Friday, December 6, 2013

5 reasons...

Why I can't stop Dream Chasing

5. I have no other choice. If I weren't going after my dream what would I be doing? I don't want to think about it, because complacency is the key to failure, and failure isn't what I'm striving for. How can I look my future children in the eye and tell them they can be anything they want to be when they grow up if I never went after what I wanted to be? I'm doing this for myself as well as future generations to come. They say writing is a dead career because no one reads, well I guess I'm gonna have to revive the industry !

4. No regrets. In this life I want to live without regret and in doing so that means I have to give life my all. No holding back, no fear, no doubts. All or nothing ! I refuse to look back 30 or 40 years from now working a job I hate while making someone else's dreams come true in their company and making them wealthier, only to think "What-if I had given writing a real shot", I don't know about you but I'm doing the ground work now to make myself wealthy in the future.

3. Inspiration. I'm inspired by so many things in life, and if I can be that inspiration to one little boy or girl, I will have completed my mission. I want to show that the good guy doesn't finish last, and hard work does pay off. I once read: "Hard work beats talent if talent doesn't work hard", I want to show that its possible to make a dream manifest into reality.

2. Legacy. I want to leave something for my great great grandchildren to look at and be proud of and motivated by. I want to connect with a million strangers around the world so much so that we become a family. I want to build a brand that stands through the test of time.

1. Fulfillment. To me, fulfillment is doing something you love for free and still getting a rush from it. My fulfillment is writing and inspiring others to go after dreams they never thought they would. If you do something you love you'll never have to work a day in your life.

*Rest in Peace Nelson Mandela. Because of him, my dreams as well as yours are attainable. The visionary and revolutionary legend that is Nelson Mandela will forever live on.

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