Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Live in the moment

I had an epiphany today and it was a message that only God could send. I couldn't do anything but laugh because he always shakes me back to reality in some form. The message I received today was to live in the moment, enjoy life and the people I'm blessed to share it with.

I'm the type of person that likes to plan things and I expect things to happen in a particular order (career, marriage,world exploration, baby, happily ever after). If only life would obey me...lol. I like structure and I like to know what's to come (which is why I would like a 5 minute glimpse into my future lol). Although I do enjoy the spontaneity of life, security is the most important thing to me.

 I've had several instances these past few months when God showed me he was in control, although he allowed  me to temporarily believe I was lol. The jobs I acquired after graduation were the most prominent examples. I obtained and quit three jobs over the span of six months oblivious to the reasons why they didn't work out. They didn't work out because they weren't for me; I was running from my destiny and applying for safe jobs, and God gave them to me to show me they weren't for me. It took a long time, but I'm finally on the path I should be. Anyone who doesn't think God has a sense of humor do not know my life lol. I love that he allows me to make mistakes to grow but continues to support and guide me along the way.

Presently there are instances in my personal and professional life that are altering my viewpoint and outlook. God told me to live in the moment... not just live but be ALIVE ! He wants me to experience my hearts desire, and live without fear. Today I will embrace the pure essence of now, live in it and enjoy it. Whatever the future may hold, I am ready for the ride because I know God is always by my side.

I know I may have come off as too "preachy" or "Godly" in this post, but I thought this message would help someone. No matter what religion you believe in, there is one common denominator... the higher power is the ruler and creator of all things. I encourage you to sit in silence and allow the messages to be received. We are often so caught up in technology and the minute material things in the world, that we forget what's most important. Be still and listen...it will change your life !

 " He's always looking out for me and I enjoy the comfort of that security "- CM

1 comment:

  1. For some people it takes a lifetime for them to get. Thank God you got it at early. Stay on your path, you are doing what he has ordered for ypur life. #1Cheerleader Mom...
