Monday, February 3, 2014

The universe only reflects what it see's

Have you ever thought of what may have happened if you did something differently? That once instance in life that changed you forever, or altered your perspective? Or maybe something beyond your control that brought about the same outcome?

You know that "every action has an equal and opposite reaction" bit. Yeah... Newton was definitely on to something with that theory, in more ways than one. Everything you do has a consequence, be it good or bad. Karma, believed to be life's boomerang, can attest to that.

A recent incident in my life caused me to step back and evaluate exactly what I am putting out into the universe. This is essential in how people perceive me to be, as well as treat me. Long story short, I ended a friendship with someone I thought would be in my life forever. It's kind of like mourning the death of a relationship, but worse... because the person is still alive lol. Not sure if that came out as intended but, it's been rough letting go of a connection with someone I once had.

Music has been the key ingredient in my healing process, but in search of more peace I stumbled upon the eightfold path, thanks to one of my favorite songstress Jhené Aiko. It's a classic Buddhist teaching, but even if you don't practice it (like me), it's quite fascinating.
You can find more in dept details here, but I'll give you a quick synopsis from what I gathered. Basically, everything you think, say, and do equates to happiness when in harmony. This theory is reminiscent of the Laws of Attraction, and makes perfect sense if you ask me.

I encourage you to join me on this journey of finding complete happiness.We all want to acquire it, but in doing so we have to focus and work for it, in every aspect of our lives. Positivity is essentially the foundation, so eliminate all things negative and get started on your happy !

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