Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Everyone Wants The Recognition But No One Wants To Work For It

How many rappers, actors, models, trainers, and producers do you know from Instagram alone? Notice I didn't say 'aspiring'? Lol let's be honest, everyone has an idea of what their claim to fame will be, although the path to get there is often uncertain.

Everyone wants instant gratification, but no one will work for free. Everyone wants the fame without going through the journey. How can you really appreciate something if you haven't properly studied it, devoted an excessive amount of time to it, and sacrificed to attain it? Without those key elements, I just can't see it happening.

All too often people expect everything to be handed to them. What good is recognition if you didn't put your blood, sweat & tears behind it? I don't know about you, but I'd rather go it alone than be coddled like a baby. It's not respected or appreciated when you aren't trying to help yourself, yet seeking credit you haven't earned.

Just think of all the glorified singers that haven't written one song...hell that's 95% of them, let's try another analogy lol. What about all of the dope writers that are behind the scene's putting in the hard work and dedication, that seldom get their just do; of course they get publishing but I never feel like they get the proper amount of recognition for creating timeless art. Ironically, those that actually do the work never expect handouts or boast about what they've done.

Moral of this post is, don't expect recognition when you haven't done anything. Stop with the woe-is-me and pity parties, you better get up, get out and get somethin !

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