Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Just as everything else, chances have expiration dates

Ration out the chances you give to people, otherwise they will take advantage and keep using them up. It's okay to give people second chances, and in extenuating circumstances, three can be allowed... but that's it. Take it from me, once you've given out more than three, that person will get comfortable and will continue the behavior you don't approve, because they know you aren't going to do anything about it.

My never ending 'chance snatcher' is my father. I should have given up on him a long time ago, but the little small percentage that still wants to hold on to what little relationship we have won't let me. I've given him so many chances I can't even count; In my 24 years of life I've experienced more disappointment from one person than one can bare. Endless broken promises, and circular talks about nothing.

When my father showed me who he really was at the age of 16, I should have believed it; But I refused to abandon him as all of his family did, not that I blame them (due to his own warped sense of reality). I carried the burden of being there for him despite the horrible father he'd been to me. While in college I did cut all ties from him, and as you Ryders know, we just recently came back into contact with one another a few months ago (click here for a refresher). I'm in constant battle with myself when it comes to him. I don't want him in my life, yet I do. I know he will never be able to 'father' me the way I want, or give me solid advice on life.

Talking to him is like talking to a teenager in a 50-somethings body. Due to his excessive drug intake my entire life, his mentality ended when he began using. He doesn't know me. He can't relate to me. We only have DNA in common. Funny he still wants to take credit for my accomplishments, one's he had no input in; I am the woman I am today only because of God and my Mom, he won't ever get recognition for something he never did.

I find myself mad at myself for giving him chance after chance, feeding into what becomes broken promises, and letting him in. So my message to you is, pay attention. When you see who someone really is believe it, and if you can't deal with it leave them alone...even if they are family. Save yourself pain and heartache, you deserve peace and happiness. Start putting expiration dates on your chances, and if they can't get with it, shut them out. No one deserves to be in your life if they aren't enriching it.

1 comment:

  1. Family cant get to choose them but they are here to teach us,I hope you can heal from what he did to you otherwise youll be a walking grenade
