5 months I quit 3 jobs. I kept applying for "safe" jobs, jobs that didn't challenge me, and would provide me temporary monetary happiness. After several months of running into dead ends and circles, here I am today finally following my heart. They say when you do what you love the money will follow, so I am sharing my gift with you all, writing to uplift and inspire in hopes of building a brand with longevity and integrity.

The struggle is apart of the journey. You have to trust your struggle and believe that it's not in vain. Baby steps...small baby steps. Our generation wants instance admiration and recognition because of the power of social outlets. I am guilty of being impatient and wanting to skip essential steps, to get where I want to be, to attain things I've always wanted. There are unspoken timestamps we self-inflict upon ourselves that inevitably dictates or defines out lives; All of which are material things: new car, clothes etc. I have never had a mediocre mindset, I'm always forward thinking, I see what I want my future to look like, so I have to plant my seeds strategically now to accomplish that. Success is not a straight path, life happens and you have to adjust and persevere through adversity. In the end, that hard work that you planted will flourish once it is given the right amount of nutrients and sunlight ! Keep pushing !

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Complacency is the key to FAILURE !

One thing I've learned from observing certain people is that complacency or contentment can be disastrous. How can you grow if you're standing still? You should always be progressing in life, and thinking of "the next big thing". Once you get content you become routine in your thoughts, and essentially stuck in an era.

Growing up, I watched a family member become complacent with having nothing. Nothing in his name, nothing to call his own. I often think to myself how can you be okay with women taking care of you while you hang out all day and put up this facade? And more importantly, how do you get to that head space? But when you give up on life, failure is what you receive from the world because God grants everyone a talent and a destiny, it's up to the person to utilize those things and receive the blessings that come with fulfilling your purpose.

Don't let complacency or fear stop you from being great. Don't give up, never stop working on your craft. It may seem like a long shot or the opportunity may never come, but when preparation meets opportunity amazing things have the potential to happen. My message to you is to go for whatever goal you set for yourself no matter how unrealistic it may seem, give it your all. And after that goal is complete, set another goal even greater. Never question or doubt your abilities. God gave you life, that alone should be the fuel and inspiration to tell you anything is possible.

"To me giving up is way harder than trying"- Kanye West

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Feel the fear and do it anyway !

Ever felt like good enough isn't good enough? I struggle with this daily. Am I a good enough writer to engage readers? Will people eventually catch on? How will I ever get far being positive in a world where people gravitate towards negativity?

I am in constant battle trying to shake fear of rejection, failing, and unveiling my truth. I often wish that this journey through life came with a blueprint or at least a spell checker to correct me along the way. Why can't there be somebody who sees my future and can guide me by telling me if I'm hot or cold? Lol If only...

I have been thinking about my future lately and I just wish I could take a 5 minute peek just for inspiration. But the surprises wouldn't mean as much and neither would the journey.

I say all of this to say, you are not alone in your fears and goals. If your dreams don't scare you they aren't big enough. Life is about taking risks, stepping out on faith and standing for what you believe in. Keep pushing towards your dream no matter how hard it may be; never give up because you never know how close you may be to attaining what you set out to obtain.

Friday, September 13, 2013

5 reasons why...

I want to be a Wedding Singer !

5. I'll get paid to act a fool. Everybody knows that the worst singers are the best and most entertaining for weddings. Why wouldn't I want to diversify my resume? Lol

4. Networking opportunities. Perfect way to "get out there" as a writer... pass a few business cards around during intermissions, then get back to the show lol. It's not what you know, but who you know !

3. Free trips. Although I'll start off humble and local, the ultimate goal is to become an international wedding singer; I'm talkin' destination weddings in Fiji, Tokyo, and Egypt (if you don't know, I have been fascinated with Egypt since middle school and will make it my life's purpose to go there before I transition !).

2. Free gift. As a wedding singer I won't have to go through the irritating task of finding the newly weds a present. That's the beauty about being the wedding singer, instead they will have my performance as a gift of a lifetime to look back on forever and cherish.

1. Endless supply of food and alcohol. If this isn't the most obvious reason, I don't know what is! Who could pass up appetizers, entrées, and the grand finale...dessert! Not to mention free champagne or wine (because I'm classy lol) after an amazing set of (U.U.E) unforgettable unorthodox entertainment.

If you're wondering what or who inspired this epic idea, I am an EXTREME fan of the old Adam Sander (Billy Madison, Happy Gilmore, Big Daddy, and obviously The Wedding Singer) not the new (Grown Up's, That's My Boy, Jack & Jill).

Check out my favorite clip below!

Thursday, September 12, 2013

There's nothing perfect about timing ⌚

We make excuses daily about why something can't be done. But if not now, when? The truth is there will never be the perfect timing for anything. Not to chase your dreams, travel, get married, or have babies. You have to grab life by the horns and r.y.d or watch it pass you by.

One thing I've learned is that there will always be dream killers and naysayers. You know the people that don't believe in what you are doing and will try their best to deter you because they can't do it or worse, because someone has killed their dream. I've been told so many times that writing is a dead career, but I look at so many amazing writers that I'm sure were told the same thing, if not worse, and I have to go for it; even if I fail, I know that I gave it my all.

 One of my favorite quotes is:

" I can't base what I'm gonna be off of what everybody isn't " - Jay-Z

Make today the beginning of the rest of your life and go for your destiny. I'd rather run towards my dream than sit back wondering "what if". 

In the words of Mary Mary: 


Wednesday, September 11, 2013

I'm here... FINALLY !

Welcome !

It has been a long time coming. I've wanted to start a blog for over a year and today I am finally here, blogging ! I'm so excited about the potential of this blog, this is my baby... and I hope you all will join me on this journey through life.

I named my blog R.Y.D- Realizing Your Dream because I realized my dream at the age of 6, which was to be a writer, but strayed away from it after naysayers, fear, and life happened.

Necolebitchie is my favorite blogger of all time, and is the reason for my wanting to blog. She is so positive and honest, I can only aspire to be as epic as her. There's so much power in people that deliver quality work without being malicious or devaluing others. She is so open about the woman she is, the triumphs she's endured, and the woman she is becoming.

Recently I had a heartfelt-motivating conversation with my Mom which resulting in what you see today...a blog ! She encouraged me to stop running from my dream, and to be fearless and fulfill my destiny. It's time to share my gift with the world.

I only hope to inspire others to pursue their dreams and make the best of life by making a difference. My goal is to make this an inspirational, uplifting platform for people of all walks of life.

Welp now you know a little about me, feel free to comment and introduce yourself if you want.

"Facing your truth is the most amazing & spiritual experience in life"- CM