Wednesday, February 12, 2014

is #2 the new #1?

This idea stemmed from a scene on last week's episode of Being Mary Jane. If you've never seen it, you are missing out on good modern-day in-your-face drama lol. Also before you continue reading, you should watch this episode to understand what I'm about to say.

If you're not first, you're last- Ricky Bobby

So there's this new theory that number 2 is the new number 1, not only on Being Mary Jane, but for every day women. Mary Jane is the face of many hardworking professional single women of all races. She is the daughter, the sister, the best friend, and quite possibly your local radio host, TV personality, doctor or teacher. Her girl-next-door vibe makes her relatable, and makes you gravitate to her; but I detached when she became ruthless in episode 4.

It's one thing to date a man and not know he's married, but once you find out he is, you being to take your frustrations out on his wife, who is really the victim. So telling her you have been sleeping with her husband isn't enough, you have to make a subliminal speech about the perks of being number 2. And as sad as it is, there are so many women that think like that. Women that think so little of themselves and have little to no self worth that to them, 2nd place is better than nothing. I'm here to tell you, 2nd will never overpower 1st, never has and never will.

And that's not just for personal relationships, the same goes for business. You've never seen a 2nd place CEO have you? Principal? or President? I think not. The title "Vice" is there for a reason. No one ever strives to be number 2 in life. Who really wakes up and says: "I want to be great but not that great"? I can guarantee you that no one is content being 2nd, not even the Vice President; he wants that number one spot. If you think 2nd is better, you are demoting yourself and your value. Don't be an option, be exceptional. You are worth that 1st place position.

But I want to hear from you all. What do you think? Is it okay with you to be #2? Or can #1 never be replaced? And what are your reasoning's? Comment below !

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