Monday, October 28, 2013

Why dwell when you can revel ?

How long are you going to live in the past, hold grudges, and think "what if"? Dwelling on the past will only stifle you in the long run. You will never live up to your full potential if you allow your past to define your future. Stop letting failed relationships, jobs, and experiences consume you; Let it go and move on, everything happen for a reason, and what's meant to be will be, no matter the circumstance... what's rightfully yours will always prevail.

Just take a moment and think how peaceful life could be if you just let things go. Isn't that an amazing space to be in? You can have that serenity, it's yours for the taking ! Stop holding on to dead weight and hopeless "could have been's". Free yourself and you will open up possibilities you've never imagined before.

Whatever is holding you back or deterring you, reverse that energy. Let those obstacles fuel your drive to get to your goal. Give those nonbelievers something to talk about; First they will ask why you are doing it, but later they'll ask how you did it.

Revel in your uniqueness, embrace your flaws, and love yourself; There is no better love than self-love, you have to know your worth so that others will acknowledge it. This goes for jobs, relationships and life in general, no one will appreciate what you have to offer unless you believe in it first.

Today I challenge you to release those demons that stifle you from living in the present, and revel in the moment... be the best you, you can be and everything else will fall into place. Don't focus on the things you don't have and redirect your focus on the bigger picture. Make today be the fresh start you've been running from. After all, the new year is fast approaching and what better way to welcome it by eliminating all things that keep you from growing.

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