Tuesday, December 17, 2013

It's never too late to be who you might have been

What's that one thing you'd give anything to do for the rest of your life? What's that one dream you've always wanted to complete, and no matter what... your passion for it won't go away? It could be a hobby, a side job, or your outlet when things get hectic.

What are you waiting for? It's never too late to be who you might have been. I know you've been thinking of how great life could already be or how close you could already be to your dream had you started earlier, but it's never too late. So what you're just now going for it... you're going for it ! Don't stop until you reach the top, keep pushing yourself until you get where you want to be, and even then never stop working at your craft.

There is nothing in this life that's unattainable; the only things that are unattainable are the things that you allow yourself to believe you can't have. God created us all in his imagine, you really think he wants his kids to go without experiencing all the amazing things that life has to offer? I think not.

Age doesn't matter, finances doesn't matter, circumstances don't matter... all that matters is your drive. If you do your part no matter how limited your funds may be, everything will evolve as it should. Pray. Believe. & Receive. Everything you were destined to have in this life will happen in God's perfect timing. Cover your end and God will handle the rest, now get out there and be great... you don't have any other choice !

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