Thursday, April 10, 2014

The Best Gifts in Life Are Free

When you reflect on life, what are the things that matter the most? Family, Friends, Love, & Memories are all free. Instances in life linger in your heart because of the way your mind remembers it made you feel. Cherish it, those things are priceless.

People often think that money makes you rich, but if you have people in your life that genuinely care about you, you're richer than you think. It's not about what someone can do for you, it's about someone enriching your spirit.

The best gift you could ever give to someone, even a complete stranger, is kindness. It could be a kind gesture, compliment, helping hand, simple hello, or words of encouragement; while it may not seem like much to you, it could make someones day.

I try to make it a point to do at least one good deed for the day. It's the little things that stand out amongst everything else. Show your loved ones you care by sending a text of appreciation, help an elder put groceries in the car, or volunteer to feed the less fortunate. We are all here to do God's work, let his light be the source of your motivation. Have a safe and productive day guys, love you all !

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