Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Judgement is apart of life

How many times have you missed out on opportunities because of other people? How many times have someones opinion altered your decisions? How many times have you wanted to do the unusual thing, step outside of yourself and be free, but didn't in fear of judgment from others? If your answer to any of these questions is more than once... we have a problem.

Stop living for other people that aren't living for you. You could spend your whole life pleasing others and they will still have an opinion about what you did. People will always have something to say about you... good, bad or indifferent, it's a catch-22. There is only one person you should live for and that is yourself. And the only judgement that counts is the one with the almighty power.

Don't let fear hold you from your full potential. Hiding who you truly are is not living. Free yourself of judgement from others... so what that's your best friend, someone you want to be your friend, a coworker or even your parents. You are doing them no good by trying to live up to their standards. And you definitely aren't helping yourself.

Be yourself, it's priceless and original. Nobody likes a carbon copy so you really have no choice but to embrace all of who you are. And the amazing thing about being true to you is that it will reflect, and strangers will appreciate what you have to offer. Live for you, do what you want, be free ! Never let someone else have the power of effecting anything you do, take control of your destiny and go wherever this life takes you. And let them talk because they will regardless, just make sure you give them something to talk about !

I've provided you guys a little Wednesday humor below to get you through your day, Enjoy !

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