Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Layers of Life

 I woke up thinking of my childhood. It amazes me that children can be so aware of things adults think they are oblivious to, yet those realities never effect's that child's imagination. It's almost as if an imagination is a sanctuary. As a child you are so certain of what you want out of life and want to become. Whether it's a doctor, lawyer, teacher, or police...that dream, at that very moment, doesn't seem unattainable or unrealistic; All you see is this great life with great family and friends and your ultimate dream awaiting for your arrival. I look back on my own childhood, and I see a shy six year old girl inspired by the artistry of writing. She sees an outlet and opportunity to create stories, write letters, and even tell her own story. She is not afraid, she is not discouraged, she is hopeful and free. That's the state I'm working to get back to, the raw talent without all of the technical restrictions. I have to get back to my essence.

It's funny how you can envision something to go a specific way, and life takes you another. As a recent college graduated (Dec 12') I felt like the opportunities would be limitless when I graduated, which they are, it just isn't as easy as I had expected it to be. Prior to graduation I had several interviews with companies that wanted to hire me as an intern, and felt like once I was done with school those opportunities would still be there, boy was I wrong. So in January 13' I initiated my transition into the real world, and over the course of 5 months I quit 3 jobs. I kept applying for "safe" jobs, jobs that didn't challenge me, and would provide me temporary monetary happiness. After several months of running into dead ends and circles, here I am today finally following my heart. They say when you do what you love the money will follow, so I am sharing my gift with you all, writing to uplift and inspire in hopes of building a brand with longevity and integrity.

The struggle is apart of the journey. You have to trust your struggle and believe that it's not in vain. Baby steps...small baby steps. Our generation wants instance admiration and recognition because of the power of social outlets. I am guilty of being impatient and wanting to skip essential steps, to get where I want to be, to attain things I've always wanted. There are unspoken timestamps we self-inflict upon ourselves that inevitably dictates or defines out lives; All of which are material things: new car, clothes etc. I have never had a mediocre mindset, I'm always forward thinking, I see what I want my future to look like, so I have to plant my seeds strategically now to accomplish that. Success is not a straight path, life happens and you have to adjust and persevere through adversity. In the end, that hard work that you planted will flourish once it is given the right amount of nutrients and sunlight ! Keep pushing !

1 comment:

  1. Just keep striving for your goal and let god lead you. He will never let you down.. Always your #1cheerleader Mom
