Wednesday, December 4, 2013

It's so easy to give up but...

Think of all the things you've started but never completed or even stuck with. Now think of how your life could be different had you stayed and gave it all of your dedication. One cannot grow if they continue to start over, it's like being a baby all over again... you cannot expect to walk if you haven't learned how to crawl first.

Stop giving up so easy and give things a chance. You cannot assume things will always be the same, let them manifest naturally. If you have a passion for something don't give up on it; Obtaining a career from your passion is God's gift to you, don't ignore your blessing. Go for it even if you fail several times, keep going until you get where you want to be. Some of the world's biggest names were told 'no' a million times before they heard one 'yes', persistence and thick-skin is key. The trick is, you have to believe in your passion before anyone else can, if it's not believable no one will receive it.

So what school is overwhelming and finals are making you insane, if your major is directly involved with what you want to do in the future stick it out! It's so easy to give up, take the difficult approach and keep going, you will be rewarded at the end of completion when you walk across that stage and receive your degree. Or maybe the job you're at isn't what you want to do but it pays the bills, STAY! As hard as it may seem stay, at least until you find something else. Trust me I know first-hand how quitting a job prematurely can set you back for months on in.

Today I challenge you to be great because good enough doesn't make a legend, and let's face it... we all want to be legends some day. Treat each day as if you are creating you legacy, this journey is not in vain. Just think of all the future generations you will inspire by going for what you believe in. Once you realize your dream, it's up to you to decide if you want to  keep dreaming, or if you want to make that dream a reality. The choice is yours...choose wisely !

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