Thursday, December 26, 2013

Make the future YOU proud

What are you doing today to ensure that your future is everything you want it to be? How are you working to make the future you proud? Now is the time to ask yourself these questions, and if you don't have an answer, it's time for you to get started !

You cannot expect your future to be better than you present or past if you aren't putting in the ground work now. Nothing comes overnight, and anything worth having comes with sacrifice. So what have you sacrificed thus far to attain your dreams?

It's never too late to re-write your story and start over. Whatever it is you want out of this life go get it, and don't let anything stop you. You are your greatest strength and weakness, don't let fear or doubt outweigh what you have to offer to the world.

Today is the perfect day to write out your plans and begin to execute them. Yeah... the new year is only a week away and it sound good to make new years resolution but let's face it, we never keep them. Don't wait until next year to do what can be done today. Get a head start on your future and welcome the new year with a new perspective and drive to come closer to attaining your dream.

The decision is solely yours... so what are you gonna do? Keep procrastinating and making excuses? or Get it done? I don't know about you but the future I envision for myself is quite fruitful, so I'd rather work now and play later. We are born winners Ryders, let's do something that will go down in history !

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