Monday, November 25, 2013

Battling the past

Have you ever had the past continuously creep back up? Like you can't escape it, no matter how hard you try? When things are going great, poof ! There is that person, memory, or thing that inconveniently pops back up to add some "character" into your life. For twenty-four years, that person has been my dad.

 Prior to a phone call I received last Tuesday, I hadn't spoken to him since March of 2012, and since that was via text for my birthday, I hadn't verbally spoken to him since 2011. I won't get into details as to why we stopped communicating (I could write a books worth of details as far as that goes lol), but I will say his inconsiderate ways and warped mindset played a major part. However, the phone call I received Tuesday was from his social worker in regards to him, because he knew I didn't want to talk to him. But after actually talking to him I realized two things... 1. I do still care about him despite all the wrong that he has done and 2. He's still the same person, and will never change.

My dad is the epitome of instability. In every way possible ! After twenty-four years the man I share the same last name and blood type with is a stranger to me, and whether he wants to admit it or not, I'm the same for him. It's kind of hard to have a solid relationship with someone that constantly chooses drugs (crack and who knows what else) over you, and if not drugs, constant bad decisions that would land him in jail repeatedly, or a combination of bad decisions because of the use of drugs.

It's crazy when I think of the things and instances that have made me who I am and he's played an essential part in that by not being there. He is the reason why  I don't trust guys and have my guard up, he was the one I wrote to in prison when I learned to write, and he's the complete opposite of what I want in a husband. Funny how drugs can alter your truth, and sadly to this day his truth is still skewed and corrupted; they say the age you begin doing drugs is the age you're stuck in, so although he is fifty-two he's really in his early twenties mentally, although I'd go even further back and say teenage years lol.

So here he is attempting to come back into my life for the hundredth time, with the same excuses, "woe is me" sap stories and broken promises. And I'm forced to decided whether I want to allow him back into my life, or give up on him completely. There is a part of me that feels sorry for him because he's burned so many bridges, and I know if I walk away he won't have anyone. But then there's the other side that enjoyed not talking to him and having the dysfunction, yet I question why I even still care for a person that doesn't care enough about me to do right, or why pity a person that is alone because of his own actions.

All I can do is pray to God and ask that he gives me the answers. I struggle with wanting a relationship with him because he is my dad, but I know that he can't and won't ever be the dad I deserve. When the past comes running back, do you embrace it or push it away? I'll either have to accept him for who he is or let it go; only time will tell I suppose. In the words of Jay-Z "Time don't go back it goes forward, can't run from the pain go towards it."

* As you know I like to add a musical selection if it ties in, and below is the perfect tune. Enjoy !

"Hittin stones in glass homes.... you smokin stones in abandoned homes...
 you hittin stones and broke your home"

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