Tuesday, December 31, 2013

2013 Recap / Happy New Years Eve !

Did you make the most of 2013? Did you obtain everything you said you would this year? If not, don't give up because the beauty about a new year is a new start !

The most important things about age is growth; If you aren't growing with each year, you are wasting away. One of my favorite quotes is: "Evolve or Evaporate". Even if it's an inch of growth, something is better than nothing.

What did you learn this year? People often associate failure as a negative connotation but I believe they are reality checks in life. This year alone, I gained and quit more jobs than I ever have in my life lol (3 to be exact). And while some may say I was ungrateful and should have been happy to have a job while others didn't (especially my Carrier job at the post office), I think I blessed others with jobs I knew weren't for me.

I'm more grateful than anything that I finally faced my fears and began blogging. I'd been wanting to do it since college, and never did it in fear that no one would receive what I had to say. But surprising after only 3 short months I've been blessed with you guys... My beautiful amazing Ryders ! You guys are the reason why I keep going. The overwhelming love and support I've received in the US as well as International are still astonishing. Thanks for helping me take the necessary steps to reach my dream. You all are truly remarkable.

I encourage you to welcome the New Year with open arms. I am a firm believer in change, so embrace it... even if it's something you aren't used to. Eliminate any negativity in your life and start the year off fresh and optimistic. Make 2014 a better year than 2013. Work towards your dreams, and never lose faith. Anything worth having is worth the storm, don't quit before you reach the finish line !

I love you all so much, I hope your New Year is safe and memorable.

Happy New Years Eve !

Monday, December 30, 2013

There is so much life you've yet to experience

We are often so consumed and confined in our own little nook, that we don't realize how big the world really is. There is so much to explore, learn  and gain from life, but only if you are willing to step outside of your comfort zone.

Our little worlds are based in one particular section of the earth. As humans, we are genetically inclined to gravitate towards familiarity. But it's not until you do something different that you become more aware of all that life has to offer.

In the United States alone, there are so many cultures and religions. Just think if you were to travel to a different country where you don't know the language, and the most scariest aspect... you know no one. It would be different but, because we gravitate towards familiarity, things will start to click. You may not know the language but guaranteed if you stay for a while you will pick it up, and begin to understand naturally.

There are so many people you've yet to meet, so many places you've yet to see, so many opportunities you've yet to experience, and so many possibilities yet to be discovered.

This life can be one with character, experience, laughter, and love if you allow it to. There is no telling who you will meet and how they may change your life; Or where you may go that could give you spiritual guidance and a more balanced life that you desire. Now is the time to explore and soar ! Spread your wings and fly without fear or reservation... give your life some C O L  O  R 

Friday, December 27, 2013

5 reasons...

I love CHRIST !!!

5. He is E P I C ! There is no one more powerful, helpful, giving and loving than Jesus. All things are possible through him, and we are all a reflection of him. It's a privilege to know my hero personally.

4. Blessings. It would take me forever to list all of the limitless blessings I've received from Jesus. I'm blessed beyond measure and I'm grateful for the blessings I have attained as well as the ones I have yet to get.

3. Love. Jesus' love is abundant and infinite. If no one else loves me, I know he does. He is my confidant, friend, father and provider. I celebrate him everyday because I know without him I am nothing.

2. Security. No matter what, Jesus is always there for me and I enjoy the comfort in that stability. There's nothing better than knowing someone is looking out for you and protecting you even when you aren't doing it for yourself.

1. The Sacrifice. I don't know about you, but anyone that would give their life for me has a special significance in my life. That unconditional love and sacrifice is so overwhelming but heartwarming. Words can't express my appreciation and gratitude.

Thursday, December 26, 2013

Make the future YOU proud

What are you doing today to ensure that your future is everything you want it to be? How are you working to make the future you proud? Now is the time to ask yourself these questions, and if you don't have an answer, it's time for you to get started !

You cannot expect your future to be better than you present or past if you aren't putting in the ground work now. Nothing comes overnight, and anything worth having comes with sacrifice. So what have you sacrificed thus far to attain your dreams?

It's never too late to re-write your story and start over. Whatever it is you want out of this life go get it, and don't let anything stop you. You are your greatest strength and weakness, don't let fear or doubt outweigh what you have to offer to the world.

Today is the perfect day to write out your plans and begin to execute them. Yeah... the new year is only a week away and it sound good to make new years resolution but let's face it, we never keep them. Don't wait until next year to do what can be done today. Get a head start on your future and welcome the new year with a new perspective and drive to come closer to attaining your dream.

The decision is solely yours... so what are you gonna do? Keep procrastinating and making excuses? or Get it done? I don't know about you but the future I envision for myself is quite fruitful, so I'd rather work now and play later. We are born winners Ryders, let's do something that will go down in history !

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

You hold the key to your destiny

We've all been told we couldn't do something, couldn't be something, and couldn't have something before. It's the worst feeling to be told what you can and can't do or have. But never allow others to dictate what you deserve or what you are worthy of.

God has the last say with everything we know, but you have a choice as well. People can say whatever they want, but if you don't believe it, it doesn't matter. We often give words power, but without the power... the words mean nothing.

You are responsible for what you allow and what you want out of this life. It's up to you to keep doing the same things, or make the decision to change for the better. Embrace the things you can't change about yourself and love you for you. There is nothing like self love, because no one will take care of you like you can.

Be happy. Be hopeful. Be thankful. This life is not promised so live, really live and enjoy it. Do something out of your comfort zone, take a trip, buy something you wouldn't normally buy, go snorkeling, read, be adventurous. Be free !

You hold the key to your destiny, open the door to endless opportunities and possibilities. Don't restrict yourself of all the beauty in the world. Explore and get to know yourself, and exude positivity into the universe and see what you get in return. Live for you, you only get one life.

Monday, December 23, 2013

Oblivion is B L I S S !

Have you ever just sat and thought about all of things you didn't know about, and how awful it was when you came to know the truth? I've been thinking about the concept of living in oblivion, and I question if it would be better to not know certain things.

It's amazing how your perspective can be changed in an instance. I look back on my childhood and think about how I viewed certain people, as well as my influences. It never really occurs to you that something could be the opposite of what it really is or not happen the way you had envisioned when you're young; For instance...when I was younger, I knew I wanted to be a writer because I loved creating stories, but it never once crossed my mind that I wouldn't become a writer or the obstacles I would face to obtain that dream. The most tragic thing in adulthood is a reality check lol. They open yours eyes, build character, and test your endurance. And although those can be great things if viewed in an optimists' eyes, I often wish I had that same nonchalant attitude I did as a child.

Present-day, oblivion is welcomed in adulthood lol. Just think of all the heartbreaking things that happen in life: death, divorce, accidents, bills (yes I put that in bold red lol), and the overall struggle that comes with being an adult. I'd love to live in bliss without a worry in the world, and go back to my carefree mentality as a child. There is so much promise and imagination in the world when you are young, and as you grow, life begins to suck all of that out of you. So I'm working now to restore some of those characteristics that I once loved about myself; And in doing so I created my blog months ago. After going to college and taking several creative writing classes and learning the technicalities of writing, it took away the fun in it. Therefore I have to bring that fun back in order to write and actually love what I'm doing.

Well that's it, don't want to keep you guys on this Monday before Christmas lol. But let me know what you think: Is oblivion bliss? or Is it better to know? Leave your comments below and let's talk !

Friday, December 20, 2013

5 reasons...

I love Scarfs

5. They're Trendy. The great thing about scarfs is that they never go out of style. I don't care how old a scarf may be, if it's cute, there is no expiration date. I actually wish I had vintage scarfs from my grandmother or mom to wear now.

4. Affordable. If there's one thing you should know about me by now is that I'm all about a good deal. I like nice things but I don't live above my means, therefore I shop responsibly and reasonably. Some of my favorite scarfs were only 5 dollars !

3. Adds character. If you ever need to liven up your attire just add a scarf. A scarf can make all the difference in an outfit, and can transform it from drab to fab in a moments notice.

2. Unique selections. There are so many patterns and colors to choose from when it comes to scarfs. You can pretty much get any kind of scarf: short, long, zigzag, solid, striped, multicolored, leopard, sports teams, polka dot, wavy, houndstooth... You name it ! Step outside of your comfort zone and get colors and patterns that add a little spunk and character to your wardrobe !

1. Great cover up. Ladies we all have those horrible PMS days when we're bloated and don't want to wear anything but sweats. Scarfs are the best kept secret in the winter. There's nothing better than a long fashionable scarf to cover up that belly during that time of the month lol.

**P.S. The photo above is a collection of my favorite scarfs. Photo credits to me ! Lol

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Perception vs. Reality

Who wants that perfect love story anyway? Who wants that hero love that saves the day? cliché cliché !

It's amazing how perception can be so far from reality. You know those people that look like they have everything together and have the most lavish lives. Everything is not as it seems, and you may not believe it now but God sure has ways of showing it.

I used to look at other people's relationships and want that for myself; I always wanted to choose a safe career, but a safe career didn't choose me, and when I acquired one ... I realized that's what I didn't want lol. I know now that I was born to be a writer and I could spend the rest of my life running from that fact or embracing it... it's pretty obvious what I decided to do. I say that to say, don't believe the facades that people portray. Some of the prettiest and wealthiest people are the most unhappiest and empty people in the world.

Never wish for someone else's life, everyone is different for a reason, everything you have will be perfect for you and only you. No one has the same relationships, careers, or aspirations. In life you will meet people that have similar aspects and instances in their lives, but no one has an identical life... not even twins.

Start praying and living the best life you can for you. Everything you want in this life will be granted to you by God's will. Don't force relationships, jobs, or decisions to live up to other's standards. Be true to you and everything else will fall into place. The reality is, perception can be deadly if misinterpreted. Make your perception and reality link perfectly for you. The only person you should be trying to please is you, everything else is obsolete.

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

It's never too late to be who you might have been

What's that one thing you'd give anything to do for the rest of your life? What's that one dream you've always wanted to complete, and no matter what... your passion for it won't go away? It could be a hobby, a side job, or your outlet when things get hectic.

What are you waiting for? It's never too late to be who you might have been. I know you've been thinking of how great life could already be or how close you could already be to your dream had you started earlier, but it's never too late. So what you're just now going for it... you're going for it ! Don't stop until you reach the top, keep pushing yourself until you get where you want to be, and even then never stop working at your craft.

There is nothing in this life that's unattainable; the only things that are unattainable are the things that you allow yourself to believe you can't have. God created us all in his imagine, you really think he wants his kids to go without experiencing all the amazing things that life has to offer? I think not.

Age doesn't matter, finances doesn't matter, circumstances don't matter... all that matters is your drive. If you do your part no matter how limited your funds may be, everything will evolve as it should. Pray. Believe. & Receive. Everything you were destined to have in this life will happen in God's perfect timing. Cover your end and God will handle the rest, now get out there and be great... you don't have any other choice !

Monday, December 16, 2013

Do it for Y O U !

There's nothing worse than hearing someone say they're working towards a goal for everyone but them. Do it for you ! I've heard people say countless times that they are doing it for their family, future generations and fans. If you aren't doing it for yourself you shouldn't be doing it at all. After all, who's going to keep you motivated when you feel like you can no longer go on, or when you feel like giving up?

I'm not saying don't use your support system as motivation, I'm saying don't let them be your only driving force. It's ultimately up to you to go for and accomplish your goal in life... they are your dreams; no one can write your story in first person but you. And no one can go for your dreams but you. Let your family be family, and let your dreams be YOUR dreams.

While I have been guilty of saying I work towards my dream daily for my family, it's because I want them to be proud of me. I more so disagree with the people that feel like they have to do a specific dream to carry their family and support them financially. While there is nothing wrong with wanting to help your family, don't give yourself that burden of trying to do everything for them, you will never rest easy because you will never be able to please everyone.

I envision a life of peace, stability and happiness, and I only want the same for all of you. Go for your dreams because you want to, not for anybody else. Do what makes you happy and everything will fall into place. Don't allow baggage, obstacles and distractions to stop you from attaining everything you desire out of life. Dream big and live bigger, the world is yours for the taking !

Friday, December 13, 2013

5 reasons...

I'm addicted to eBay

5. Accessibility. Since it's online I can access it anywhere. And I have the app on my phone so I can easily bid anywhere: work, store, doctor's office etcetera ! lol

4. Filter. I can filter my search to exactly what I'm looking for, in the exact condition and price range I want. There's nothing better than that feature !

3. Affordability. Because of the low affordable prices, I often resort to eBay before going to Walmart or any other store. Nine times out of ten, I can find exactly what I want at a great price with free shipping.

2. International. As I said earlier, the power of online capabilities are uncanny. And since there are no restrictions, I often shop with direct sellers from China and Hong Kong. And I know you're thinking: "All things are made in China", but if it's purchased directly from China it's so much cheaper ! I just gave you a gem... you're welcome ! lol

1. Convenience. Because of eBay I did all of my Christmas shopping online last year, and half this year so far. There is nothing like shopping in your pajamas in the comfort of your warm home in the height of the winter. And let's not forget NO LINES ! The perks of the Internet are limitless. Shout out to the creator of EBay... you are a true revolutionary ! lol

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Every decision you make now effects your future later

You may not realize it, but everything you do now effects your future later. Every decision can alter your destiny in some way. Just think of things that are life changing in an instance: car accidents, unexpected deaths, robberies, job opportunities, meeting new people. Each day could be something new, and could either help or hurt you in the future dependent upon what you decide to do.

If you are my age or younger, partying, clubs and carefree adventures are what most twenty-somethings are doing on the regular. But what separates me from the rest is my dedication to attain my dream. Anything worth having comes with a sacrifice and you can't expect to do the same thing and get different results. So while I would love to shop and club and float effortlessly through life, it's not realistic when it comes to what I want my future to be. I often spend my weekends at home watching movies or reading for two reasons: 1. To save money and 2. To brainstorm and get inspiration for future writing material. It may seem boring to you, but my future is going to be so amazing, I will do whatever it takes now to get there.

Start thinking before you do things. Don't fall victim to peer pressure, have a voice, use your brain and make the right decisions. Don't endanger yourself or others by drinking and driving, or indulging in other drugs that you could physically harm your body or land you in jail. While it may see fun to be "free" now, the truth of the matter is, you are considered to be an adult at age 18, therefore you have to be wise decisions. There is nothing wrong with having fun, but too much of anything is bad for you... do it in moderation.

So I challenge you all to start planning for your future and making decisions that will allow you to have the type of career and life you desire. No one can control your life but you, and with that power comes much responsibility. Make smart decisions now and see the profit of your efforts in the near future. I love you all, thanks for rockin' with me Ryders !

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

A C T I O N S speak louder than W O R D S

Remember that old saying from elementary school? Well it still proves to be true to this day. Don't just say you're gonna do something DO IT! You are the only one that can make your dreams come true so get to work !

You can talk about all of the things you wish to accomplish, but if nothing is done, words mean nothing. People want to believe in what you have to offer, but first you have to make them a believer. They need to see the product, whatever it may be: are you selling jewelry, books, clothes, aspiring to be an actor, doctor, writer? Whatever it may be, there has to be a demo of some sort before people will invest.

If you are passionate about something give it your all. Don't let anyone deter you or stop you from going after your goals. If you don't believe in what you have to offer no one else will, you hold the key to your failure or success. Be proud, strong and rational. Look people in the eyes, smile and be assertive. And most of all have manners, manners will get you far in life.

Let your actions do all of the talking. If you do the ground work and everything needed to make your brand stand out, the product will speak for itself. After all, those that ramble and feel the need to brag or boast seldom have anything of value to offer. So what are you waiting for? The world is yours for the taking ! And remember: Don't talk about it... BE about it !

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Can't let the fear of falling keep you from flying

Close your eyes. Now think of your ultimate dream. Now think of actually living that dream. Do you see how sweet it could be? How fulfilling and amazing it could be to do something you actually love? Now open your eyes and go get it !

You cannot let fear prevail over your life. Either you go for what you want or take what life gives you. Do you want a hand-out or do you want to do the handing out? It's solely up to you. You can either be a boss or get bossed around. The choice is yours.

I don't know about you but I'd rather make myself a millionaire doing something I love, rather than helping someone else become one. The perks of life happen after hard work. After you've laid a solid foundation, then you can celebrate and revel in your success. But you will never have success if you continue to stifle yourself.

Stop being your worst critic. Start believing in yourself. You are worth taking a chance for, so take the chance on yourself. Go for your dreams no matter how long it takes, no matter how many people say you can't do it, no matter the obstacles that will definitely come. Keep going, never give up, and believe that whatever you want to get out of this life is attainable. So go ahead... take that flight ! I want to see you sore high in the sky with the stars ! The world is yours for the taking !

Monday, December 9, 2013

Don't wait for the story to unfold... write your own chapters !

Just take a moment and think of what you want your story to consist of. What is it that you want to become? What do you want your life to be devoted to? A career, family, or the balancing act of both? Whatever you choose, make sure it's something that is fulfilling for you. A career is nothing if you aren't genuinely happy and doing something you love. And family is nothing if it isn't loving and unconditional on all ends.

Take control of your life and start working towards whatever it is you want to become. Whatever it is you want to be, put in the ground work now so that your future will be promising. Although the story may not unfold exactly how you plan or expect it to, as long as you stay focused and determined it will happen. But it will happen in God's perfect timing, so patience is key.

Just think of getting paid to do something you love. If you will do it for free now, the icing on the cake will be funds behind it in the future. Build your brand, believe in it, and stick with it. No matter how hard it may be at times to keep going, do it ! Your dedication will not go unnoticed and you will eventually get the recognition you deserve. Ask.Believe.Receive. That is the secret to success, once you pray and do your part, everything else will fall into place... I'm living proof !

So what are you waiting for? Start today ! Make a blueprint, sketch an idea, brainstorm. Do whatever needs to be done to make your story a success. And don't worry about failure because it will only be beneficial to you, listen and learn from it. Get up and start working towards your future now, there's no time like the present ! You hold the pen to your story, write in only a way you can !

Friday, December 6, 2013

5 reasons...

Why I can't stop Dream Chasing

5. I have no other choice. If I weren't going after my dream what would I be doing? I don't want to think about it, because complacency is the key to failure, and failure isn't what I'm striving for. How can I look my future children in the eye and tell them they can be anything they want to be when they grow up if I never went after what I wanted to be? I'm doing this for myself as well as future generations to come. They say writing is a dead career because no one reads, well I guess I'm gonna have to revive the industry !

4. No regrets. In this life I want to live without regret and in doing so that means I have to give life my all. No holding back, no fear, no doubts. All or nothing ! I refuse to look back 30 or 40 years from now working a job I hate while making someone else's dreams come true in their company and making them wealthier, only to think "What-if I had given writing a real shot", I don't know about you but I'm doing the ground work now to make myself wealthy in the future.

3. Inspiration. I'm inspired by so many things in life, and if I can be that inspiration to one little boy or girl, I will have completed my mission. I want to show that the good guy doesn't finish last, and hard work does pay off. I once read: "Hard work beats talent if talent doesn't work hard", I want to show that its possible to make a dream manifest into reality.

2. Legacy. I want to leave something for my great great grandchildren to look at and be proud of and motivated by. I want to connect with a million strangers around the world so much so that we become a family. I want to build a brand that stands through the test of time.

1. Fulfillment. To me, fulfillment is doing something you love for free and still getting a rush from it. My fulfillment is writing and inspiring others to go after dreams they never thought they would. If you do something you love you'll never have to work a day in your life.

*Rest in Peace Nelson Mandela. Because of him, my dreams as well as yours are attainable. The visionary and revolutionary legend that is Nelson Mandela will forever live on.

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Adventures with Allen: Good outweighing Bad

While I have so many stories I could share about Allen, I rarely write about it because I often struggle with privacy (even though I changed his name for that very reason) and offending someone. It's not "cool" to talk about someone abnormal, and there's always that risk of controversy. But there's so much depth in an "anti-normal" person, it's hard not to want to write about it.

As I've said previously, I never imagined working with a child with Prader Willi Syndrome. But I know that everything happens for a reason, and in knowing so, I know that the experiences I share with him aren't in vain. I've grown to love Allen and have become very protective of him like family. He's so easy to love, and I love that he isn't normal, because as I always say: "Normal is boring" and boring Allen is not lol.

More than anything he's taught me how to cherish the good days, because when things are good it's great, but when things are bad they are BAD ! lol Today is a perfect example of a great day with Allen. I didn't work yesterday due to a cold that forced me to stay in bed all day; but when I came today, he was so happy to see me, and kept thanking me for coming. He said he'd missed me and I have to admit I missed him as well. What amazed me the most was that he was so appreciative and grateful to have me in his life, when at times it doesn't seem like it.

If nothing else, Allen is genuine. This is one of many things I love about him, he's not gonna be fake, and he's gonna tell you how he feels even if you don't want to hear it lol. When he hugs me in that bear-hug-death-grip only Allen can, I know it's from the heart. And in contrast, when he's upset or angry trust me you will know it ! lol And all in the same, if he's happy he will show it. While it's hard to guess what he's thinking or his next spontaneous move or attitude may be, there is no question when it comes to authenticity.

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

It's so easy to give up but...

Think of all the things you've started but never completed or even stuck with. Now think of how your life could be different had you stayed and gave it all of your dedication. One cannot grow if they continue to start over, it's like being a baby all over again... you cannot expect to walk if you haven't learned how to crawl first.

Stop giving up so easy and give things a chance. You cannot assume things will always be the same, let them manifest naturally. If you have a passion for something don't give up on it; Obtaining a career from your passion is God's gift to you, don't ignore your blessing. Go for it even if you fail several times, keep going until you get where you want to be. Some of the world's biggest names were told 'no' a million times before they heard one 'yes', persistence and thick-skin is key. The trick is, you have to believe in your passion before anyone else can, if it's not believable no one will receive it.

So what school is overwhelming and finals are making you insane, if your major is directly involved with what you want to do in the future stick it out! It's so easy to give up, take the difficult approach and keep going, you will be rewarded at the end of completion when you walk across that stage and receive your degree. Or maybe the job you're at isn't what you want to do but it pays the bills, STAY! As hard as it may seem stay, at least until you find something else. Trust me I know first-hand how quitting a job prematurely can set you back for months on in.

Today I challenge you to be great because good enough doesn't make a legend, and let's face it... we all want to be legends some day. Treat each day as if you are creating you legacy, this journey is not in vain. Just think of all the future generations you will inspire by going for what you believe in. Once you realize your dream, it's up to you to decide if you want to  keep dreaming, or if you want to make that dream a reality. The choice is yours...choose wisely !

Monday, December 2, 2013

Life is about quality not quantity

When you reflect on your life, does the number of things you have acquired or wish to acquire consume you, or are you happy with less things that are quality? As children we wish to attain large quantities in toys, clothes, and friends. But as you grow you are supposed to recognize and appreciate the quality of something. What means more to you, quality or quantity?

 People often associate quantity with wealth and happiness, you know: "If I get this many Chanel bags that means I'm ballin'" or "If I was a millionaire I would be so happy and stress free." They say ignorance is bliss, and when it comes to circumstances as such, this proves to be true. If you base your happiness and fulfillment of life on material quantities than the value, you are setting yourself up for failure. After all, too much of anything is bad for you.

Enjoy the quality of people, life and happiness. While wanting to have nice things are fine, don't become a slave to a designer name. Own the label, don't let the label own you. There are far more better things to glorify, like God.Value the priceless things in life like family, nature and life ! We often take for granted so much in life until there is a life-altering instance that changes our mindset. Don't let that instance happen, make the change for yourself now.

Yesterday I went to the gas station and was surprised to see that the person before me had done a credit for .87 cents of gas. I instantly had an epiphany, because you always know there is someone doing worse than you, but you never really KNOW until it's in your face. At that very moment I felt so thankful to have money to put gas in my car, and I wished I had been there to give that person at least $10 to help. The quality in a person comes from their ability to love and bless others, not the quantity. Make someones day by helping them, listening to them, or by giving them encouraging words. You never know what someone is going through, so strive to make a difference everyday.