Friday, November 29, 2013

5 reasons...

I'm Thankful

5. I have a job. I'm so blessed to have a job because there are so many people that don't. While I never imagined doing what my current job title requires, I am following the path that God has for me. Everything happens for a reason, and as a writer only gives me more material.

4. Security. I have a solid family and a place to stay, a bed and food to eat. We often put more emphasis  on things we don't have and wish to acquire, but I have everything I need and I'm grateful. I have a solid foundation, and at the end of the day, that's all that really matters.

3. Health. Although I could be healthier and intend to work more effectively on healthier eating and working out, I am blessed to be alive. There is always someone worse off, so I give thanks to God for waking me up this morning.

2. Family. I've been blessed to have amazingly crazy but incredibly amazing people to call family. No matter the situations we face, we are one and I wouldn't  replace anyone of them.

1. God's love. His unconditional love and support is more than I could ever ask for. He's always looking out for me and I enjoy the comfort in that security.

I hope you guys enjoyed your Thanksgiving and spent it with your loved ones be it: family, friends or strangers that have become family. Just because Thanksgiving is over doesn't mean that you should stop being thankful and grateful for all that you have. Everyday should be thanksgiving because no matter what you wish to attain, you have some thing. Be grateful for all that you have and God will continue to bless you so that you can bless others.

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