Thursday, August 28, 2014

Forgive Before It Kills You

Although it may not seem like it at the time, holding grudges is the equivalent of a tumor or cancer. Harping on what somebody did to you will only hurt you. Address it directly with the person, release it, and let it go. It's not worth your health, and definitely not your life. You deserve to be at peace, take the first step.

I can tell you this because I know 1st hand how detrimental not forgiving can be. No matter what somebody did to you, no matter how much they betrayed you, forgive them. It may take a year or if you're like me years, but it's gotta be done. Don't be afraid, this will only help you heal and move on.

If you don't it'll start coming out in almost everything you do. For me I was depressed, isolated myself from almost everybody, and began to gain a lot of weight by taking to food as comfort instead of talking to someone about my problems. Take it from me, if you can avoid all of these negative side effects, make a genuine effort to do so.

You owe it to yourself to forgive, it's often misconstrued that if you forgive wrongdoing you're essentially telling the person what they did is okay; this couldn't be more false. When you forgive it's solely for you. It's so you won't carry the burden and dead weight of your problems, and so you can free yourself.

Believe that you are worthy of peace and seek it. Confront whoever offended, abused or mistreated you. Be confident, let them know how you feel, and move on. Don't accumulate years of stress, mistrust and worrying because of one person, I know it's easier said than done, but the best revenge is success. You don't have to prove anything, just dedicate each day towards the betterment of your life, and you'll be just fine.

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