Thursday, April 17, 2014

The Best Don't Always Make It

There you go again comparing your life to others. What a boring life it would be if we all mimicked each others lives. Thank God he has a sense of humor, don't think I could live in a bland world lol. Like the old saying goes: "Everything that glitters ain't gold." And more importantly, everything is not always as it seems.

Yeah... from the outside looking in, that person has everything you desire, and are living the life you envisioned for yourself, but at what cost? What has that person sacrificed to get where they are? or what are they going through now? Every person is battling a struggle that you nothing about, they may not speak on it or showcase it, but the battle still exists.

So there's this dream you've been wanting to start working towards for some time now, but just don't feel that you're ready yet. What's stopping you? That dream won't seek you, you have seek it. Stop comparing yourself to others, you are only stopping your growth and holding your gift hostage. Let your talent free, it deserves to breathe.

There will always be someone better, but what separates them from the next person is their work ethic. Hard work beats talent if talent doesn't work hard. There is someone out there that is better than your favorite actor, writer and singer; and although it may be hard to believe, there is an unsigned woman somewhere in this world that can out sing Beyoncé, but the lack of work ethic destroyed her ability to showcase her talent.
Moral of the story, let your talent speak for itself, but match your talent with drive, that's what will get you to the finish line. You are grand, but you have to believe it !

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