Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Perception vs. Reality

Who wants that perfect love story anyway? Who wants that hero love that saves the day? cliché cliché !

It's amazing how perception can be so far from reality. You know those people that look like they have everything together and have the most lavish lives. Everything is not as it seems, and you may not believe it now but God sure has ways of showing it.

I used to look at other people's relationships and want that for myself; I always wanted to choose a safe career, but a safe career didn't choose me, and when I acquired one ... I realized that's what I didn't want lol. I know now that I was born to be a writer and I could spend the rest of my life running from that fact or embracing it... it's pretty obvious what I decided to do. I say that to say, don't believe the facades that people portray. Some of the prettiest and wealthiest people are the most unhappiest and empty people in the world.

Never wish for someone else's life, everyone is different for a reason, everything you have will be perfect for you and only you. No one has the same relationships, careers, or aspirations. In life you will meet people that have similar aspects and instances in their lives, but no one has an identical life... not even twins.

Start praying and living the best life you can for you. Everything you want in this life will be granted to you by God's will. Don't force relationships, jobs, or decisions to live up to other's standards. Be true to you and everything else will fall into place. The reality is, perception can be deadly if misinterpreted. Make your perception and reality link perfectly for you. The only person you should be trying to please is you, everything else is obsolete.