Monday, October 6, 2014

Release The Chains Within Your Brain

We all have mental chains that stunt our growth. It comes in many forms: fear, doubt, disbelieve, faithlessness and laziness. Which category do you belong to? Yes... you do fall under one, let's not be mistaken lol, nobody's perfect.

Whatever category you fall under there is one similar trait that they all possess: hindrance. Hindrance is present in anything that is stopping you from elevating at your highest potential. A person, maybe somebody extremely close to you can be a hindrance. A job, one you took for financial reason could also stifle you from focusing on your dreams. And most importantly, a belief can be the ultimate hindrance of all; If you have even an ounce of pessimism in you, you're are doomed before you even begin. Just as the saying goes faith as small as a mustard seed, a poppy seed of faithlessness is equally powerful.

Once you release everything that says you can't with one thing that says you can, your life will change forever. You've gotta find a purpose, a drive and something to work towards, otherwise why are you living? Find a mentor, life coach, or guidance counselor to help direct you into an endless line of positivity and fulfillment. Create a vision board, blueprint, outline... whatever you wanna call it, to jump start you progression.

Stop throwing endless pity parties for yourself and get out there and make something of yourself. Ask for help... ASK ! Put your pride aside and go after your dreams. One of my Instagram followers said something so powerful to me the other day DREAMS DON'T DIE. That had to go into hall of fame of memories museum because it's so factual, dreams never die, the desire to acquire a dream never fades, and that dream won't quit nagging whether you achieve it or give up. Don't give up my loves, you've got generations to inspire !

And here's a musical selection to get you through the day, disregard the title and listen to the message, ENJOY !

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