Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Can't let the fear of falling keep you from flying

Close your eyes. Now think of your ultimate dream. Now think of actually living that dream. Do you see how sweet it could be? How fulfilling and amazing it could be to do something you actually love? Now open your eyes and go get it !

You cannot let fear prevail over your life. Either you go for what you want or take what life gives you. Do you want a hand-out or do you want to do the handing out? It's solely up to you. You can either be a boss or get bossed around. The choice is yours.

I don't know about you but I'd rather make myself a millionaire doing something I love, rather than helping someone else become one. The perks of life happen after hard work. After you've laid a solid foundation, then you can celebrate and revel in your success. But you will never have success if you continue to stifle yourself.

Stop being your worst critic. Start believing in yourself. You are worth taking a chance for, so take the chance on yourself. Go for your dreams no matter how long it takes, no matter how many people say you can't do it, no matter the obstacles that will definitely come. Keep going, never give up, and believe that whatever you want to get out of this life is attainable. So go ahead... take that flight ! I want to see you sore high in the sky with the stars ! The world is yours for the taking !

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