Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Trust Your Transitional Phases

Ever felt like a change was a comin'? Okay... I don't know why I had that in my spirit to type that way but I had to release it lol. Any who, I've been feeling that a transition is headed my direction lately. And honestly, I can't wait to see what's in store for me.

I've never understood how some people are so afraid of change that they resist for as long as they can... even if it's beneficial to them. Like, how do you not want better for your self? I look at it as a form of ungratefulness, here's a grand opportunity God has placed in your path, and you'd rather stand still as oppose to elevate. Crazy at it's finest.

When you understand the process of transitions, you welcome it with open arms. And when you realize that the only constant in life is change, you grasp a better understanding of life. Everything in life is meant to change which essentially equals growth. Simply put, If you're not going you're dying.

I say all of this to say, learn to accept the transitions that will inevitably happen. It may not be what you wanted, but God knows exactly what you need. And as the song says: He may not come when you want him, but he'll be there right on time! Trust him with your life and you'll live abundantly even in the afterlife.

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