Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Words only have value if you allow them to

Words are only as powerful as you make them. The impact of your reaction relates directly to the substance of a word. And more often than not, the most hurtful words come from the people you care about the most.

It may have been said out of anger, envy, jokingly, or desperation, but that old saying is wrong, words do hurt but it's up to you to decide if you will let those words live. And when I say live, I mean impact your life so drastically that you start to believe the negativity.

I had someone belittle me with hateful words at the worst possible time ever; A time where my body was changing and I was already unsure of myself...the gruesome teenage years. This person was very close to me, someone I thought genuinely loved & cared about me. He would call me "fat" "ugly" "stupid" "dumb" and over time I started to believe it even though none of it was true. I started to distance myself from people and I became a loner, always quiet and trying to stay out of people's way. I can remember him saying hurtful things to me and I'd run to my room and cry, and he'd bring it up later and say: "Aight don't make me hurt your feelings so you can go in your room and cry again", those were some of the darkest days of my life, to this day I can never understand how another human being could hurt someone and enjoy it.

It took me years to get over the verbal abuse I received for entirely too long. I realized that he was so unhappy with his life & he saw that my life had so much potential that he tried to break my spirit, and although it worked temporarily, God took over and permanently restored me for life. Don't allow words to determine who you are or who you could be. Ward off demons with positivity even in your darkest hour, the bet revenge is to succeed when all of the odds are against you.

If you know anyone who has been a victim of child, domestic or verbal abuse please call 1-800-799-SAFE (7233) or log onto The National Domestic Violence Hotline if you'd rather chat online and save a life. You never know when people are on their last ounce of hope.

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