Thursday, October 31, 2013

Adventures with Allen: Embracing change

This week with Allen has been a transition for all of us. It's his dad's week, and his new wife had already moved in and was there when we arrived after school. Initially I didn't know how he would take it because he doesn't adapt to change well. A few weeks ago we altered his daily schedule (I usually pick him up from the bus stop, he has a snack, we go walk, and then either watch TV, play games or find something to do). This particular week he had been having fits in school, crying and not listening, so his Mom wanted to get him off the bus to talk to him about his behavior and have me come after. He did not appreciate my absence and made it known by pulling a plant out of the ground and sitting in the grass until I arrived.

Thankfully he shocked us all and has been so welcoming to her and her pets (she has one dog that hates me lol, and two cats). He's had such a great week, and I think it's due to the excitement of something new that he is okay with. Although he hasn't quite grasped the fact that she lives there now, having asked me several times if she was going back home (he's used to going to visit her at her place on the weekends) he is okay with the adjustment.

This week has been one of his best in a while. Last week was very trying. Monday he had a great day, we did our usual routine, but he randomly decided to switch things up when we passed a drain on our walk, and threw his glasses in. With his condition he reacts first and realizes afterward; he knew what he had done was wrong and didn't want to go home in fear that he would get in trouble with his Mom.Tuesday he was upset with me because I said he'd have to take a shower after I left; He then went on to lick his tongue out at me, and call me a "stupid butt-ass sex!"; While I can laugh now, it wasn't funny at the time lol. Then the next day he literally ran away from me at the mall, and wouldn't get out of the car for twenty minutes when we got back to his house.

As I had stated in a recent post I admire his tenacity, but another things I admire is his ability to move on. He can be so upset one minute and then... poof! as he would say lol he's over it. He never holds grudges and he always lives in the present. Allen is also quite solipsistic lol, he is very in-tune with his feelings and wants your full attention at all times. To Allen, he is the Sun and everyone else are Moons, and we better act accordingly lol. I've learned so much about myself since taking this job, I've grown more patient, understanding and appreciative of simple things. God always finds a way to send a message my way, but he's so unpredictable and slick with the way he chooses to convey them lol.

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