Thursday, July 24, 2014

Control Your Environment Before It Control's You

I'm sure every one has heard at least one person in their lifetime say: "I'm a product of my environment" and my response is bullshit ! If you choose to let your environment control and dictate your life that's on you, but a leader knows that ones current circumstance doesn't predict their potential or future.

I grew up in the hood the first 15 years of my life. I was exposed to violence, drugs, and poverty. Fortunately for me I had a solid foundation at home, and our community watched all of the kids. Having witnessed so much at a young age, it made me diverse and observant. I never indulged in any of the things I saw, but it made me strong and resilient.

You have the power to choose the life you want to live. If you are around negative people, get away... FAST ! If you are in a drug infest/ crime ridden place save up and go ! We are not products of our environments, we are products of what we feel we deserve.

If you believe you deserve better you will strive to do better. Your height can only be attained if you feel as though you deserve it, otherwise you won't appreciate it.

Make today the initial start of a new chapter in life. Create a vision board, brainstorm, speak it into existence. You are not denied by your environment, you are whatever you want to be. Keep going and never give up, changing one thing daily will eventually plummet you to where you want to be. Have faith and remain optimistic, you deserve the best !

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