Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Don't Rush Your Progression, Drive Slow Homie

This one's for you, young teenage 'I think I know everything the world has to offer' you. The 'You can't tell me what I already know' you. The 'Fast money is all I know' you. And the 'It's my way or no way' you. 

Drive Slow Homie, Ya Never Know Homie You Need To 
 Pump Ya Breaks and Drive Slow Homie

Here's a news flash you don't know everything, you can't do it by yourself, fast money won't last, and your way isn't always the best way. Whatever you're doing in the fast lane with eventually catch up to you, and trust it won't be pretty. Stop rushing your progression and take your time, a home built without a solid foundation will crumble.

Teenagers, listen to your parent's and elders that give you advice, they aren't telling you anything that will harm you, it's for your own good because they love you; Don't rush to be grown, it's not at all what you envision it to be. Twenty-somethings just because you're out of your teens doesn't mean you are grown, there's still so much to learn in this life, take your time and do it right. Stubborn Thirties, yes you may be more established than your twenties but you don't quite have it all together either, you too can benefit from advice, even if it comes from an unexpected person.

The moral of this post is that no one person can survive alone, and no one knows everything. Everyone needs help and guidance, don't be too egotistical or prideful and miss out on that. Yes the fast life is enticing and seems fun and effortless, but at some point your pace will slow down, and then stop; Let your stop be in your hands and not someone else's, you can change your life, it's never too late. It's better to have a lifetime of gradual blessings than a temporary spurt of 'whatnot's' in the fast lane.

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