Monday, December 30, 2013

There is so much life you've yet to experience

We are often so consumed and confined in our own little nook, that we don't realize how big the world really is. There is so much to explore, learn  and gain from life, but only if you are willing to step outside of your comfort zone.

Our little worlds are based in one particular section of the earth. As humans, we are genetically inclined to gravitate towards familiarity. But it's not until you do something different that you become more aware of all that life has to offer.

In the United States alone, there are so many cultures and religions. Just think if you were to travel to a different country where you don't know the language, and the most scariest aspect... you know no one. It would be different but, because we gravitate towards familiarity, things will start to click. You may not know the language but guaranteed if you stay for a while you will pick it up, and begin to understand naturally.

There are so many people you've yet to meet, so many places you've yet to see, so many opportunities you've yet to experience, and so many possibilities yet to be discovered.

This life can be one with character, experience, laughter, and love if you allow it to. There is no telling who you will meet and how they may change your life; Or where you may go that could give you spiritual guidance and a more balanced life that you desire. Now is the time to explore and soar ! Spread your wings and fly without fear or reservation... give your life some C O L  O  R 

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