Friday, September 27, 2013

5 reasons...

Why I can't Window Shop

5. If I feel it's already mine. If I see something I like and it fits perfect I have to have it ! I don't understand how people can just leave things that are calling their name...I have to answer that call every time ! It's mine and I want it now ! lol

4. I'm impatient. I can't wait for something to go on sale, or come back another time. And you can't expect me to look at something beautiful and not get it. That's just like when your parent's tell you not to do something, you have to do it anyway because they said not to.

3. If it's unique. I pride myself on being an unorthodox specimen so when I see shoes or pieces that are a reflection of my being I cannot allow them to suffer and remain unloved at the store; if it's different and cute, it's going home with me to get the attention it truly deserves lol.

2. It's retail therapy. There's no therapy if I don't obtain retail. I have to do this to keep my sanity lol. Research shows that shopping is a great way to burn calories; all the more reason to buy something to celebrate being healthy and active lol.

1. I'm TALL. Although I love being tall because it adds to my uniqueness, the worst part is that my size goes first. Message to designers... tall women are not a small commodity (pun intended lol) stop making two pair of tall jeans, and two sets of shoes, and giving all the short chicks endless options. We are your biggest cash cow, don't short yourself !


  1. I agree with you to a certain degree. Although we are women of a certain height we still have to be smart about our spending. I always say if that item is meant for me it will be there when I go back later. If not it wasn't meant . Remember to ask yourself is it a need or a want before you buy. You taught me that lol.

  2. Yes! I am so tired of 5'2 girls having endless supply of clothing while the tall girls gotta struggle lol
