Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Even Nothing Is Something

My escape from everything, please say you'll be nothin'
And I will give you everything, man you are really somethin'... else- Jhene Aiko

Warning ! This ones for the ladies ! lol okay y'all ready? Here we go !

Raise your hand if you've ever been in a Questionship? Yes I said questionship, it's my word I created it and highlighted it for your convenience lol. What is a questionship you ask? A questionship is a relationship, though there is no title; it's often confused and categorically typecast as nothing; although unidentifiable, it's inevitably something.

It's the kind of relationship that crosses barriers of predetermined relationships, yet no titles allow room to blow caution to the wind towards standards and commitments. It's also the setup to all types of crazy; Psychotic levels of crazy. Barriers are created for a reason, don't straddle the fence when it comes to your relationships because it will cause constant confusion and drama. Define the relationship and stick to it. Wanna be just friends? Be just that, but never give a friend the same privileges you would a boyfriend, and especially not a husband.

Ladies we are the standard and because we are, the stakes have to be high. There has to be a trial run, probation, whatever you wanna call it. Make these men work for you, or if you wanna go Olivia Pope style earn you, stop selling yourself short. You deserve everything you expect from a man, never let anyone tell you your standards are too high. If your standards are high it's because you match them, and everyone deserves their equal.

Don't settle for mediocre when you can have exceptional. Ladies, Ryders, Loves... we are powerful, strong and beautiful; We have to lead by example, so if you expect a man to treat you with respect guess who it starts with... YOU !

The quality isn't the best but it directly correlates to today's message so I had to share !

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