Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Why is good enough never GOOD ENOUGH?

Whether you want to admit it or not, chances are you have felt imperfect or not good enough at some point in your life. It could have been when you were a child, teenager, transitioning into adulthood, or right now. This is nothing to be ashamed of, we all have felt good enough wasn't good enough on more than one occasion. It could be self-esteem related, job related, or relationship related. No matter the circumstance one thing remains the same...when you are feeling unappreciated, unworthy, or depressed the only person that can get you out of that funk is you.

Society plays a major role in this disorder. Magazines, television, and movies portray people that appear to be perfect. They paint a picture of how they believe everyone should look or aspire to be; But just think how boring and regular the world would be if everyone looked the same. We were all made different to bring diversity to life. Everyone has a special talent, skill or idea to present to the world, and if we all had the same thing there would be no purpose.

Everyone has flaws and imperfections. It could be physical, mental or both. You have two choices when it comes to things you don't like about yourself: 1. Change 2. Embrace. Either you change the things you don't like (it could be your attitude, weight, personality) or embrace those things and find a positive. God wired us all different for a reason, we are reflections of him... different shapes, ideas, and outlooks, try and be the best reflection of his as you can.

Whatever is making you feel less than or imperfect go directly to the source. Maybe there is someone bullying you at school about the way that you look, that person could secretly envy you and have their own insecurities that they aren't facing. Or your boss keeps badgering you about the smallest things, have a talk and see what the real issue is, your boss may see your potential and is pushing you to be all you can be. And maybe you haven't been feeling appreciated in a relationship, you may like or love someone more than they do you; and you feel that you aren't good enough or have too many flaws...embrace all that you are and if someone can't appreciate you for you keep it moving; you will eventually meet someone that loves everything about you and can't stand to go a day without talking to you or seeing you. You are good are MORE than good enough !

Below is a music selection from one of my favorite rappers J. Cole. Here's his latest video to the song Crooked Smile, which talks about embracing one's imperfections. Always a creative mind, he takes a different approach on the concept of the song.  Enjoy !

"No need to fix what God already put his paintbrush on"- J.Cole

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