Monday, February 17, 2014

Don't let your let-down be an excuse to shut-down

It's crazy how one instance, one person, or one decision can alter your life. It could be a plethora of things: job related, relationships, or problems within yourself. Don't let disappointments dictate your destination, you will live in sorrow forever if you do.

Yesterday I did something I have been needing to do, but haven't in a lonnngggg time... go to church. With the current events in my life, primarily trying to practice patience until God sends me my perfect job, and dealing with temporary people exiting my life, I needed some uplifting.

It's funny that I give you all inspiration daily, but I also need to be refueled as well. Often times I take from my personal experience as well as those around me in hopes that you all will grow with me, and hopefully can avoid things by learning from others experiences.

Needless to say, the sermon he preached was as if God spoke directly to me through him. It was based solely on walking by faith and not sight; He talked a lot about Genesis, primarily Joseph's journey from being enslaved to becoming the ruler of Egypt. It was powerful and just what I needed to hear, because although Joseph's brothers placed him into slavery out of spite, he never resented them or want revenge when they came to Egypt needing food and help.

When you are going throw in storm or trial, never think that you are alone. Disappointment doesn't mean that God has disappeared, nor do they justify disobedience. It's so easy to act out in violet or sexual ways because of situations that have happened to you, but the next time you feel that urge... do the complete opposite; No grand decisions are made based off of impulse, try resisting now and you will be glad you did later.

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