Wednesday, October 1, 2014


After you've done all you can... you just STAND !

When you are completely out of ideas, options, plans and alternatives, there's nothing left to do but stop. Eventually you'll have to go back to the drawing board, but in the meantime you've gotta stand still and wait for God to give you answers. The answers you seek will come when he feels you're ready to receive him, so never sweat his technique lol.
I had to take a break, as I have to do sporadically to regroup and refocus. Life can get you down in the dumps so bad that you reevaluate everything and every aspect of it. This is what I've been doing, sitting back and gradually putting the pieces back together.
Ever felt like you had you entire life planned out, and thought you were on the right path? Then suddenly life happens, an unexpected instance comes and throws salt water on your perfectly drawn out blueprint. That's me in it's entirety right now but I refuse to be moved or discouraged, this too shall pass !

In times of detriment you've gotta keep goin' even when it feels like you have nothing left to go for. Never let a setback knock you down; a setback is only a setup for what's to come. These tests in life are only building you for what you asked for. Wanna be successful? You gotta go through some shit to get there, don't expect it to come overnight.

I'll leave you with this gem, how do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time. Got that from bible study last night, think about that and enjoy your day my loves !

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