Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Restriction are for Cowards

Yes restrictions are inevitable life, from the time you are born until you die; but are you one that abides by all rules to play it safe, or do you go against the grain to get what you want.

“Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History.” -Eleanor Roosevelt

I'm not saying go rebel against the world, and break all the rules, but what I do condone is standing up for what you believe in... even if it is only yourself. Actually, standing up for yourself is the best thing you can possibly do. Don't allow people to put you in a box, dictate your potential, or downplay your talent. It's your talent you know what you are worth so show the world what you already know.

Only a coward would let restrictions stifle them from being great. Your future depends on what you will accept now. If you will let people belittle you and deter you now, your future will reflect as so; But if you choose to take a stand and work hard for what you believe in, your future will represent all that you are.
 Nothing is given in this life, you have to go after everything you want. Someone said you aren't good enough? Prove them wrong. Some said you would never make it? Prove them wrong. Someone you once admired tried to deter you from your dream. Prove them wrong !

If you believe everything someone tells you, then you should believe the positive over the negative; After all, there is always a positive in a negative. Did it ever occur to you that the people casting negativity once has a dream that was killed by someone else? Or didn't believe in themselves enough to go for it, which only made them resent you more for going after your dreams? They want you to fail because they believe you can succeed. Hurt people hurt people, it's not fair but such is life. Forget the restrictions and be brave ! You've got nothing to lose and everything to gain, go make that dream a reality !

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