Monday, February 10, 2014

An expert is just a novice that never gave up

It is my belief that if you keep working at anything, over time you will become an expert. Just think of your parents, they've more than likely cooked for you for over two decades or more; And if they are anything like my mom, they are quite the expert, often times eyeballing (without measuring cups) ingredients; but everyone has a beginning stage where they had no idea what they were doing, everyone has to start somewhere.
Often times it is easy to get discouraged because of what you don't know, or by the strenuous amount of time it takes to accomplish a goal. Anything worth having is worth the wait, and if it's worth it, it won't come easy; you have to work for what you want.

I know it can be tough at times to keep going when you feel like you aren't getting anywhere or going at the rate you feel you should, but never give up. If you keep working at something and stay dedicated you will eventually get where you need to be.

We are all novices at every stage of our lives, it is impossible to know everything. There will always be something new to learn, that's the beauty about life. No matter how hard it gets, or how discouraging things may seem, keep going... your dreams are worth it.

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