Thursday, February 20, 2014

Your time as a Caterpillar has expired, your Wings are READY

The time is now to break out of that cocoon and show the world your beauty. You've hidden for long enough, it's time for your talent to breathe.

Break free and face your fears head on because they won't leave any other way. Fears are good for driving you towards your dream, they make you feel like that dream isn't attainable, but if you fight the fear instead of let it defeat you, you'll work even harder to get where you want to be.

Success is the difference between courage and coward, which are you? Take a stand for what you believe in, you have to believe it before anyone else will. Stop being your worst critic you are worthy of all the things you desire, never forget that.

So get started now, here's the push you've been waiting for. Put a smile on and roll those sleeves up, make a vision board, create a blueprint. No more excuses or apologies, just do it ! Go ahead and begin the path of your success story, we're traveling different routes but I can't wait to meet you at the top ! 

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