Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Do You Prefer Frisbee's or Boomerang's?

Yes Frisbee's or Boomerang's. There's no middle or in-between you've gotta pick one. If you aren't sure, come and take a walk with me.

Frisbee's are the people that come into your life, take a lot but give a little, use and abuse, and never appreciate you. You release them to the world and they never return. You categorize them as Frisbee's or lessons because they weren't destined to be in your life forever, even if you really want them to.

Boomerang's are the people that know your worth but don't feel deserving of your presence. This has nothing to do with you, and everything to do with them. They love and appreciate you but have so much going on within themselves they run away because they can't make sense of it. But what makes them different from Frisbee's, is that a Boomerang will return. A Boomerang will come back with more passion, knowledge and unconditional love for you because they see the gold in your soul.

In saying that, be cautious because Frisbee's and Boomerang's can appear to be either or; It's up to you to decipher the two. Just as beautiful people can be ugly inside, and ugly people can be beautiful inside... it's all the same. Listen, observe, and think logically. Your life is yours, you get to decide who you want in it and who should go away. But take it from me, negative people will only stifle you even if you find the positive in them. Keep positive people around you and you will receive the best gift ever known to man-kind... PEACE !

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