Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Complacency is the key to FAILURE !

One thing I've learned from observing certain people is that complacency or contentment can be disastrous. How can you grow if you're standing still? You should always be progressing in life, and thinking of "the next big thing". Once you get content you become routine in your thoughts, and essentially stuck in an era.

Growing up, I watched a family member become complacent with having nothing. Nothing in his name, nothing to call his own. I often think to myself how can you be okay with women taking care of you while you hang out all day and put up this facade? And more importantly, how do you get to that head space? But when you give up on life, failure is what you receive from the world because God grants everyone a talent and a destiny, it's up to the person to utilize those things and receive the blessings that come with fulfilling your purpose.

Don't let complacency or fear stop you from being great. Don't give up, never stop working on your craft. It may seem like a long shot or the opportunity may never come, but when preparation meets opportunity amazing things have the potential to happen. My message to you is to go for whatever goal you set for yourself no matter how unrealistic it may seem, give it your all. And after that goal is complete, set another goal even greater. Never question or doubt your abilities. God gave you life, that alone should be the fuel and inspiration to tell you anything is possible.

"To me giving up is way harder than trying"- Kanye West

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