Monday, December 16, 2013

Do it for Y O U !

There's nothing worse than hearing someone say they're working towards a goal for everyone but them. Do it for you ! I've heard people say countless times that they are doing it for their family, future generations and fans. If you aren't doing it for yourself you shouldn't be doing it at all. After all, who's going to keep you motivated when you feel like you can no longer go on, or when you feel like giving up?

I'm not saying don't use your support system as motivation, I'm saying don't let them be your only driving force. It's ultimately up to you to go for and accomplish your goal in life... they are your dreams; no one can write your story in first person but you. And no one can go for your dreams but you. Let your family be family, and let your dreams be YOUR dreams.

While I have been guilty of saying I work towards my dream daily for my family, it's because I want them to be proud of me. I more so disagree with the people that feel like they have to do a specific dream to carry their family and support them financially. While there is nothing wrong with wanting to help your family, don't give yourself that burden of trying to do everything for them, you will never rest easy because you will never be able to please everyone.

I envision a life of peace, stability and happiness, and I only want the same for all of you. Go for your dreams because you want to, not for anybody else. Do what makes you happy and everything will fall into place. Don't allow baggage, obstacles and distractions to stop you from attaining everything you desire out of life. Dream big and live bigger, the world is yours for the taking !

1 comment:

  1. When we speak about goals, very few people consider that ALL goals must start at one of two VERY specific foundations...The first is THE PRIZE, or "What do I plan to accomplish by doing what I'm doing?" The second, often times confused with means, is MOTIVATION. Motivation is simply a reason for the accomplishment...a certain "What is it all for?", if you will. In all of my personal goals, THE PRIZE IS MY MOTIVATION! Like I always say..."I WANT IT...IT'S MINE...AND IF YOU AREN'T IN SUPPORT OF ME, YOU ARE JUST ANOTHER OBSTACLE THAT WHICH MUST BE DEMOLISHED!
