Friday, September 19, 2014

Lose Yourself Then Find Yourself And Hold On Tight

It's so easy to conform and lose yourself in a relationship. Especially when the connection is strong, you inevitably wanna be everything they desire; don't think you have to be anything less than what you are, trust and believe the right one will move mountains to be with you.

Needless to say this year has been an awakening for me and the liberation of it all has created a greater me, I like to affectionately call her Candis 2.0 lol. Here's a letter I wrote to myself, as a reminder to always put myself first and love everything that I am, flaws and all.

I think it'd be cool for everybody to write a letter to themselves. It could be about things you want to change, things you want to keep the same, or both; No matter what you write down... Good, bad, ugly or indifferent end on a positive note. Find the good in all things, and you'll find that your energy will reciprocate what's exerted into the universe.

Thursday, September 18, 2014

If It Ain't Good You Gotta Jugg !

I heard this quote from Scrappy and I must say it's the realest shit I've heard in a min. It's never not nothin' if it ain't good, but that's just my personal opinion lol. I mean seriously, what good is good if it doesn't exist? I'm like TIP I don't want no mediocre NOPE ! Lol

Imma let that marinate...

Lol back to the topic at hand, why stay if you can't play? Why settle when you can meddle... Wait let me rethink that one lol, sounds quite stalker-ish and I'z don't promote such things on diz hea site massa ! Lol

Digressing... One should always be searching for good, hell better than good at all times. If not you need to be juggin' to the next because better is always within reach, you just gotta stretch that mental capacity to newer heights.

For those that missed the entire message, here it goes... YOU MISSED IT ! Lmao good day young lads please do have a marvelous day of countless pleasantries !

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Do You Prefer Frisbee's or Boomerang's?

Yes Frisbee's or Boomerang's. There's no middle or in-between you've gotta pick one. If you aren't sure, come and take a walk with me.

Frisbee's are the people that come into your life, take a lot but give a little, use and abuse, and never appreciate you. You release them to the world and they never return. You categorize them as Frisbee's or lessons because they weren't destined to be in your life forever, even if you really want them to.

Boomerang's are the people that know your worth but don't feel deserving of your presence. This has nothing to do with you, and everything to do with them. They love and appreciate you but have so much going on within themselves they run away because they can't make sense of it. But what makes them different from Frisbee's, is that a Boomerang will return. A Boomerang will come back with more passion, knowledge and unconditional love for you because they see the gold in your soul.

In saying that, be cautious because Frisbee's and Boomerang's can appear to be either or; It's up to you to decipher the two. Just as beautiful people can be ugly inside, and ugly people can be beautiful inside... it's all the same. Listen, observe, and think logically. Your life is yours, you get to decide who you want in it and who should go away. But take it from me, negative people will only stifle you even if you find the positive in them. Keep positive people around you and you will receive the best gift ever known to man-kind... PEACE !

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Dreams Don't Come True... They're Made

There's such naivety in the thought that dreams can come true, sure than can but you have to make them. Here's some truth serum for that ass, there is no magic carpet unless you make it, and there sure as hell ain't no magic genie unless you're acting as one for Halloween ! Lol

Get that cloud bubble of fiction out of your head and start livin', your dreams don't create themselves you do. Love yourself, love others & love what you do. Never second guess your talent and if you do, make sure you have some real "no-men" around you to keep you in check. And by no-men I mean the people that will call you out on your shit in a heartbeat, that's what real love is.

So to all you that think that football player is gonna "save" you and change your life forever, or to those men that think they can manipulate every walking female to get what they want for some sense of fulfillment, guess again. When you do things will malicious intent it comes back tenfold... it's called karma or what I like to call a thorn covered boomerang lol.

Until next time my loves, keep on pushin' onward and upward ! :)

Monday, September 15, 2014

I Don't Want You But I Need You...

Ever felt like you couldn't live without someone? That can't eat, can't sleep, reach  for the stars over the fence world series kinda love? Like you wanted to go to every extreme to be with that one person, at all costs.

I've been there, more recent than you think, and here's a truth fact... it's not the end of the world; life goes on whether you want to or not. No person is worth losing time, money, or your sanity over. If they don't want you keep it movin' it's their loss because you're exceptional ! Don't force it or entertain confusion it'll literally drive you crazy, take it from me.

Please do not drive me crazy, crazy... unless ya gonna go with me - Jhene' Aiko

Never think you need someone more than you need yourself... and more importantly God. Give no man/woman power to control your life, as Captain Planet says the power is yours ! Do with it as you please and live life abundantly, you've only got one shot. Stop wasting time on people and things that don't or won't matter a year from now. Focus on your goals and ambition, open the window of opportunity, try something new, do something you've always wanted to do. You deserve it, now go ahead and get started !

And if you haven't guessed it just yet, you WILL love Jhene' by the time I'm done with you lol, enjoy !

Friday, September 12, 2014

5 Reasons...

Souled Out Is The Shit !

5. Confidence. She's the sexy hippie that intoxicates the world with her wit and W.A.Y.S. Every song exudes a sense of knowing and entitlement, something all women should possess. Tryna tell ya, when that self love is at an all-time high, lows don't exist.

4. Lyrics. A dope song has two important ingredients: 1. Dope lyrics & 2. A dope beat. And by dope I mean thought provoking with a gravitational pull.  Without the two a song can't be a hit. Brave is currently my favorite song on the album right now, and this line... this line right chea gives me ample amounts of life ! Please don't take my hand if you don't plan to take a stand and be a man who understands that I'm no walk in the park all these scars on my heart.

3. Brain-wave. It's safe to say she's mastered the art of double entendres. Blue Dream and The Pressure are prime examples. It's like Sail Out and Sailing Souls 2.0, she takes it back to her essence all while adding new flavor to her now matured and distinctive sound.

2. Relatability. I've loved Jhene' since back when she would get one song at the end of B2K's album, so to see her win I feel like I've won as well. She is my Pisces twin, and this album is speaking to my soul right now. She's 26. She's a Mom. She's spiritual. She's flawed. She's just like everybody else.

1. The Artistry. Some people say Jhene's the modern day Sade, but I say she's the modern day Jhene', only because she's completely herself and shouldn't be compared, although to her I'm sure it's an honor, when you think of creating your legacy you ultimately wanna be remembered for being you.

Here's a little 5 Reasons Friday treat, enjoy !

Please do not drive me crazy, crazy unless ya gonna go... with me

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Excitement is stress...?

Or so I was told the other day at the doctor's office. It was the most bizarre thing I'd heard in a while, and my Mom and I just stared at each other like burr. What's funny to me is people, doctor's in particular try to make sense of things they don't necessarily understand by prescribing a pill to make it fade away all together.

I was telling her that before I was admitted into the hospital I was excited because I'd found a job that was perfect for me, and when I say perfect I met all of the requirements and qualifications. I still feel like that job is mine, I've already claimed it and I'm just waiting for God to bless me. Any who, to her my excitement about the job could have been what triggered everything. Uh no ma'am you have no idea of the storm I've just come out of, have several seats please and thanky ! lol

So my question is, if excitement is a form of stress and sadness and depression is a form of stress, where does that leave me if you were to diagnose me? In the middle I presume, and in the middle is where I've never been, because I'm too exceptional. The cure would be a pill that subdues me so I have no real emotion or life whatsoever. I can't go anywhere because I'm drowsy all day, can't cry because the meds has me robot like, can't be happy because God forbid I laugh and spike my blood pressure lol.

I'll end by saying this, if excitement, happiness, love, and laughter is stress I wanna be stressed for the rest of my life. Throw it on me so that I'm so stressed I can't contain myself. I'm no label, statistic or lab rat, I'm only and will forever be nothing less than God's Child, and if ya don't know now ya know !

*** P.S. Today is the 1 year anniversary of our baby/blog ! Can't believe time flown as fast as it did ! I truly appreciate the unconditional love, loyalty and support that all of my Ryders have provided. Here's to a million billion trillion more ! : ) ) ) )

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Greatness is a PROCESS not a STATE OF BEING

Greatness is what we all strive to attain in life, well at least us Ryders do lol. It's a desire that doesn't go away, a yearning that calls you to be your very best.

I don't believe greatness is a state of being because we don't always make GREAT decisions everyday of the week. We fall short, we stumble, we lose our way... we're HUMAN. It's a PROCESS, a learning that process that never ends, even in adulthood. If you aren't growing and learning daily, you're essentially already dead. What exactly do you have to offer the world if you know nothing? Just that... absolutely NOTHING !

This life is one of many obstacles and lessons to prepare you for the very thing you've always wanted, GREATNESS. If you aren't changing your perspective and taking strides towards the betterment of your future now, you're setting yourself up for failure. You've gotta have a plan, things may not unfold the way you want them to, but they will be perfect for you.

Don't second guess your greatness, your gift and your strength. God has awarded you already, you just have to believe you deserve it and receive it. Until next time Ryders, have a good one !

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Say No And Let It Go !

Have you ever loved somebody so much it makes you cry? I don't know why I just started with that, but it felt good, and when it feels good you can't deny it ! lol Back to the topic at hand, Have you ever met someone or are the person that's so nice that you just can't muster up enough courage to say no?

It's funny that a word so simple can be so hard to articulate but it's true, especially when your heart is in it. My Mom is a prime example, she's got a heart of pure 24k gold, will give her last to anyone and wants to ultimately save the world; because of that we affectionately nicknamed her "Wanda Woman". Now I'm not saying her generosity is a bad thing, I'm just saying she needs to establish a relationship with the wonderful word NO, my relationship with it is flourishing because of the power I know it possesses lol.

I used to be meek and afraid to hurt people's feelings even if they hurt mine, but all that did was build-up stress and tension inside of me. Take it from me, if you don't want to do something make it known, SAY IT ! But make sure your reasonings are legit. You don't have to do anything you don't want to do, especially if you feel it's not enriching your life and making you better.

I'm tryna tell ya, once you start to say no you will feel liberated in every way. When you say no it means you're assertive and know what you want. It shocks people because you know your worth and will stand up for yourself and what you believe in. Don't wanna do anything today? Don't. Don't like the way someone is talking to you? Tell them how you really feel. Simple as that.

Monday, September 8, 2014

Cause & Effect 2.0

Yes EVERYTHING is 2.0 round these parts cause mind elevation is and always will be key for me. And because y'all been rockin with me for almost a year I'd assume Ryders feel the same way. :)

There's so much beauty in solutions, it makes confusion, fear and any other form of negativity obsolete. It frees you of the situation and gives you peace, and for me peace is all I need to survive.

Some people love playing the victim so much they can't realize when they're the villain. These are the same people wondering why bad things keep happening to them, ever thought you brought it on yourself? Maybe it's your energy, likeness to drama, or your entire aura... it all plays a part in every aspect of your life.

Sure bad things happen to good people too, but it's only to make them stronger, storms are designed to see how durable your faith is to whomever you believe it, without it the storm could feel like an eternity. Listen to that little voice in your ear that's always probing you to do the right thing, it's real... He's real and will never lead you astray.

Cause and effect is no different than a proposition and a reaction. You are presented something (money,love,jewelry) and the choice is solely yours whether or not you will accept it. There's power in everything you do, be mindful of that, because you are what you attract !

Friday, September 5, 2014

5 reasons...

No One Can Erase What's Already Written In Cursive For You

... I used to ride the bench but it was written in cursive for this King to exist- Rick Ross

5. Happiness is mandatory. Have you ever noticed how fulfilling it is to do something you love? How effortless it is to get you to get up and go after it? That's not in vain, you are driven towards it for a reason, and your happiness depends on it. Happiness is an option but choose to make it a priority, you deserve it !

4. You are of Something. No matter what religion or higher power you believe in, you are of the same caliber with which you worship. Channel that, and even if you don't believe in anything, work towards being the best you, you can possibly be.

3. The deal is already inked. The ink dried on your contract of life the day your were born, it's called your birth certificate lol. Don't drive yourself crazy trying to make sense of everything at once, just go for it. Everyone has a talent, it's up to you to decide whether you will excel in it or avoid it at all costs.

2. God has the final say. It's funny how everyone floats about life thinking they are in control, which you are to a certain extent, you choose to make good and bad decisions... but ultimately, if you follow the correct path God has the final decision. Don't be afraid of following your heart, your passion is embedded there for a reason.

1. It's Yours. No one can take what's already destined for you, they may try with all of their might, but when it's all said and done, what's yours is and will forever be YOURS !

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Learn To Separate Necessity From Accessory

Within the span of three weeks I've come to know two things: 1. Church is the best therapy (for me) 2. The gems dropped on Sunday's at church resonate through the entire week (for me). I want to reiterate "for me" because I never want people to think  I'm pushing religion on them; by all means you are free to believe in what you may, but around here... specifically on this blog you're inevitably  gonna hear about God's glory lol.

So unknowingly, I'd been battling with the concept of necessity vs. accessory for some time now, and  Sunday the Bishop was spot on, and I felt like he was talking directly to me. He used an analogy about a belt being an accessory although he didn't need it because his pants were already tailored to fit him (necessity). He went on to use it perspective with people we feel we need, "Yeah it may look good and add to it, but you don't need it".

I've said this many a times, but I can't resists:"Those that don't think God has a sense of humor don't know the relationship him and I share". And if you don't believe that just take me as a prime example; I am sarcastic, witty, silly and compassionate, where do you think I get it from? 

I say all of that to say, don't hang on to what doesn't want to be there or belong. What's meant for you will be yours no matter how you play the hand; Trust that you deserve only the best, that you are worthy, and most importantly need yourself. Spend some time with yourself, you might find that you don't like being alone, but quite contrarily you may find that you enjoy your own company.

A fun activity to do would be to make a list of necessities on one side of the paper and accessories on the other. You don't have to of course, but I'd be interested to know which outweighed the other. Any who, until next time Ryders, have a good one ! :)

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Whose Pet Are You?

Sunday I returned to the church I'd been led to two weeks prior for two reasons; 1. To apologize and 2. To gain clarity. I'm elated to say both of my tasks were accomplished and I felt such a weight lifted off me afterward.

For those that don't know, I had a negative reaction to prednisone that made me completely out of character, I won't go into details because it would spoil the book I intend to write, but it was no easy road to get through. There's no humanly possible way for me to go through EVERYTHING I went through and not seek God with every fiber of my being afterward, NO WAY !

The Bishop spoke on the phrase "teacher's pet" that resonated with me because I'd always been labeled exactly that, for majority of my educational career. Teacher's would gravitate towards me, always encouraging and inspiring me to operate at my full potential. Although the phrase often has a negative connotation to it, there's nothing negative about it. When you're someone's "pet" you are treated with the utmost respect; and as the Bishop said: "most animals are treated better than humans".

There's nothing negative about taking to someone and bettering yourself. So once I graduated from college, my "teacher's pet" days ended, but what I didn't realize was that I had been God's pet all along. Everyday he keeps showing me favor, and keeps giving me something to believe in. I don't know about you but I'll be his pet for eternity if it means I'll keep gettin' these perks and benefits.

So I wanna end by asking you, whose pet are you? And if you don't believe you are, explain your reasoning's. Until next time Ryders, have a good 1 !

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Love WILL Pay The Bills

Statistics have shown... who am I kidding? Lol my observations (which are for the most part dead on) have shown that happy people, particularly people in love excell more than those that aren't.

One-dimensional people may think that I'm talking about love from a boyfriend/mate/spouse but those that really get it understand that love comes from all relationship. Your family, friends, acquaintances and even strangers can provide sufficient love and support to motivate you to be the best you, you can possibly be.

Ever noticed that "poor" people essentially live in hell? Relationships are tarnished, constant drama and the struggle never ends. Always living in fear, stressing and worrying about how those limited finances will stretch.

By the way poor is a state of mind. You can live in the hood (which I did for the 1st 15 years of my life) and be wealthy. Wealthy in love, support and laughter. That's what wealth is to me anyway, I'm not happy unless everyone around me is as well.

So I know a lot of you Ryders are skeptical to comment but I'd like to start generating discussions underneath posts. Using only 3 words, describe what love or wealth is to you.

Monday, September 1, 2014

Some Days You Want To Relive Forever, But What If Life Get's Greater Each Day?

They say without storms one wouldn't know how to appreciate the sunlight. But without sunlight can one appreciate the storm? I've been asking myself this question, as I've experienced and endured the biggest storm of my life. So much confusion, and questions arose as to why it happened to me, why I was the chosen one; But today I say why not? why not me? why not get through the storm, come out stronger and prepared for my blessings?

True enough I wouldn't want to relive these past two weeks again, but at the same time I'm grateful because it freed me;catch-22 the hard way lol. I released all of my demons that were holding me down, and now feel like nothing can stop me because God's got me.

There's nothing like the security that God provides. Knowing that no matter what obstacles arise, and they will, He'll be right by your side every step of the way. That kind of love is what I've been desiring my entire life, sure I've had my Mom provide it exceptionally well, but a Father... I thought I'd been overlooked until now.

So now I am looking forward to the future, no need to look back because I've already been through that. There's only happiness and prosperity on the roads I'll travel from here on. God has witnessed my struggle and now has blessed me anew, and I couldn't be more grateful. I'm ready to live an infinite amount of happy days, loving God and my family, and bettering myself with each passing day.

Happy Labor Day Ryders, I Love You All Tremendously !