Monday, December 2, 2013

Life is about quality not quantity

When you reflect on your life, does the number of things you have acquired or wish to acquire consume you, or are you happy with less things that are quality? As children we wish to attain large quantities in toys, clothes, and friends. But as you grow you are supposed to recognize and appreciate the quality of something. What means more to you, quality or quantity?

 People often associate quantity with wealth and happiness, you know: "If I get this many Chanel bags that means I'm ballin'" or "If I was a millionaire I would be so happy and stress free." They say ignorance is bliss, and when it comes to circumstances as such, this proves to be true. If you base your happiness and fulfillment of life on material quantities than the value, you are setting yourself up for failure. After all, too much of anything is bad for you.

Enjoy the quality of people, life and happiness. While wanting to have nice things are fine, don't become a slave to a designer name. Own the label, don't let the label own you. There are far more better things to glorify, like God.Value the priceless things in life like family, nature and life ! We often take for granted so much in life until there is a life-altering instance that changes our mindset. Don't let that instance happen, make the change for yourself now.

Yesterday I went to the gas station and was surprised to see that the person before me had done a credit for .87 cents of gas. I instantly had an epiphany, because you always know there is someone doing worse than you, but you never really KNOW until it's in your face. At that very moment I felt so thankful to have money to put gas in my car, and I wished I had been there to give that person at least $10 to help. The quality in a person comes from their ability to love and bless others, not the quantity. Make someones day by helping them, listening to them, or by giving them encouraging words. You never know what someone is going through, so strive to make a difference everyday.

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